Power up...or no votes

in Reflections6 months ago


I'm into my eighth year on the blockchain and feel protective of it because I like it. I support it through power ups and voting on posts and comments. I power up a lot and I vote a lot. Go and have a look at my wallet if you wish, it tells the story.

I'm frustrated that many people power down and exit funds rather than taking some and powering some up to support the community. People can do what they like, but because I want to keep the blockchain sustainable I happily power up.

But I'm changing things up.

Remember I said people can do what they like? Well I can too, so I'm changing my voting habits by using my stake to support those who support the blockchain...and cease to support those who do not.

My new voting habits

I'll be checking people's wallets and if I see no power ups and a load of power downs exiting funds I'll not vote them.

That's it folks, simple really...no support for those who don't support the community and blockchain.

Additional work for me yes, but I'm up to the task...some will earn larger upvotes than they've been getting from me because there's so many takers out there, power downers, that'll I'll have to focus my votes on a smaller range of people - yay for those people.

More clarity

I don't expect people to power up everything like I do, but rather than take it all people could power up around half, maybe a third of what they take out. An example:

  • A person wants to withdraw 100 Hive from their wallet: Power up 50 Hive and take 50 Hive.

That's supporting the blockchain and keeping it sustainable; it also means their vote value grows which means they can support others and earn additional curation too.

I have looked at many wallets in the last day or so and some accounts have no power ups for a year and more and more or tiny power ups of amounts like 0.050 Hive (half a cent!)...while they take hundreds out of the blockchain at the same time. It's not sustainable.

In summary

  • I'll be checking wallets of those I upvote and supporting those who power up.
  • If you're one of those power down and takers, don't expect my upvotes unless you power up.
  • Don't expect curangel promotion, I'll be sending posts from those who support the blockchain.
  • If you're a legit Hiver who powers up you may get much larger votes from me.
  • I vote on comments on my posts and other's so comment with relevance and personality.

I've seen so many posts and comments saying how much people love and care for the blockchain...but there they are taking away from it and offering nothing in return. It's not sustainable. Hive isn't a personal bank. A quick look at a person's wallet, perfectly visible to all, tells the story about how much they support the blockchain. Power down after power down and no power ups, or power ups of ridiculous amounts like 0.050 (when they've just withdrawn 500 Hive the day before) is pathetic, greedy and selfish.

I care about the blockchain so from now on I'll be demonstrating it by removing my upvotes from those users who don't support the blockchain with a power up now and then...it doesn't have to be a power up of everything they have, just not some dumb-ass amount like 0.002 Hive and upvoting those who do support the blockchain and community.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


Mate, you have no idea how much I admire your position and how much I enjoyed reading this post. I believe we should do more of what you propose.

I’m not an example for anyone nor do I pretend to be, but I live in Cuba, a country with a broken economy where Hive is one of the ways to buy food. Even so, I never miss a PUD (I love the HiveBuzz badges and the meaning behind them). What I receive from my delegations , I power up and delegate again to those project to continue supporting new hivers. Whenever I can, I do a power up. Why? Because I love everything I do here, and in the future, I would like my account to reach a large number of HP so I can support many more people who are just starting, just as I have been helped.

I hope that if you’re reading my comment and you’re one of those who does a lot of power downs, you reconsider it. If you’re receiving support, the least you can do is return that support and not take money out of the Blockchain.

Mate, I admire you a lot for everything you said in your post

Perhaps the best comment I have seen in awhile, especially coming from Cuba. I live not too far from you. Also my wife went to school in Miami. We have a lot of Cuban friends in exile;)

If I've learned anything from old accounts like yours, it's that if you receive from the community, you should give back as much as possible (sometime you guys, give back more and more), and that's what I try to do to a great extent.

I don't know where you live, but I'm 100% sure it's closer than Galen 😂

I believe there are Cubans everywhere; you kick a rock and several come out 😅—that's our sad reality . And Miami is like our second homeland

We live in Houston, TX now. I am originally from India.

But man, we did spend some great evenings at Calle Ocho! You reminded me of those days! Damn, its been years!

Oh and please don't call it sad reality! It is very happy reality. In fact Calle Ocho is probably one of the happiest I have ever been. Back then we didn't have money but people over there took us like we are family.

You're quite close and yet far from home, my friend...

When I say 'sad reality,' I mean that many Cubans had to leave their homeland out of necessity. If Calle Ocho is amazing, just imagine any street in Old Havana, but due to political issues, it's not like that now (but that's another topic)

Meanwhile, in Calle Ocho, we have a piece of Cuba, an almost exact replica, and Cubans don’t change no matter where they are. Reading your emotion brings me great joy.

I think Indians and Cubans have something very similar: with very little, we have an incredible time, don't we?

In Houston, there is also a large Cuban community, so you’ve probably crossed paths with some

Yes in Houston too.

Well even here in hive, my guildmate, my brother Luis, is Cuban, born there, lives in Miami though :)


Hi @azircon and @dahpilot . Yes, I was also born in Cuba (Cruces, Cienfuegos en el periodo especial) but was lucky to have been able to leave to the US. I love our culture and can spend an entire night drinking and playing dominoes with family and friends. On a darker note, I have noticed how things are turning even worse as every day passes. I hope you are able to escape Cuba one day because I don't see it getting any better.

I've seen your wallet...it looks like this...

Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up
Power up

I know you live in Cuba and how hard it is...and you know that because of how you act here, the way you post and comment with relevance and personality, you get my vote (100% votes). I wonder when others will learn to do the same as you and benefit. Instead, they do not and won't get my support. I'm also hoping other's with larger stakes begin to do the same and vote for those who deserve it with good content, effort, personality and who power up...rather than those who selfishly take it all out.

Lets see huh?

I'm not sure if I'm worthy of admiration man, although I appreciate you saying it. I'm a passionate person, in all things, and want the blockchain to be sustainable. I'm also a simple man, a bit of a knucklehead, so apply that to what I do here. It makes sense (to me) to support those who support the blockchain and not reward those who do not.

I guess I'm lucky to have discovered the right accounts when I started, and above all, to learn as much as possible.

Earning your vote is one of the most significant things that has happened to me here, and you can be sure that I will maintain it and keep learning so you won't change that opinion.

And yes, Mate, you are truly admirable because after so much time, you continue to help, create community, and inspire everyone. How many olds accounts do you the same? For that and more, you are admirable, Mate

Keep up the good work, it's that which first caught my eye, and your cool profile image. 😊

I had a very quick scroll down to see if anyone had jumped in with whining about how they HAD to power down because reasons and was happily disappointed (that sounds so weird).

I also didn't make it to the end of the comments as I'm supposed to be doing class writeups right now but I'm stupidly procrastinating them again x_x

Admire the dedication of willingly adding to your workload, though I guess it would count as the due diligence side of things?

There's one, just now, who is whining, nothing some more downvotes on his posts won't fix though. 😐

Yeah, it's more work but I'll do it even if that means I post less here and there. I'm tired of the extractors using the rest of the community as their own personal bank.

More downvotes or more mutes? x_x

Fair I think.

