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RE: Power up...or no votes

in Reflections7 months ago

I like it. No one is saying you aren't free to do as you wish with your own money what instead is being said that the people with stake are just as free to do what they want with their "money"


Yep, pretty much the message and that the stake I have (or anyone else) will be better invested in others who support the blockchain.

Imagine a little baby who is fed, nurtured, cared for and educated - Grows up better than one who is thrown in a dumpster and left to be gnawed at by the rats and ants until it dies and decomposes.

Those with stake should be supporting those who support the blockchain meaning those who actively build their own stake!

I vote you lol...throwin' ma big stake around lol

That's what you got to do with that big ole stake, throw it around like nobody's business!! 😀😀

LOL I'm throwing it around like I am somebody! ahahaa...I do have a good time!

If you believe you are then you are! That's all that counts 😀😀