You're going to die, I can guarantee it; I don't know when or how but I know it'll happen. I'll die too of course, maybe today or tomorrow, maybe months or years from now I know not which although, like every human on the planet, I know I'll die. The good part about it is that I'm not dead yet and neither are you; we're in this thing we all get to experience, this thing called life, and it's got your name on it so I reckon it's something we should all take the responsibility to own!
This life, the thing that you wake up to each morning, is yours - it's unique to you - and what happens in it, how you think and act, the attitudes and outcomes you have, are largely up to you. Sure, there's things that are outside of your control, but ultimately you have the ability to influence your life, guide it towards what you'd like to gain from it and make choices about how it goes along the way.
Do we have the time to waste? Possibly I suppose, but should we risk wasting any of our lives? I don't know, that's up to the individual, but for me, wasting my life doesn't seem the best use of whatever time I have and because my life has my name on it...well, I feel obligated to take some control of it, to design and create life in the way I wish it to be. It's about ownership and having responsibility for my own outcomes and most of my life has been spent following that ethos and the paths it's led me to travel. Do I have a perfect life because of it? Nope, perfection in life is impossible and a fools errand, but my life is certainly better than it would be should I have not taken that ownership and responsibility.
I was thinking about this today, owning our lives, and taking responsibility for it, and decided I was mostly happy with how I have done so; could I have done better with it? Yes, that's always a yes answer, but I'm content with what I've done over all.
I wondered about others also, not that it's any of my business if people waste their own time of course, but I wondered all the same. Wasting time or life is subjective though I guess and what I see as a waste others may see as valid and constructive although, let's be honest, there's so many people out there wasting their lives with nonsensical things, thoughts, behaviours and actions, it's a plague in modern society, and I wonder when the penny might drop; I wonder when they might realise that time doesn't come around a second time...neither does life.
Life...it's got your name on it and I wonder what that means for you?
Feel free to drop a few words into the comments if you want to share some thoughts on the topic, I'm interested to hear them and I'll always respond.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
[Original and AI free]
The image in this post is my own.
For me, the days I have left on this Earth as a human, I want it to spend it as a original, fulfilling and happy individual. I want to be the best mother my baby daughter could have but at the same time, being myself. Loved your words and your post. This is the kind of content I appreciate the most!!
Best for you, mate @galenkp, all the time.
I think you've got the right idea about it, life I mean. It's something you can influence positively so it makes sense to do exactly that. A little reflection and introspection and the right thoughts and attitudes will help you take the righty actions and life will start to unfold as you desire.
No complains, big thinking mode and try to be happy, sweetie. That's my modo.
I'm glad to see the great discussion you've created here. Well yes, life is to be enjoyed now with what we have. What we wish for, will come or not, but what is certain is that we are alive now and just for that, one should be happy. Only who is alive has a lot of possibilities ahead.
I think being alive might be better than being dead so, for those who happen to be alive, it makes a lot of sense to make the most of that condition right?
😅 te pones de madre (I'd better retreat slowly... )
Life is so ephemeral, a few years ago I was just a little girl playing with my doll. everything is a process and if we don't take advantage of each process we get lost on the way.
for me life is a gift that we only deserve when we take responsibility for it, in spite of the obstacles that we face, because some people, faced with pain and suffering, prefer to give it up before the time it takes.
Life can be very difficult but also quite simple and what we do helps it swing one way or the other and I guess it's constantly moving between each.
Exerting some influence over it is a good way to move it to a more positive place but in doing so there's opportunity for failure. The thing is, that doing nothing at all, letting it slip by without that influence is a failure in itself. I think it's best to live life as well as we can, to create it as best we can...to do otherwise seems wasteful.
This is very inspirational. This type of discussion makes me think of the cliché questions like "What is the meaning of life" and "What is my purpose in life". Living life to the fullest and enjoying seems a bit selfish when there are countless people suffering. Unfortunately, it is impossible for a single person to help everyone in the world. What's worse is that a lot of people only care about themselves and contribute to the suffering of others.
You can only do so much with the limited time in this world. With the way things are, is it even worth doing anything? Everyone dies. Some want to leave a legacy, but at the end of it, you're still dead. It would theoretically be nice if you can change the world similar to famous people like Einstein or Newton, etc. But most likely you don't, and you get forgotten over time.
I guess what's best is to try and treasure the time you have, and do the things you want so you won't have any regrets when you die.
But you suffering also, because they are, won't help them either right?
Newton and Einstein, others like them were/are just normal people like everyone else but they made something happen, took action, got some good results and probably got lucky to some degree also. They failed too though. Isaac Newton's investment failures were catastrophic and legendary for instance.
We all can make a difference to our own lives and I think that's a good place to start. Eventually no one will even know we existed but we exist now and I'd say that's a good reason to make something happen in our own lives.
I really like your positivity. I agree with a lot of what you've said and I hope I can act on it.