Here is a simple measure.

I call it Krampus Co-efficient! KE

KE > 1.0 Naughty
KE < 1.0 You are on Santa's list :)


after 8 years I'm finally on the naughty list.

Following next summers bull i'll be back on santa's list. And of course i'll remind you to pull a chart at this time :)

You are always on Santa list for me :)

A perfect guide/measure.

Based on this scientific determination I'm with Santa, so I'm looking forward to Christmas, I might finally get my air craft carrier!

Damn! Air Craft Carrier!

Real or Lego? LOL

You know in the present world, it not such a bad idea!

A real one would be nice, I don't think it's too much to ask. One needs to be able to protect one's interested right? A tank division would be a nice addition...and three or four nuclear submarines of course.

You wallet peeper !


I have never taken anything out, so I will be appreciating all those giant votes you will be passing over.

You know I'm kidding, you already support my shenanigans generously, but it would have been no fun not to joke around about it a bit.

Yep, a good thing too, otherwise my votes would be going to assholes...instead, people like you get them. I don't have a huge stake so I'd not call my votes giant, like not 12 inches of vote, maybe a solid seven and a half inches with good girth.

A 12 inch vote....now that would be a lot of ....support.....

I really never thought about it that much, I mean, people that don't build up, not having anything to support the chain with.

Your audience will probably shrink a little. I guess that is normal though, if you don't feed the strays.

You bad boy ! 🐂

My audience? Few actually read my posts and I know who they are...the reason why I do titles that say something, but nothing to do with the actual content. I don't care if my audience drops, I care about the quality of those I engage with and those who engage with me for the right reasons. I figure fewer will enter my #weekend-engagement topics too, that's ok as well, those who enter will get more, plain and simple...and if no one enters there's more of my vote left for people like you...either way my curation won't dip (will probably go up) and those who are around me for the right reason will gain as well.

Me? Bad? You mean me? Surely not.

Ok, yeah I'm at least 12 inches of bad! (with girth!) 🤣

Hear, Hear! Go Mr. G! I tend to apply this principle to self voters but I might just follow suit though my vote is quite modest.

Yes, self voters are also not high on my list...good call!

We were always told as kids that 'self praise is no praise'. The very act of posting is surely enough self-endorsement, but of course it is up to each to follow his own principles.

Exactly! Don't go 'round tootin' your own horn my dad would say. I like the 'self praise is no praise', too

Wise words.

It seems quite logical to want to support those who support the blockchain with a power up now and then, Iike to see people doing them weekly, not monthly and certainly not fucken 0.050 annually!

Supporting people who take everything weakens the blockchain and I can only see a benefit to EVERYONE powering up weekly and EVERYONE casting votes on people other than themselves, including comments. Takers...well, they'll be getting sweet fuck all from me and if that narrows down who I vote for so be it...you'll get more, as will others who support the blockchain with power ups.

It doesn't matter how big your vote is, just cast in on users who truly deserve it.

Perhaps you've started a movement. It would push creators to put out quality or run the risk of diminished returns. We are a self governing body, so they should take the hint and if not, then they will suffer from a lack of attention. That, or a slap upside the noggin..that might do it lol

I've tried before, many have, and in an ideal world what you say will happen but I think it won't.

An example:

other posts as well. But nope, so many drop and disappear. It doesn't make sense to me that a person would be so short sighted.Many people enter the #weekend-engagement concept, drop a post and fuck off. I've been voting them commensurate with the quality of post and sending to curangel where deserving. So many don't come back to engage with me in the week though, just drop their post on a weekend and disappear. A lost opportunity, because if they engaged they'd get more votes on comments and, once a relationship is formed, their

That's ok though, more of my vote is left over for people like you, your comments and all, and others like you.

If people won't change their ways they'll earn less from me. Will that catch on? Maybe not.

Lots of folks seem to run from one opportunity to the next trying to maximize gain and wind up being behind the eight ball the whole way. For those people, I don't think they'll get the message from withholding a vote, but with repeated slights they may slow down enough to realize something's different. Putting down roots is the way, show you are rock solid and dependable and build from that firm base. I think that's an issue with new user retention as well, huge expectation for tiny effort.

Putting down roots is the way, show you are rock solid and dependable and build from that firm base

Yep, for sure, but most just want a fast pay day and don't think too much into the future, Hive and real life, and then wonder why they have fuck all at some point down the line. That's when they blame everyone else but themselves. Predictable behaviour.

It's not sustainable.

That's kinda why I've been pointing at the world outside, hoping at some point people realize there's a lot of support available out there and they don't need to depend on current stakeholders to find success here. It's possible to build your own support base if your offering is attractive enough, stemming from individuals currently on the outside. That approach is sustainable, even when the creator needs to pay themselves in order to purchase better gear so they can create better content for their community/audience.

I know it's an unpopular opinion. Still, I encourage everyone to have a look at other platforms, see how they're evolving, and pay special attention to how common it is now for people to support content creators with their own money. Also note how much money goes back into production value which in turn makes the product and platform itself more attractive to more people.

For example: Watch the host of The Why Files on Youtube roll the credits at the end of each video. Compare his first video to now. And look how popular his show is becoming.

There's an explosion of interest in the independent arts. I guess attempting to point this out several different ways over the years has been my way of caring about the place, since I think that combined with this new tech is a good match.

It was just the other day that I was watching some videos on 'the tube' which I still watch regularly for exposure to my own hobbies, along with business inspiration. Several of those folks have live streams and people readily donate to them (myself included) for the services provided. The value I receive from those videos is worth the money spent when compared to classes or workshops with very high fees.

Folks are tuning in to see and listen to alternative sources and Hive could absolutely be one of those same sources for news, views and entertainment. I'll check out the Why Files.

Yes. People are paying for everything, because people are interested in everything, and they have the option.

Meanwhile, your money goes a lot further here using these tools. And I think this approach would encourage even more people to be in support of the things they're interested in, since it makes it so much more affordable.

That's "the new internet" and this is "the new tech" and "the new money" so to me it only makes sense taking that direction is wise.

I've been waiting for this to click for several years here, since before it was so common over there and elsewhere. In a sense this platform was ahead of its time. Now it needs to play catch up in some ways.

I could also go off on another tangent, talking about how important this tech is when it comes to solving problems in the future caused by centralized AI sources. But those issues won't be evident for another 5 to 10 years at least so maybe I'll wait.

Why Files is a cool show. You'll like it. Hecklefish's audio can be a bit obnoxious at times though. Some of those videos get demonitized by Youtube so he just reached out and got support the new way. Carries on. Does really well.

Ahead of it's time is right, and while everyone (minus a few, like yourself) was entranced with this new gig, we weren't paying attention to the other social platforms. Actually, I'm talking about myself lol...I was not paying attention.

I'll be patiently waiting for the next tangent.

You're completely right about being dependent, but I think many are so lazy and don't have the gumption to get up and actively participate in their lives. Entitlement is a curse. People can be quite short-sighted I think.

Also note how much money goes back into production value which in turn makes the product and platform itself more attractive to more people.

