The proposal (foreplay, then down to business)

in Reflections7 days ago


Is there something in the water? Radioactive waves from space affecting people's brains perhaps? Maybe the poison people eat like McDonalds, copious amounts of sugar and salt and other such things has finally caused them to act weirdly...I don't know what it is, but something's fucken going on, because this year I've had more "friend requests" on Discord than ever before.

They keep on coming, like the actors in a porno (but without the mess).

I haven't kept count of the requests but there's been a lot and I've denied all of them so far.

It's not that I'm anti-social or don't like people but when "friend requests" come in from people I don't know I'm usually dubious as their purpose or reason. A few have the same username's on Discord and Hive but most do not so I have literally no clue who they actually are; in fact, even if it's the same username as on Hive it could be anyone with no assurance it's the Hive user, so I'm pretty careful and very consistent in my denial of each request; I also get incoming messages asking for votes, follows and other such things which are also denied...I like those ones even less than the "friend requests."

I have a small group of "friends" on Discord but I'm not a big fan of that particular communication platform so tend not to use it very often, just mostly with the group I'm in with five other people who I know are who they say they are. There's a few users on Hive I'd like to hear from and interact with off the blockchain, people I interact with a lot on Hive, people I know a little better than, I don't fucken know them at all, people I like, but I haven't reached out to them - I don't even know if they have Discord.

The last request I received (which I've turned down twice before) made me think about the approach these people make. I know there's no real protocol for it but I can't help but think there's a better way than simply sending a "friend request" without any preamble. It's sort of like those porn movie actors I mentioned getting down to all that fucking and ass licking without even saying, "hi, today I'll be sucking your asshole and getting filmed." (That's porn star foreplay I think).

It makes me wonder about the decline of social skills and interaction and what people think is acceptable.

I'm not against having friends and finding new ones but I think there's a process, a right and wrong way to get it done. Anyway, I thought I'd put it out there for you guys to comment.

Do you think some prior interaction on my posts, relationship-building over time, before them dropping into my Discord would be a better way to go? Could they ask on the blockchain if I'm open to a direct message chat in Discord and then work from there towards a friend acceptance? How have you done it in the past or don't you do it? Explain either way, or comment on some other aspect of this scenario if you'd like; I'm curious.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


I'd never accept a friend request from the sort of person who'd send one to me and I'd find sending one myself a tad cringeworthy. If you just engage with people in a friendly way, you won't have to ask them to be your friend.
Don't you ever sleep?

Yeah, at least warm up to it right, build some rapport and relationship. But...nope, they're right in there.

I sleep, not much though.

Yep, you would think a person would maybe give you a head's up that they wanted to send you a request, but etiquette isn't in alot of folk's wheelhouse. Note: I had to google how to spell etiquette, so apparently I have none either :D

I don't know much about Discord, though I did check it out when I first heard about it. That was years ago...I don't reckon I would accept a request from some random person.

I think people are so used to the rapid flow of information, everything happening so quickly these days, especially with communication, that they skip a lot of the steps that were traditionally taken, like actually building a relationship. Of course, maybe it's just that people's manners are out the window. A lack of ettiqwettie. 😋

lol I like your spelling better

It's the old-school spelling. I am, after all, somewhat of a traditionalist.

Hello friend I have special crypto airdrop for you please sign on at totallynotascam.dubiouswebsite.strangecountrycode with your master key and get rich instantly!

At least, that's the typical unsolicited discord message I get.


Yep, I hear you, I get similar. I always sign up. 🤣

I don't use discord. It seemed to be a waste of time. I can say anything I want to you right here. I think most "friends" could do the same. Minimalize.^^

Yep, I agree, I prefer to keep things on the blockchain for everyone to see.

Well, I'm not much a friendship requester, I don't know, but somehow it doesn't feel right at least if there's not a good reason behind the request that goes with it as a back up in the form of an informative message of why the fuck the request was made. So, I guess and think that we are free to accept or not and that's it.
On the other hand, permission could be asked too, but, for example I don't see myself asking for permission on front of everyone in the Blockchain with a very high risk of rejection again in front of every fucken one.

I think it's more about building a relationship than asking permission. If If they did that there's be a greater chance of success instead of simply turning up on Discord and me having literally no clue who they are. People are strange though huh?

Yes they are, who knows what cross their mind when they do that.That kind of approach It's strange in deed.

Discord is not my favorite place to found friend, if anyone wants to said something please uses hive not other answer.
Maybe the discord for chanel specific as splinterland or other hive proyects but one friend solicitude for this chanel never is good idea maybe would be a scam or burglar.
If you want to said me something this is the chanel, discord only take your information and seller and get money for it, why not uses this.

I agree, it's not a very nice place to communicate and I don't use it often.

I don't have discord, I had it once, the experience was very bad and it's been three years almost four years since I closed the account. I think it's best to interact first through Hive, to get to know certain things about the person, before using another medium.

In my case, I am very selective, too selective, there are people that I have met here first, then a filter of an email and then if it passes the filter another type of more direct communication, but I have very very few people with whom I interact outside of hive at the moment.

It's best to keep one's circle smaller I think, especially these days. A few good friends is better than many average ones.

That's what I do and I will stay that way.

I know a lot of people have the feature turned on in Discord where you can't even talk to them unless you are friends with them. If there is something I really need to talk to them about I usually find a server I am also in with them or reach out to them on HIVE before I bother sending a friend request. Even then that is pretty rare. I can maybe count on one hand the people I have talked to like that. There are others who have started mutual conversations outside a regular server, but again those are quite rare. I have maybe three people from HIVE that I regularly DM. I know you are a relatively private person, so it never would have even crossed my mind to reach out to you.

I keep myself contactable as occasionally people I want to hear from, or with valid reasons to contact, will reach out...they do it in the right manner though.

I don't mind people contacting or reaching out, I guess I don't understand people doing it out of the blue and without some common courtesy and social skills.

I guess the other side to that is people probably don't reach out someone unless they want something. At least out of the blue like that. Which would immediately send up red flags for me.

Exactly. They're not reaching out to engage in my with and charming conversation, they want votes on Hive.

I've had people send DM's asking for funds transfers for various things they want to buy as well...these have only come from people in Nigeria though so it's not widespread. They get what they deserve of course and rarely come back twice.

Yeah, that's just tacky!

Oh...and that's a nice pic by the way, hahaha, very suggestive with the little finger pinch. :)))

A famous painting hanging in the Louvre, Paris. I took the photo on one of my visits there.

Well, I have to admit I didn't know it, not that I know much about the theme, but anyway, it made me laugh as I read the post and looked at the little pinch.