If you're thinking the right way, your attitude and actions will follow, usually. Good luck.
Life is an opportunity and you have to make the best of it, you come here for something, then you leave, but it is up to us to decide and be responsible for how we live.
Of course everyone will have their own point of view, but after so much self-knowledge and knowing myself so well, I learned that one must take responsibility for every action and decision and create the best life possible.
Time is the most valuable thing we have, to know our mission is important, to evolve.
I love these topics, I love them! Thank you Galen ✨
Responsibility is one of the most valuable characteristics a person can have, one of the linchpin traits which a person can lean on to work towards a better version of themselves and their lives. There's a few others, but responsibility is one of the cornerstones.
That's right, take responsibility for your actions and be accountable for what you do. Very well said!
...for actions, thoughts and attitudes too.
Exactly .... and how many people only blame others for what happens to them.
Most people.
I totally agree!
We should always strive for excellence, to be better, and to do a bit more, but we should also be content with what we have; a roof over our heads, three meals a day, and a room filled with loved ones.
I know there's one in the chamber with my name on it. But, when it's time to take that bullet, I'll take it knowing that I had good people around me, people who truly cared. And that I died trying, till the end...
I know people who are always thinking about what they don't have, constantly striving for the future...but never seem happy because they don't take time to think about and enjoy what they have. it's as wasteful as letting life slip by without any positive input.
All about material now. It's a game of collecting countless frivolous items, and then showing off.
Yeah, mostly. I like to avoid people like that though, I don't see value in them.
Those people and their frivolous habits are contagious. I know a few, and always try to maintain distance; I don't want other people's influence rubbed on me.
Hello. I don't write comments often. But your post got me thinking. What is our life? Life is a priceless gift (yes, perhaps this is very obvious). For me, life is a huge journey. And I take full responsibility for this journey. On my way I meet various fellow travelers. Some of them are good and kind people. Others are only trying to take advantage of me and deceive or betray me. But the path I take depends only on me. Sometimes I ask evil people. It's easier for me. Often we later become friends with such people. They also have their own path. And sometimes these people are forced by various circumstances to act badly. Each of us has the ability to shape our own destiny. We need to inspire each other to build our own path based on our own desires and goals.
A person's path in life is their own, but those paths cross over with others and things occur that effect each, and that's where complications can arise and value can be found also. I feel that's one of the reasons we need to shape our own lives, to guide it towards the outcomes we want because if we do not it could be decided for us. To let our lives go past without some input seems wasteful to me.
That when I die I will be the basis of where other living beings of Mother earth will grow and that I will only take what I have lived or not lived, my emotions and feelings shared, Galen.
We will all get forgotten at some point, all of us. I mean, do you remember your great, great great grandfather? probably not. So, I guess it's important to live our best lives while we have the chance and when dead...well, who knows what happens then, no one has ever come back to tell us.
What you say is also true, we will be forgotten and never remembered... with the passage of time.
I always tell myself Galen "don't go getting lost, when you find yourself"...And in the end, we all become history.
Have the best week ahead.💜
Thank you very much for inviting us to give our opinion on such a serious subject as death. And thank you very much for the text, the truth is that it is not easy to talk about death. I have no doubt that dying must have its drawbacks. However, I would like to talk about its advantages. I agree, as you say, that we are finite and that we are already born condemned to death. It is clear to me that I have already lived more years than I have left to live. When I look back I am able to see how I have died and resurrected several times. I am not the fool of 20 years ago, nor would I like to be again. But, really, what I want to say after so many words, is that thanks to the certainty that we are doomed to die I can enjoy my mom like at no other time in my life. She is 86 years old and I don't know how many more years I will be able to enjoy her company. What I can say is that it is at this time in my life, and no other, that I can stop and look at her, breathe and see her more beautiful than ever. This I can do now, with more than five decades behind me, and knowing that life is finite. That death is waiting for us.
Most don't like to acknowledge it, let alone talk about it. I'm the opposite; I know it's coming and that understanding helps me live my life a lot better while I have it.
You've reinvented yourself over you life, like most have, and I think that's how it's supposed to be - we grow and develop and part of that is coming to terms with the fact that we, and everyone around us, will die at some stage; if that doesn't provide strong motivation to live one's best life I don't know what would.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks to you for your kindness and for answering; In Hive I have arrived by chance, by a friend who invited me to follow it, my idea is not to publish. Which makes me feel a bit intrusive. For now I only upload comments in places where it is invited to participate and, of course, that have interest for me. Again thank you very much
You're welcome, and there's no pressure; if you only want to comment and not post that's ok. Thanks for coming by my post, I'll see you around the place again I suppose.
I think I'll keep stopping by, it would be foolish not to go back to the places where you feel comfortable and can learn. A few days ago you talked about a book of quotations. I wanted to give you a quote that I think is appropriate for this post. Maybe you already know the quote, maybe you don't. If you don't know it maybe you will write it down in the book or maybe not. It doesn't matter.
