I like powering up when I have the Hive rather than wait for power up day, every day is power up day if there's Hive to power up. It means the power up starts working right then and there rather than sitting around doing nothing for say, 30 days.
The doing what people like thing is often an argument...and yet if I chose to downvote their posts because all they did was take take take then they soon start whining that I'm not allowed to do it...even thought they say people can do what they like. Funny huh? So yeah, people can do what they like, be takers...just like others can upvote how they like, choose not to, or downvote.
You mention curation...Below is the last few days of my curation...so yes, people underestimate the power of powering up and earning curation: Curation is the column on the right side.

I'm glad you're going to start considering the account before simply upvoting, I've actually started leaving comments saying, "I'm not voting this *great) content because all you do is power down." Remember freedom of choice? Lol.
That's the thing about Freedom. It means not everyone has to like (or approve) of what others do.
Two of my favorite quotes "Your approval is not required" Don't know who said it, but I love it.
The other:
"And it harm none, do what ye will, shall be the whole of the law"
Wiccan Rede... unknown exact author but again wise advice. Requires a bit of deep thought, but very profound.
Carry on.
Indeed, you're right...and wanting freedom to act as one pleases but wanting to take someone else's isn't legit.
Good quotes mate, I'll be adding the second to my list...and thinking more on it...and the first, goes without saying for fellows of our ilk.