Yep, and here on Hive it's (basically) as easy as posting and commenting with passion, personality and a little effort. It starts with little steps (as you point out with the YT example) and builds momentum from there. But on Hive...people post shit and just hope for a whale vote or for votes from someone with stake...all the while planning to take it all out...well, no more votes from me, that's for sure.

I'm not altogether sure my little post here will have any effect on those takers, they're not often the sorts to even read the posts of others, but my lack of votes on accounts like that will have an effect on their revenue. In my head, people with stake are seeking this, thinking of changing their habits as well, and if that was to be the case the additional voting on accounts staking (and doing other positive things) and the lack of voting on those that do not may start to lean people towards the right path. Who knows huh?


I like it. No one is saying you aren't free to do as you wish with your own money what instead is being said that the people with stake are just as free to do what they want with their "money"

Yep, pretty much the message and that the stake I have (or anyone else) will be better invested in others who support the blockchain.

Imagine a little baby who is fed, nurtured, cared for and educated - Grows up better than one who is thrown in a dumpster and left to be gnawed at by the rats and ants until it dies and decomposes.

Those with stake should be supporting those who support the blockchain meaning those who actively build their own stake!

I vote you lol...throwin' ma big stake around lol

That's what you got to do with that big ole stake, throw it around like nobody's business!! 😀😀

LOL I'm throwing it around like I am somebody! ahahaa...I do have a good time!

If you believe you are then you are! That's all that counts 😀😀

You are one of the most prolific and generous people on the blockchain, and as much as you put into it, it is no wonder that you want to protect that. It isn't just a money thing....it is the time that is also invested. I understand some folks need to take sometimes to survive and in fact, I have been in that situation before. But for skinners and farmers I have no love.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go power up my .002 ;)

Thank you, and yes there's a lot of time invested as well,but this is about the blockchain generally, it needs support and there's people out there doing that...but many who simply take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take, take...younger the idea.

I figured a few would comment with the "got to live" scenario, but here's the thing...give a man a fish and he'll eat, teach him to fish and he'll...umm...eat way more. You know?

I have to live to you know...one doesn't have to live in a third world country to have struggles. Others have to live also...Hive isn't a bank but that's how people see it. This post, and others like it recently, will not change things...but I'll not be supporting those who take all the time...I'd rather give my vote to someone who supports and if they need it or not...I don't care, I feel they deserve it because they're out there supporting everyone with their own power ups and votes.

Edit: Lolled at your 0.002 comment.

It also matters not to me if a person needs the upvote or not. I will say that I have not been as sharp at judging merit as I should be, but it's getting better the more I exercise the voting.

It takes a little more time for sure, but I'd rather invest the time and support those who feel beholden to the blockchain and want to support it by staking and voting others. Whether a person needs an upvote or not never enters my mind, I vote on merit and commensurate to how that person engages, the personality, effort and passion they show.

Well I already replied my initial comments, but then did some research on a few folks. First, I have to admit, I had never really even looked at this before and didn't even know where to find it. I thought I'd make it easier for other folks that may not know how...

In Ecency, go to the person's wallet, then scroll down to the "History" section and filter on "Stake Operations"
as shown circled in the screen cap.....

In PeakD, go to the person's wallet, then scroll down to "Transactions" , then filter on "Power Up / Power Down" as shown circled in this cap.

I have to admit, I was surprised at seeing a few folks that I regularly give decent votes to on the "naughty" list.
Again though they are free to do as they like, I will also be using my freedom to adjust my voting. I feel it is important to keep HIVE around long term and help it continue to grow.


Nice work mate, and I'm sure those others who will now receive your vote because they're powering up and supporting the community will appreciate it! Hopefully that ripple effect happens and those you will withdraw support from start to get with the program.

Indeed. Understandable and healty. This course of action is 100% correct.

I run a little activity group called the Busy Bees (Don't know if you noticed them) so I track and trace our Growth/Posting Activity on this group. Its all about motivation and support.

So I have a spreadsheet of those people and generally they concept is for people to GROW. We have made many Redfish go to Minnow and Minnows to Dolphins, myself included. In fact, I have been keeping record on and off from Redfish till Dolphin. But this is not about me.

Its about a community. I want to see multiples of strong accounts. The more people have larger accounts, the healthier my community and the greater Hive community.

I am struggling financially outside Hive. So I tend to use my HBD. But when the Hive price goes down, then I also use my HBD to buy more Hive and Power Up. Especially when I earn overtime in my day job.

I do plan on using the Hive in the far future with the aim of staking even MORE Hive. I want to get to that Orca level! 😁😁😁

I want to thank you for what you do in the community overall, your content, your community action and this - an increase of time spent by you, but an action that will support Hive better overall. 💪💪😁🍻🐝


I've always been happy to support the community because a few supported me when I first started and it's just the right thing to do. As my stake grew so did my ability to support others and so did my ability (and desire) to punish those who work in anti-community ways (whether they see it that way or not) and a bigger stake helps me do all of it. Tracking it is a good way to go which is why, as a minimum, I suggest to people to power up at the very same time the extract funds so that people like me can see the power up and the extraction side by side - it helps me understand what's going on. Alas, few ever listen to me and do whatever they like...and there's consequences to that, either way (as per my latest post. entitled consequences.

Anyway, thanks for your kind words, for powering up when you can and supporting others.

🤙🍻💪🐝 Have a lekker day!

It's lekker because I just got home from work and even more lekker that I'll be watching a Star Wars movie tonight on Blueray. (VII)

Have a good day.

Great! Enjoy it!

I still have a lot to learn about Hive, especially in terms of finances, so I took the task of reading the opinion of some people about the monetary health of HIVE and some other added advice, then I have become aware that a long-term benefit is much more practical and intelligent than bleeding the account irresponsibly.

My only regret is losing the first four months since I started.

I think he has enough reasons to assume this attitude and I agree 100%.

I saw your power ups (checked your wallet) and was glad to see them. It's not about powering up everything, just finding balance and powering up to support the blockchain that supports us. Well done.

Thank you, I hope I can improve a little more every day.

Continual improvement is a good state of being.

It was never better said.

My posts are set to reward me 100% in HP, so I don't have mush of anything to power up, except for the small amount of HBD I make on comments, which I'm accumulating so that I have a little liquid hive. That 15% interest is hard to resist, and having a bit of HBD in savings stabilizes my bottom line. I can't remember the last time I powered down.

I feel that if folks are trying to live on what they make here, I have no complaints. But, if they are just removing it, or delegating it nearly all, so that their upvote is very small, to any entity that rewards them with large upvotes or rewards of some kind... well, I stopped supporting those accounts long ago, no matter how good the content is. I look closely at an account's activity before I decide to do this though, not only at whether or not they power down. There are other ways to take advantage of hive.

100% HP is essentially the same things, so well done. (I checked your wallet yesterday and you'll get my votes.)

Your second paragraph, I do the same thing. I understand that people think they can live on it, (makes me wonder how they lived before they got on the blockchain...anyway...) but taking hundreds out and powering up none? Surely they could power up/stake 10 out of every hundred they take out?

