Every one of my posts gets downvoted, it means literally nothing to me. But like you say, there's a lot of strange people here who lose their fucken minds at the first sight of a downvote. If it came from me, and they react like that, they get a whole fuck ton more usually. Getting aggressive with me never has the effect people think it will.
Bipolar...it's possible for sure. Entitled? Yep definitely. Lazy? That too.
Haha, yeah, probably a little bit of all of those things! I get downvoted occasionally, it really rubbed me the first couple of times, but I learned to not let it bother me. I think if my posts ever started getting zeroed I'd be more concerned about what I did wrong to get to that point versus how unfair it was or whose fault it was. Fingers crossed that never happens.
It may happen, it's one of those things. People come to Hive for the freedom and that means they have the freedom to vote as they wish, just like everyone else does. It's a simple thing really.