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RE: Bring Back the Death Penalty

in Reflectionslast month

Nothing wrong with the death penalty. People call it barbaric, but then you just need to look at the actions of an individual like this and realise that associating barbarians with this behaviour is an insult to barbarians.


That's a good point!

I really hate the talking point that a civilised society doesn't do it. Who told you that? Civilised societies don't arbitrarily do it, sure. We gotta be careful, that's all

No careful, only execute.

Its time to stop pretending that keeping some one locked up and costing the tax payer oodles of money, forever is good capitalism. That prison land could be better as a sanitarium, or a high-rise (in the case of many US states) literally anything else.

But then you have to contend with the "for profit" prisons, and argue that they aren't a good use of capitalism.

Capitalism should just be the most efficient way of delivering the least amount of stuff, though right?

There's not many in power with even a semblence of conviction you express here - well, at least in the UK. I can name about 3, but none of them have any real influence.

Even the most 'right wing' and 'revolutionary' party, 'Reform', which I suppose is meant to mimic Trump (in fact the leader is friends with Trump), and yet they still come across like wet rags on issues like this. Even if it's the opposite view to me, fine, but have some balls when you say it, geeze.