Anyway, they won't get my votes, you will though.

OK good. I wanted to make sure you weren't talking about me! I feel like I'm a contributing member, good content, careful curating, regular presence, mostly staked. But ya never know...

It pays to check. 😉

You're all good, no worries.

I have seen what you mention, directly emptying the accounts they have, everything they earn they take out of the account and I have seen it a lot everywhere.

In my case I haven't withdrawn anything yet, everything is reinvested and I have a strategy to multiply it soon so that my HP can go up and help many people.

I believe that we all grow together and we need more thoughts like this, we must make the platform sustainable and move forward.

Hugs Galen and good night.

If everyone powers down and takes their earnings without bothering to stake some no one's vote would be worth anything and that's that.

I find Hive to be a far worse place than it used to be, full of scammers, greed and selfishness...and fucken terrible AI and other such low-effort content. I could write a list of accounts on that front. Anyway, people should support the blockchain that supports them...and if they don't, they'll get fuck all from me...or maybe I'll give them some downvotes to take away with them.

I checked your wallet a while back and see you building and supporting.

I've been here for almost two years now and this zero-effort content abounds too much and more and more, and I don't see it as a good thing.
It should be a joint work helping the blockchain.

I hope you had a great day, I salute you from the past!

I often use hivestats.io to check my account (but also to see how other accounts boost HP).
When I looked at yours, I was afraid of how steep the heights are 🙂
To the moon 🚀
When I compared my seven-day and monthly HP growth with yours, I found a similarity in the upward trajectory, with a 10-20 times difference, but that's normal for so many years of difference...
That's the trajectory I want to take in the long run ↗️↗️↗️
Yesterday I came across a post with a similar topic as yours today, I reblogged it, so I don't give the link here... "Is it okay to stake the bare minimum HP and withdraw everything else?" How many comments did it get...

It's good to see that this is on your radar...it's all about responsibility for the blockchain and with a little balance the place would be doing much better than it is...but people are selfish assholes mostly.

You apply effort, and you also look to grow personally and support the blockchain which is why you get my votes. Just on that post you mentioned, I know the one and commented on it already.

I know the one and commented on it already.

There were a lot of comments yesterday, I had to go back and look at all the new ones... I barely had time after my first day at work after vacation 🙂

This story boils down to this: this is a free network where anyone can do as they wish. But not for how long does he want? Hive is not an inexhaustible source of funds that you just take from it, sometimes you have to give something, for the benefit of everyone. unfortunately, there are parts of the world where $1 a day is enough to survive the day and I understand the members who have to extract their funds to survive, I understand and support that, but then, make an extra effort, make even more quality content that will attract a lot more attention and earn two or three times more, so take out only half or a third of Hive, not all (as you wrote).

PS. Thank you very much for your support!

the members who have to extract their funds to survive

Yeah, until it all collapses because they didn't support it and then...well, no survival, I guess they'll all die? Nah, probably not, they'll go back to doing whatever they were doing before.

That survival excuse isn't always a good one.

You are right there.

How did you survive before Hiva?
Live the same with Hive, with a little relief, and not with a complete withdrawal of funds...

However, when an easy source of any kind of income is found, a person becomes greedy and just "give, give, give..."

Yeah, they see it as easy money...we'll, I'll not be handing out any more to them.

I've been doing the same since I started here.... The essence was clear to me at once, so I did not see and do not see the point of withdrawing money from here, as well as supporting those who are trying to milk this cow forever).

Indeed, supporting those who take everything out doesn't seem the best way to go and won't educate those who take everything into supporting the blockchain with a weekly power up of 10-20 Hive.

Keep up the good work personally and the good work of supporting those who actively support the blockchain.

I also love to power up because I definitely would love to have more and be able to support others in a little way I can. I don't have much but with the little I have I am also delegating the hp so others can in a way benefit from my hive power.

Inssr you powering up and taking some out for yourself and that is ok. I have told people in the past to do their removal and power up at the same time so the wallet shows both transactions together: Like this below...

100 out
100 powered up
100 out
100 powered up
100 out
100 powered up

This makes it really easy for people like me to see your pattern and understand you're not just taking but are supporting as well.

Anti socialist introduced me to this concept like 6 weeks ago and I’ve been noodling on it ever since. Such funny timing! He doesn’t vote on someone that is 65 rep and less than 1k HP or 70 rep and less than 5k HP. A bit of a happy medium perhaps between your style and others.

I just last week started to implement it and it does feel good to put the most rewards and effort to those people who are going to keep the stake in the account instead of just treating it like a piggy bank. I think between these types of activities from those of us with many thousands of hive power and flagging the vote farming scams - we can hopefully right the ship that is the market price of hive.

My happy medium is not voting for assholes who take everything out and don't power up. My vote is spread between few people now, mostly established accounts, I'm sick and tired of funding people's lifestyles whilst they simply take, take, take...and say things like, omg, my life is so hard so I need to take Hive. Yeah, life is hard, but what did they do before someone brought them to Hive? Hmm.

A person's rep score doesn't mean they're not an extractor, just that people with reps bigger than them have voted on them. So, I check wallets for power ups and outgoings. I need to see fewer of the former and some of the latter or no vote. I even checked yours.

Yeah I hear you man! I’ve started to check wallets a lot more regularly and glad that you put me through the same test, as I wouldn’t expect any special treatment. Gotta put our money where our mouth is and change things ourselves if we expect others to follow suit.

The people who take it all out no matter what are very frustrating as are the same people who just drop a comment on a post, nice photos hoping for a vote they can cash out in a week. I’ve started just muting those idiots.

You're getting more votes from me, you notice that? That's because I will not vote fucken extractors. I'll support those who support the blockchain and fuck the rest.

Yep, I mute a lot of people, but they tend to disappear eventually like those who enter my weekend-engagement topics hoping for the vote from an orca and curangel...nope, not going to happen...they'll disappear.

Yeah haha I did notice that, and thank you for any of the support you provide as always! Speaking of power up, added a nice 300 to mine! It’s pretty wild how getting into the 20’s and 30’s your curation rewards go up really nicely and it kicks into overdrive at 40 and I’m sure the higher it goes. Feels pretty cool to give 2 hive per 100% vote if I wanted to.

The thing I am trying to figure out carefully - who are the up and coming people who could use the support from some votes. Do you have any junior people on the promising list? I made a PeakD list of people who seem promising and ended up cleaning it out and it’s got 2 people in it now but always looking for mor.

It's way more fun with stake, and curation is better as well of course. That's why I power up pretty much daily (see my wallet) because it earns and people see the power ups all the time. Doing it monthly doesn't seem productive...just to get a fucken bee? We're not children and shouldn't need little fucken bee incentives that means literally fuck all.

Do you have any junior people on the promising list?

