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RE: Bitter Notes

Dear my bro @tarazkp !

I felt that men in their 40s become as sentimental as women and get psychologically hurt easily!

I felt like you were under undue stress because you wanted to be the perfect parent!

I assumed you remember the disappointment and anger you felt towards your father during your childhood!

I believe you should forget and forgive the bad memories and feelings you have towards your father!
There is a famous Chinese proverb that says the things that bother humans most are memories of the past!

I want you to be a happy parent, not a perfect parent!

If you become happy first, smallsteps will be happy too!

Sorry for my akward english! I don't know how to write fancy English sentences!


I felt that men in their 40s become as sentimental as women and get psychologically hurt easily!

Men have been taught to get in touch with their sensitive side, but not taught how to manage their emotions. The younger, the worse it gets.

I assumed you remember the disappointment and anger you felt towards your father during your childhood!

I think you are projecting. I don't have any anger toward my father at all. None.