I'm not all that enamoured by Bezos, he talks a big game and has had incredible success but...so did Adolf Hitler right? I have some serious concerns about how he has done it, how people that work at Amazon are treated - little better than slaves. Rising to great heights off the backs of others, treating people with contempt and lording over them is not behaviour I want to applaud...just like Adolf Hitler did and that motherfucker deserved to die for it. I'm not saying that Bezos does also, only that I'm less inclined to be open to anything he has to say as there's better role models.
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I understand what you're saying and I'm totally with you. Bezos isn't the best role model. I first read about the theory of the first day in a book about him, and maybe I chose the wrong example because there are other personalities who have used the theory of the first day, like Martin Luther King Jr. I think he's a more than adequate example for this theory. The point is that we should enjoy every moment and live with the excitement of the first day, no matter if it was said by Bezos or M.Luther King or another personality.
The essence is that your article is spot on . It's always a pleasure to read your work, interact with you a bit and above all learn from you. Thanks for sharing so much with us! 😊🙏🏻
Hey mate, I'm sorry I didn't intend to disagree with the concept. In truth I've been a little committed and I think I didn't answer your comment correctly. My apologies.
Every day is a new one and when (if) one's feet hit the ground in the morning we should be thankful for it and seek to make the most of that time we've been given. Each day is a gift, we all have a choice on what to do with it.
Thanks for commenting and I hope you'll excuse my incorrect comment previously.
Mate, sorry for the delay in replying (I had no electricity and ran out of battery)
You don't have to apologize, don't worry, I didn't feel offended at all. On the contrary, as I always tell you, it's a pleasure to interact with you. Sometimes we will agree, sometimes not, if everyone agreed, the world would be very boring, right?
Anyway, you don't have to apologize, at least we learned that neither of us is a big fan of Bezos 😅, so forget about that, but you don't have to apologize with me, everything is fine 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Keep coming up with these interesting topics to keep debating and learning 😉
No worries, I know you've got things to do, and other challenges as well.
I tend to be too direct, a by-product of my past I suppose, so felt
begging forgivenessan apology was warranted. Thanks for accepting.I reckon if I saw Bezos in person it'd be hard not to punch him in the face...I'd probably get jumped on by a pile of ex-military PMC's and pummelled to death, but it'd be worth it. Lol.