See below for a few suggestions:

@leopard0 - Newish, very small power ups but no power downs @adaluna1973 - Same as above @becca-mac - No power downs, no extractions, all power ups 1-2 posts/week, good content @nanixx - Powers up when possible, takes some, seems balanced (and she shares it around) @duskobgd - Not new, powers up very small amounts, takes some out but could be promising @kilvnrex - As above (small power ups which could improve I think) @shawnnft - Takes a lot out but powers up a little up too @juwon-btc - Takes small amounts but also powers up regularly @deirdyweirdy - Not new but I like this nutbag (she's fun and powers up) @glideglobe - Not many power ups but no extracting either, good content

There's a few potentials all of which I support (the first one is fairly new to me and is still in the evaluation phase). I hope this helps a little @cmplxty. (I typed your name and it auto-populated with no less than seven accounts!)

Hahaha, nutbag is it? You know what they say...it takes one to know one!:)

Thank you for recognizing me as a member who does not harm Hive BC and for adding me to this list 🙂

I have to be honest, in addition to the fact that I like the "bee" badges (they give me a visual improvement of my work), I try to make a PUD with a daily minor boost and thus get the delegated HP, which hivebuzz gives.

That's why on my wallet you can see a part of Hiva waiting for its time to be strengthened.

One thing is important, I didn't use any of the Hives I made from rewards (in HBD) for anything other than increasing HP 🙂

This, which is seen as a small withdrawal, probably refers to Hive that I bought on Binance and transferred from my account to hiveswap to buy some tokens or bought Hive for HBD on Hivedex (in addition to the fact that I bought Hive a couple of times for fiat that I delegated )? I have not yet learned how and what is displayed 🙂

I know that no justification is necessary, but I only wrote to take the opportunity to ask.
Is it possible to add fiat to Hive in another way or is the only option through buying on Binance and sending it to the Hive account?

Hahaha yeah, I guess it would be better suited to add the Hive Power daily instead of letting it sit for a while! Let me give that a whirl, I've got enough little power up bees at this point LOL

Cheers thanks for the recommendations!

can clarify on the takes a lot out :(. I've bought hive on binance and sent to my account to buy splinterlands stuff but I don't think I've taken much out from writing here on Hive , maybe a few small purchases but it was within the hive sphere

Awesome thanks for the group of people! I’ll check them out one by one now :D

In my 7-8 years here I've never powered down. I have wasted money on Hive Engine tokens, most of which has turned out to be shitcoins, showing I'm not a very good investor. Oh well. But, still, according to hivestats I've invested more money than I've earned, putting my Hive Power well above my earnings.

Although my HP is far less than some who have been here as long, I think it shows my commitment to this place. I'm torn, because I do understand that not everyone has the luxury that I do of not needing my Hive earnings to survive, and that some have to take money out to pay for daily life. That said, I always like to see people keep money here. I know Hivebuzz does the Hive Power up Day and Month to try to encourage people to power up, but I wonder if we can't add more gamification to further encourage it.

Your commitment shows, despite your HE investment nutbaggery. (Just kidding, we've all bought shitcoins).

I understand the daily life comment, many struggle and not just those in third world countries, but that doesn't mean a little give-back isn't possible...I would be happy to vote someone staking 20% of the amounts they exit and would support them more if they applied a 50/50 balance...I'll not support those who think they're the only one that matters and simply takes, it's selfish. So...they earn less. There's so many I've supported that have just taken whilst giving nothing back...it stops now...well, stopped yesterday though, my support.

I don't like monthly power ups...daily or weekly is the way to go...it means one's stake starts to work better immediately and that earns more in curation immediately. We shouldn't need gamification, we need responsibility.

I have moved Hive over to Hive-Engine to purchase secondary tokens on the Hive Blockchain, but I have never powered down my Hive. I've been working on keeping some HIVE liquid right now so I can move it into HBD when the price is favorable. I usually let that half of my rewards stay powered up and I never touch them. It's always a bit disappointing to see newer users just take and take and take. I don't know why you wouldn't want to grow your account. Really you are only shooting yourself in the foot. I also don't really care for the folks that delegate 100% of their stake out to somewhere else. I mean, your content may be great, but you just gave me zero incentive to read your posts because even if you did reciprocate, your vote is basically worthless. That's probably a whole different topic though!

Yeah, I had a look at your wallet and see some movement there.

It makes sense to stake, but at times (a long time ago) I moved some to exchanges and traded...then moved it back and staked. The curation I earn tells the story I guess, that's earned through staking and voting others. If people don't want to do it that's their choice...they'll not be getting my votes.

New users...yeah, I'll not support those who don't stake and the takers, especially if they post many times a day are more likely to get a downvote from me. The same for those who delegate 100% of their stake as you mention.

People seem not to grasp the fact that they have to give to get, like your comment about reciprocation. So, they can do as they like but so can you and I and others with stake. We earned the stake the hard way, it didn't come easy to me and I started with no investment other than my words and images and my engagement...others could learn from that and yourself and others like you.

I totally agree. My hope is that after this next bull run I am going to be able to do one really large power up. Then I will just keep plugging along powering up like I have been as I can. I think I should easily be over 100K HP by this time next year.

Power up a lot, that's the only way to build a decent stake unless one is inclined to buy it and power up in one go.

I've bought some hive with outside funds here and there. Some of it came from WAX, the rest came from my stake on that other chain. Fingers crossed I play my cards right in the next year and I don't screw up too badly.

As usual you have inspired me to move on something I have been wanting to do for over a year now.

I just had a discussion with the keeper of the keys. No no, not the Hive Keychain app. My @pooky-jax

We talked about Hive and it's importance to us. The plan going forward is a minimum $10 (usd) a week invest.

I will most likely do it bi-weekly at $25 unless there are mechanical issues or some other unplanned business costs. This week for example we are still shy by $300 of making the budget due to a yearly tax (Fed Gov Extortion) of a Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) fee. $550 annually on top of the highway use taxes We pay every mile in the form of a fuel tax on every gallon used. (Double sometimes triple tax extortion here)

I will be using my bitcoin (sats) thru the v4v app that you can see in my wallet transaction a few minutes ago. I will use the sats (BTC) when our failing garbage usd fiat currency is not covering the budget like this week. Good discussion with my Pooky and she is onboard with giving back what we took (powered down) from Hive in 2021-22. Using some bitcoin if necessary only makes sense as the power downs were to dabble in crypto coins back then.

Your feedback and advice on this would be appreciated. Also is it a good practice to use the HBD converted to Hive to Power Up.?

Thanks Bro. ❤️

This is good to hear and if you can spare it, and want to do it then follow your plan. I left an image in another comment in this post of the last few days of my curation (the right side column in the image) as an example of how stake can really start to work passively just by voting on posts and comments. (I love voting on comments, more than 0.03 each time, nothing below, and usually much more. Good curation.

Anyway, when Hive is low I swap out HBD into Hive and power up and when it's not low I hang on to HBD (or get impatient and swap it for Hive). It's helped build stake and that helps with vote value and curation. It all seems straightforward to me. I never wait for the power up day thing to power up either, I do it when the Hive is in my wallet, daily mostly.


