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RE: It's got your name on it

in Reflectionslast year

We should always strive for excellence, to be better, and to do a bit more, but we should also be content with what we have; a roof over our heads, three meals a day, and a room filled with loved ones.

I know there's one in the chamber with my name on it. But, when it's time to take that bullet, I'll take it knowing that I had good people around me, people who truly cared. And that I died trying, till the end...


I know people who are always thinking about what they don't have, constantly striving for the future...but never seem happy because they don't take time to think about and enjoy what they have. it's as wasteful as letting life slip by without any positive input.

All about material now. It's a game of collecting countless frivolous items, and then showing off.

Yeah, mostly. I like to avoid people like that though, I don't see value in them.

Those people and their frivolous habits are contagious. I know a few, and always try to maintain distance; I don't want other people's influence rubbed on me.