"That he died is not sufficient proof that he lived" Stanisław Jerzy Lec.
Thanks for the quote, I'm contemplate it over the next few days.
In this side of the world, it's still early (it's 11 AM) and reading your post has made me feel encouraged. Hopefully, everyone who reads this post will think the same way. I'm of the opinion that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, but in a good way. Life is short, so it's not worth wasting that little time or energy on things that don't benefit us. I was lost for a while, traveling around here, and I must say that it was one of the best experiences I've had. It made me realize that sometimes we waste time on small details that don't contribute anything and we stop living life for things that only make sense at that moment. That's not healthy or advisable. So, my friend, I think like you. We should work and fight to have the life we want and not waste a minute on things that don't benefit us.
Some people would say that spending time reflecting is wasted time and others might say wasting time sitting peacefully in natural places is also a waste. Some may think playing a video game is valid and valuable time, or getting drunk every night whilst sucking in a packet of cigarettes...it's all subjective and people's own choices. I guess, the going to die someday thing is somewhat of a reminder to me and the knowledge helps me work towards a better life day by day and a greater level of presence in the moments those days contain.
What wisdom in your words. I agree with you, everyone is free to choose. In my case, I like to apply Jeff Bezos' concept of the first day... In one of his books, he tells that at Amazon he always worked as if it were the first day... whenever you start a business you work with the excitement of the new (in many cases, this is forgotten over time) Bezos says that just like entrepreneurship we should treat our life as if it were always the first day of something bigger and I like that theory, there are days when it is hard to keep the excitement but it always makes me think about making the most of the present and making each day count.
It is always a pleasure to interact with you, mate
I'm not all that enamoured by Bezos, he talks a big game and has had incredible success but...so did Adolf Hitler right? I have some serious concerns about how he has done it, how people that work at Amazon are treated - little better than slaves. Rising to great heights off the backs of others, treating people with contempt and lording over them is not behaviour I want to applaud...just like Adolf Hitler did and that motherfucker deserved to die for it. I'm not saying that Bezos does also, only that I'm less inclined to be open to anything he has to say as there's better role models.
I understand what you're saying and I'm totally with you. Bezos isn't the best role model. I first read about the theory of the first day in a book about him, and maybe I chose the wrong example because there are other personalities who have used the theory of the first day, like Martin Luther King Jr. I think he's a more than adequate example for this theory. The point is that we should enjoy every moment and live with the excitement of the first day, no matter if it was said by Bezos or M.Luther King or another personality.
The essence is that your article is spot on . It's always a pleasure to read your work, interact with you a bit and above all learn from you. Thanks for sharing so much with us! 😊🙏🏻
Hey mate, I'm sorry I didn't intend to disagree with the concept. In truth I've been a little committed and I think I didn't answer your comment correctly. My apologies.
Every day is a new one and when (if) one's feet hit the ground in the morning we should be thankful for it and seek to make the most of that time we've been given. Each day is a gift, we all have a choice on what to do with it.
Thanks for commenting and I hope you'll excuse my incorrect comment previously.
Mate, sorry for the delay in replying (I had no electricity and ran out of battery)
You don't have to apologize, don't worry, I didn't feel offended at all. On the contrary, as I always tell you, it's a pleasure to interact with you. Sometimes we will agree, sometimes not, if everyone agreed, the world would be very boring, right?
Anyway, you don't have to apologize, at least we learned that neither of us is a big fan of Bezos 😅, so forget about that, but you don't have to apologize with me, everything is fine 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Keep coming up with these interesting topics to keep debating and learning 😉
Everyday starts like blessings. After getting up I always think one thing My today should be better in comparison to previous day.
Achieving perfection in life is no doubt fool's errand that's why I also want to make it better like you have achieved it.
yep, that's called seeking continual improvement, well done.
I actually evaluate my day in three hour blocks...09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00...that way, if I realise the last three hours have been unproductive I have the chance to change the rest of the day rather than wait for the next one.
as a professional soldier, I often wonder if I could intentionally take someone's life, just because of an order, a duty. I can't speak out loud about such thoughts. Maybe before pulling the trigger, I would ask myself what kind of life my opponent I want to shoot at probably lived. Hopefully this moment will never come. Peace be with you
It's something that each soldier who may see combat needs to think about and each will draw their own conclusions and will have their own reasons for their choices. I hope you are able to come to, and action, the decisions you need as people will rely on you to do so. Good luck.
It glad you are wondering about those wasting time. You have seen posts as these;
If you have nothing to do ,don't do it here or
idlers are no allowed here or
an idle mind is the workshop of the devil.
When people are idle and have nothing to do they are not actually having completely nothing to do as they would be planning to attack and loot what you are busy amassing
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