Away for a few days and you post a bombshell like this. Can't say I disagree or rather: good plan! I don't really look at people's wallets so I don't know how many power downs occur, I never did one (at least that I remember). I read through the majority of comments and your replies and this is one that stood out

don't like monthly power ups...daily or weekly is the way to go...it means one's stake starts to work better immediately and that earns more in curation immediately.

Over the past few months I sold almost all of my SPL assets, some I keep for sentimental reasons, some because they aren't worth selling. I'm done with SPL. As a result I had maybe 2000 (?) Hive in my wallet, don't remember exactly. And I was going back and forth in my mind - should I power it all up, should I pull it all out (I bought most of it with USD). In the end I decided to pull out a part into sats (BTC) and power up a bigger chunk on August PUD aaaaaand I missed the PUD deadline, what an idiot 😔. Now I am waiting for Sunday = September PUD.

Then, by way of Azircon, I read your post and saw your comment and now am thinking that makes much more sense, however, I want a big bee! So, I'll be doing a biggish power up on Sunday and after that I'll be done with PUD, will power up whenever I feel like it and grow by using my stake.

Also, to further grow, and eliminate changing HBD to Hive (I'm lazy like that) starting with my last post I changed post payout to 100 % power up. That should help me to one day become a dolphin. That's the plan.

Some wait for monthly power ups but it make no sense to me to lose a month of curation income. Also, a big bee doesn't do anything for me, doesn't mean anything.

It's personal choice though and if you'd like to wait then that's ok too, many do so. I'm on ahive daily so when I have funds I power up (my wallet shows that) and I earn more because of it.

At least you're powering up and not taking everything out like most.

I of course agree with your sentiment. Even though I did miss several PUD this year due to personal and work drama. I'm definitely not a "Downer". While folks are definitely free to do as they like, (which is another of the great benefits of this chain), that doesn't mean they "earn" the rewards others deserve that support the chain in addition to themselves. And isn't that really the way we all benefit in the longer term? There is no valid get rich quick scheme that I've ever seen, but HIVE can certainly be a very rewarding platform for those that choose to use it wisely for mid to longer term via various methods, some of which you outline above. Some folks also vastly underestimate the value of curation. Most of what I've built has been on curation rewards. HIVE can be rewarding both emotionally and financially. I've met some great folks here and like you, I think I'll take a bit more time when voting to review some of that track record when voting unknown folks.

Just a reminder to all that it's only six days until the official "Powerup Day" not that folks have to wait, but what a great way to get your PUD badge and show your support to everyone!

Check your badges and monthly PUD badges here:

I know I'll be getting a super large bee this month. I'll also be sponsoring another person this month that has been a proven valuable poster by being a powerup helper.

Hope this can help a few folks get back on @galenkp good side. Of course also support the community. Wait until we see the HIVE price over a dollar again and how folks will smile seeing their investments quadruple or quintuple.

Get out there and Get your BEE on!

I like powering up when I have the Hive rather than wait for power up day, every day is power up day if there's Hive to power up. It means the power up starts working right then and there rather than sitting around doing nothing for say, 30 days.

The doing what people like thing is often an argument...and yet if I chose to downvote their posts because all they did was take take take then they soon start whining that I'm not allowed to do it...even thought they say people can do what they like. Funny huh? So yeah, people can do what they like, be takers...just like others can upvote how they like, choose not to, or downvote.

You mention curation...Below is the last few days of my curation...so yes, people underestimate the power of powering up and earning curation: Curation is the column on the right side.


I'm glad you're going to start considering the account before simply upvoting, I've actually started leaving comments saying, "I'm not voting this *great) content because all you do is power down." Remember freedom of choice? Lol.

That's the thing about Freedom. It means not everyone has to like (or approve) of what others do.
Two of my favorite quotes "Your approval is not required" Don't know who said it, but I love it.
The other:
"And it harm none, do what ye will, shall be the whole of the law"
Wiccan Rede... unknown exact author but again wise advice. Requires a bit of deep thought, but very profound.

Carry on.

Indeed, you're right...and wanting freedom to act as one pleases but wanting to take someone else's isn't legit.

Good quotes mate, I'll be adding the second to my list...and thinking more on it...and the first, goes without saying for fellows of our ilk.

That's a nice idea! I have never powered down Hive before hahaha!

Yeah, I'm going to stick to it as well, I don't think it's fair for the community for people to simply take, it used everyone else as their own personal bank and I'm not willing to support that.

I think this is the case for many crypto projects. People just want to extract value instead of growing it. It's really prevalent now. People go to one project dump and go to the next and this kind of behavior makes people feel crypto is scammy and people make us seem like jokers with magical internet money. Lowkey I feel a part of it is due to this mindset of getting rich quick in crypto.

Anyways it's great that you are taking the initiative on this. I really believe in crypto the technology behindmblockchain and web3 gaming (I know you hate gaming). I believe in hive it can be one of the top blockchain for social media. There's so much that can be done and I don't think we've seen it yet. People keep building and I am looking forward to see what's to come

I see you've powered up a bit, keep at it, Hive is more fun with a bigger stake.

I don't much about gaming other than I see it as a waste of time and web three doesn't mean much to me but I'm protective if Hive and will be until I'm gone from it.

for sure. aiming 10k by end of year.

ya i know how you see it. I can't change your mind on that one haha. Yes we all need to play our part in protecting hive and growing it. We need a few beekeepers :D

That's a good goal, 10K. Keep your eye on it, take the steps, and it'll happen.

gotta have something to aim towards xD or id be going blind, ya it should happen im powering up 100% on most of my posts

I remember when I hit 5,000; I was so happy, and then I got 10,000 and it started to grow well from ther with curation and some posting. That's the thing, powering up helps growth, takes control through curation, rather than leaving it to chance that upvotes will continue. You'll get there and because your powering up I'll help you get there with some upvotes.

aye thank you! slow and steady. I'm happy with my progress so far and I get what you mean. That's why I haven't powered down. I'm here for the long-term

Hi Galen, as you say each one is free to make their decisions. All I can say is that it is a decision consistent with the idea of ​​preserving the Hive ecosystem. To be sustainable.

I hope you had a great week.

I'm not against people taking some, I just feel they should stake some (power up) at the same time. I will support those who do and not support those who do not. This means I'll end up upvoting comments with bigger votes I guess and those writing good ones, and posting well, and powering up will earn more from me.

Hurrah for the blockchain!

It's a Tuesday, I have the day off...just enjoyed a super-long-and-late breakfast with my girl and will head out for an adventure in a bit. Should be good.

Have a good week.

Hi Galen, glad you have the day off. I just got up a while ago, and I don't have much work until September, so I'll spend some time catching up on some stuff, do some work and spend some time on Hive.

About the publication, I've been worried about the Hive blockchain for some time now, and I've already discussed it with a friend. So whatever you have to do I'm sure it will be fine.

I am not powering up at the moment but I like your new voting strategy.

Thanks, in my mind it makes perfect sense.

Can’t but agree on that!!!
And powering down is even one thing, but downvoting people just for the fun of it? Nah! That’s just antisocial behavior! Me no like !INDEED!!
I’m all in!! All for growth! All together!!
Love your amazing picture btw!! 😉

I'm happy to support those who power up a little even if they take a little too, it's about balance. I'm also happy to downvote, it's personal choice I guess, just like it's a choice that some people make to plagiarise, copy/paste, represent AI as their own work, self vote and spam, or steal other's identities.

Totally agree! It’s all about balance, and if the balance is off, it’s not a good thing !INDEED

Its a nice initiative and I believe that its good to build hive stake and I have been doing this.

Hive is more fun with a bigger stake

Absolutely and this is the best time to accumulate more because the market is down. A bear market is the best time to grab more. Hive is such a great platform but we need to support it and by powering more we can do this. Its so simple but sadly some people don't do this.

Nicely said and I'm glad to see another person willing to support the blockchain! It's a great time to increase stake!

Will keep that in mind—time to power up.

Yeah, it makes sense to me, and that's why I'll not support people who do not, and instead take everything out.

Well. I dont really do any power ups. But I also dont do any power downs xD
I mainly lease some extra HP, so I don't use all of my vote value while I delegate out :D

I think staking is a good way to support others (and the blockchain generally) as it increases a person's vote and when used on the right people/posts/comments they're supported too.

I get why some people might feel the need to power down and cash out their Hive. I know that some folks come from less fortunate backgrounds than others. But it’s really discouraging to see people take the rewards, power down, and cash out without engaging with those who take the time to interact with their posts.

Taking all the rewards without giving anything back to the blockchain community is a fast way to damage the ecosystem. I haven’t been here that long, so I haven’t looked into it deeply, but you see it all over without having to dig. People who just take everything they earn and take it out.

Plus, having a larger stake sounds like fun. There’s something really satisfying about finding a post you like, leaving a comment and a vote, and actually seeing it make a positive impact. It's much more enjoyable than a vote that doesn’t budge the needle (okay, my vote doesn’t move the needle much right now, but it's still better than ZERO)

Having stake earns more in curation and yeah, it's more fun.

Also, a person's position as "less fortunate" than others doesn't negate the need to support the blockchain.

Imagine me with my stake, self-voting my own posts only, paying myself and taking it all out, just because I feel like I'm less fortunate than others...the blockchain wouldn't last long huh? Why wouldn't a person power up 20% regularly and take the rest to show they support the community? If no one powered up there'd be no blockchain and then what? All those less fortunates? They die? Nah, they go back having to actually work for the funds they earn like they did before they joined Hive.

Nah, I don't think being less fortunate is a good enough excuse.

I'll not be supporting them and will probably start downvoting them so they earn nothing anyway. Already started.

I agree. I didn’t mean to suggest that being less fortunate should be an excuse for taking everything out. I believe they could and should contribute some amount to support the blockchain.

Basically to me this reflects a victim mentality. If they have time to be here, they're clearly managing to survive. If I wasn't getting by I certainly wouldn't be here.

Exactly, and taking whilst giving nothing back: Effort, votes with value to them (needs stake), engagement and so on, shouldn't be rewarded. If it is, it'll continue.

It is a wild one isn’t it?

I am such a small fish that it doesn’t really matter but I occasionally check the wallets of people I support to see which direction they are headed. I know not everyone has the luxury of socking all their hive earnings in power up, hbd savings, or swing trading hive/hbd for a bigger stake like I do.

While I love the fact that people take some of the rewards and provide for their families and augment their lifestyle , I get discouraged when I see power downs.

I have some liquid hive I have been buying up while prices dip that I was saving to buy back hbd when hive rebounds and will power half of it up now in solidarity.

I like how you evolve your support strategy and the smaller fish can gain bigger benefits by doing the real things to support the community back. Leading by example.

I don't mind people taking a bit, but when all they do is take, months and months of taking with one or two 0.050 power ups in a year? Not so good.

The thing is, they can do what they like...but so can others and I don't feel those people deserve my vote no matter how good their posts might be because they don't support the block hain, just treat it like an ATM.

So, they will not get my votes or curangel promotion s from me either, I'm don't supporting people like that.

How can they win back my vote? Simple power up 25-30% of what they take at the time of taking it so I can see a track record of power ups...then sustain that. But here's the thing, because people think they cannot live without taking Hive (what did the do before Hive?) they won't generally do this...they will take.

A lot of people talk about investment in crypto...ok, power up then, earn more curation. That's investment for personal gain and to keep the community strong too.

Totally agreed. I can't recall ever powering down or sending a single Hive to an exchange. I know I am privileged to be in that position and I see people from Venezuela, from poor towns in northern Africa and many other places. I feel guilty not powering it up every single month because I love a handful of liquid to play the swings and buy those powerdowns to add to my stack.

People are entitled to do what they like and should not think they are immune to the consequences of those actions. If they don't like it, they can buy and earn a powered up stake like yours and do it differently themselves!

From the moment I started here (June 13 2017) I started powering up and did not stop.. hmm, I wonder why I have a larger stake? I have earned a lot of curation rewards because of that continual power up ethos...which clearly means I liberal with my upvotes on posts and comments rather than miserly like so many.

Anyway, it is what it is...more votes for people like you and none for extractors.

It's total understandable and I like this. It makes total sense to support people who support Hive. I will think about this and decide if I will do the extra step too. I already know people who support Hive so this can't be to much work. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
!hiqvote !BBH !DOOK

It makes sense to me too, and if it's done by enough people it may even start encouraging people to power up a little bit at the same time as taking some of their rewards out.

Yeah, you can't just milk the cow, you also have to feed it.

Yep, but I think many think all they need to do is milk it.

I fully agree with your new method of supporting stakeholders. I hope that even whales will start adopting this new method in order to protect HIVE from vampires

I'm not sure if others will do it but I hope they do; with enough doing this the lessons will be learned and users will start changing their behaviours.

What is power down? 😂😂 No, but really, you're right! I understand what you mean, and yes, it should work exactly like you wrote…your article said it all...

Well it all makes sense to me, I'm not inclined to fund other people's lives and especially not when those people do nothing but take without a thought of giving anything back to the rest of the community. Maybe I'm just crazy, but that's how I feel.

Nop, you're right...you made a good plan for your future votes! I hope people will start to thing a little about your words...

I hope they do, and turn around their behaviours, I'll be able to vote them then. If not, then not.

I think I love the second to last paragraph the most... it is a shining example of "Money talks and bullshit walks"... or "Actions speak louder than words"

People can say they love Hive... they can profess their love ad nauseum... but unless they are powering some up...

Their Actions are deafening compared to their voices...

I couldn't agree more and even though I am but a tadpole, I have started focusing on adding more to my Hive stash ever since I realized how important it was to be actively involved in the blockchain that hosts Splinterlands :)

Cheers 🍻,

  • CaptainDingus

There's so many out there representing themselves as paragons of Hive when a glance at their wallets clearly shows they are abusing extractors...and I'll not support them.

Keep adding to your stake, I did that from th very start in June 2017 and have watched my stake grow and grow. I also power up as soon as the Hive is sitting there, no point waiting a week or month because in that time it's not earning curation; having it powered up makes it work harder and builds one's stake faster. Anyway, it's more fun with more stake so good luck with the future.

I agree 100%

After I hit a certain milestone with $SPS (coming in the next few days I hope) I will start pushing more of my $SPS into Hive and other activities 😄

I am pretty excited about that, not gonna lie!

Good work!

I'm not into Splinter lands stuff, but understand that many are. So what feels right for you and there's never anything wrong with a little diversity. ✅

Let's look at a hypothetical situation: Say we have user A. We'll call him Milky. Milky writes posts about his lunch and hanging out with friends. he earns some upvotes from fellow Hiveans and takes whatever HP/$HBD he earns and sends off to an exchange to turn into fiat.

Milky has been at 500HP for two years.

If Milky were to change his ways after reading a post like this and started powering up, voting on proposals, witnesses and other Hive citizens as well as writing good quality content, would you reconsider and start interacting and maybe even voting for Milky?

If Milky was to change his ways and I saw track record of that over time then yes, I'd reconsider my position. (I check before I vote)

I have a stake and can do with it what I like (as can Milky) so I choose to support those who support the blockchain a little bit rather than those who remove all their earnings without even a thought to a regular power up of a percentage of the rewards they may gather.

Yeah, that's fair.

I don't write "My Hive Goals" posts as often as I'd like. I do one about every two months now. I always try to include my voting criteria though.

I only manually curate authors that create content that is

  • Valuable to the ecosystem
  • Interesting/valuable to me
  • From users who are valuable to the community
  • Shows effort
  • Original

I think I might add something along the lines of "I give preference to users who build their stake to help themselves and others in the ecosystem by having a healthy earn:hold ratio".

I don't mind a "Hive goals" post once or twice a year but I rarely vote on them... especially if someone does them weekly or monthly.

Supporting those who build their stake will show others that do not that building their stake is of benefit, that's why I'm doing it...to send a message...and because it's my stake (built through hard work) and AI can share it where I like.

I stake half and take out half as HBD

Your last power up was March 16 2024, you powered up 0.050.

Although I can understand that the money generated in Hive is needed at some point (especially in some countries more than others) we must be aware that HIVE belongs to all of us who are here and we must take care of it, help it to grow healthy and logically using it as a cashier will not be that we will help it. I am Cuban and almost everyone knows how things are here, I have been on the platform for less than 1 year and I have tried to do the best I can. I like the idea of my HP growing to enhance my participation and my vote to help others. My long term expectations are high and I plan to keep doing my best from my place and my modest knowledge to keep Hive going for a long time.

I see you've powered up about 87 Hive in the last 12 months, the last time in March, and have transferred hundreds to someone else for some reason. Some more consistent power ups would look a little more supportive of the community.

Certainly since March I do not participate in the HPUD, but it is not the only way to boost my HP. What I am doing since mid-July is to put the author rewards of my publications 100% HP, it is also a valid way to make it grow and thus improve my voting power, it is not a very fast growth, but with work and effort I will improve.

Good work.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @zakludick tipped @galenkp

I had never withdrawn a penny from Hive until the beginning of the year, after more than 2 years participating daily in Hive, and then you started downvoting all my posts until I gave up on Hive for good (and withdrew all
these 2-years earnings to help pay for my mortgage).

From time to time I make a post to see if you keep downvoting everything I post, including some videos I recorded on 3Speak, but you keep downvoting everything.

If I start posting regularly again as before, and start powering up as I always did, will you keep downvoting everything I post?

Almost every one of my posts gets a downvote, it's part of the landscape.

Allow me to correct you though, I didn't downvote "all your posts" your feed will clearly demonstrate that, and I wasn't the only one downvoting you.

Anyway, you're free to do what you want, freedom of choice and all, and you chose to extract all your funds and leave Hive for good because of a few downvotes. That doesn't sound like you're very committed. It sounds like you were after the rewards only, and nothing more.

And...here you are after "leaving for good," Hmm, "for good was a mighty short time."

Here's what I'll do...if you power up all of the Hive you have powered down all year, the same amount you extracted, (I'll calculate and check), I'll keep an eye on your posts and power ups and make a decision on whether I'll use my freedom of choice to vote and adjust their rewards or not on a case by case basis.

Just remember that the freedom of choice you have is the freedom of choice other people have as well, it works both ways. You chose to have a cry, like a little baby, and extract your Hive and leave in a huff. You had the choice to take other paths but you did not.

Also, getting aggressive won't work with me...also...should you decide to power up as above you should also decide to comment to other people's posts with relevance and personality to show you're part of the community, and upvote those posts too, that's why I was downvoting you in the first place because all you did was post and take.

It all sounds like a lot of work right? But I'm not inclined to reward people who don't apply effort.

Unfortunately, I can't powerup all the funds I've withdrew earlier on this year because, as I've said, I've used it to pay for my mortgage. I'm not from a rich country, and the amount of money was quite considerable for my own reality. I've used it, it's gone, and I don't have this kind of money sitting around. If I had, I wasn't going to withdraw the money from Hive in the first place.

I'm not going to get into this SAME conversation with you again. You say that I wasn't part of any community when I was active daily, for 2 years straight, on my local community, recruiting new users, being active on our Discord/Whatsapp channels, writing dozens of guides in my native language, etc.

I'm not the only one downvoting you

They're just following your trail, and you know it. Every single post without your downvote, there isn't any downvote at all (or there's a 0.00000$ downvote from a weirdass account).

That doesn't sound like you're very committed

If you think that a 2-years old user that had never withdraw a single penny either from Hive or from the 2nd layer tokens, that sent literally hundreds of thousands of messages to new and existing Hive users, that wrote several new users guide that are still in use by my local community after 2 years, that modded the Discord channel for free, that was part of several Hive groups (like Pizza, Ecency, etc.), that was a free curator for several initiatives (HiveBR, Ecency, 1UP Gaming), and that put his own face on hundreds of videos to promote Hive across the internet, is someone that's not committed...

Well. That's an opinion, I guess.

They're just following your trail, and you know it.

Of course, but I don't make them do it, it's their choice. I only cast my own downvote (and you know it) and if others follow on a trail or not, that's their choice.

Anyway, I decided I'm going to keep downvoting you forever and nothing you do will change my mind. You know why? Freedom of choice.

I'm going to keep downvoting you forever

So nothing will change, I guess. You'll keep downvoting me forever as you've been doing since the beginning of the year, and I'll keep posting on my secondary (now primary?) account that you don't know about.

As least you're not pretending that you're doing this for the good of the realm, but because you decided to hate me for some whatever reason.

Warm hugs, and remember to always use sunscreen ❤️

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BEERHey @luizeba, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE and on HIVE Engine.If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on

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BEERHey @luizeba, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

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BEERHey @luizeba, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on

Didn't you farm post rewards through effortless giveaway posts restlessly for a long time?

Thank you for your witness vote!
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BEERHey @luizeba, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thank you for your witness vote!
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BEERHey @luizeba, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Go back to blurt..

Oh wait they don't want you there either.