I consider myself quite desensitized to the majority of injustices in the world. I often get myself in a head place where I try to imagine the suffering of various circumstances, and it feels bad, and I feel all the usual darkness and sorrow. But in the end, I'm able to move on. I don't get anxious or anything through the days and weeks.
I guess I've learnt a healthy mechanism to deal with the suffering of the world and I'm pretty happy about that.
When it came to the recent Southport Stabbing in the UK, where a Rwandan boy murdered 3 children at a Taylor Swift concert, riots ensued, and a bunch of people were arrested for being 'far right thugs' for ever having the cheek to protest about a foreigner stabbing little girls.
Because he wasn't a foreigner, he was 'Welsh'. Calling him anything other than Welsh is far-right and should be punished. One guy who simply shouted at a cop got 2 years in prison for that alone. He committed suicide in there, knowing he had a heart condition and would not see his family again.
I read about all this and watched the discussions with my usual apathy. Just another killing. I mean, come on, school stabbings specifically happen almost as often as it rains here in China. We're constantly hearing about it, with the murderer almost invariably citing revenge on society as his motivation.
So I just move on, like how Americans move on after a few hours of any given mass shooting, if they even pay attention to it at all anymore. (Honestly, not paying attention might be the best thing, since these people want to be glorified in the eternal books of infamous figures, narcissism).
But there's something quite different about the Southport stabbing. It haunts me.
For one, it's a stabbing, not a shooting. It takes a whole different mindset to physically drive a knife into flesh compared to pulling a little trigger from 10 metres away in a moment of anger.
Let me be clear, this Rwandan (I refuse to call him Welsh) was an absolute monster, and hearing the details is just something you can never come back from. So that's my little warning before you read the details in the below picture:
Yeah. He 'succeeded' in killing 3, but there were 10 others with mortifying stab wounds, some are fucked for life now. One girl somehow survived after 32 stabs. The description of her almost escaping and being dragged back in... imagine what that does to you at such an age.
These kids are never going to grow up normal. They're going to grow up psychologically deranged with unknown terrible consequences as the years go by. Suicides, crime, depression, self-harm, abuse. Who knows.
The Rwandan repeatedly said he was glad the girls were dead. He shows zero remorse. I mean, I don't think he has the mental capacity for remorse. I mean look at him. His eyes are devoid of soul or IQ:
In fact, he looks exactly like a person who would stab little girls 85 times in the face.
And so, after catching him in the act, him not even hiding from it, admitting it, and saying he was glad he did it, what is our punishment?
Let the taxpayers deal with it
Yeah. He gets about 51 years in prison and realistically will never be released, which is a pretty long time, sure.
But why is he alive?
The UK somewhat foolishly does not have a death sentence anymore. We got rid of it.
And so the alternative is this guy gets to spend the rest of his life living rent free, free food, no living expenses. Yeah, in prison, but we can't break any human rights laws now, can we? So he's going to live a pretty comfortable life, honestly probably more comfortable than some people living paycheck to paycheck out in the country.
It costs over 50,000 pounds per year to house this guy in prison. What if, by some horrifying turn of events, the prison gets overthrown, the prisoners riot and he gets out? There's not a high chance.
But there's a chance.
He will, after all, be celebrated by certain groups. Certain Islamic extremists who actively want this kind of terror to happen to the nation until it collapses. Many of them in prison ready to befriend this guy.
As hard as it is to believe, stabbing children to death is not the worst thing these people can imagine upon our society. Just look at Mexican gang warfare or ISIS. Some of the horrors there are unimaginable until you read about them. And we're giving this guy even a miniscule chance of getting out again?
What if he murders other criminals who are serving their time and living a path of redemption? He can't get more time in prison if he's already there for life. Solitary confinement for a bit? Big deal.
In China, people get the death sentence for trivial things like Tax Evasion. Recently, one guy rammed his car and killed something like 35 people. Can you imagine giving him a prison sentence in China? No. Death sentence obviously.
What appeal to humanity are we picking at to keep these people alive? What moral barometer is guiding us to keep irredeemable monsters alive? Is is honestly human rights? As oft-cited, what about the human rights of those who have to live in a world where their perpetrator gets to live and haunt them for the rest of their days, to outlive the parents of the children who died?
Imagine, as you lie in your deathbed, 85 years old, you start to fade away, and the last thought in your head is 'That guy's only 55 years old and probably doing well in there. I miss my daughter' cue flashback of her bloodied face, lying below the mugshot you see above.
End Scene.
What kind of closure is that, really?
Bring Back the Death Sentence
Adding this picture so I can avoid having his ugly ass face as the thumbnail
This is so messed up.
I agree that people like this should receive the death penalty. Even worse than these criminals living a comfortable life in prison. They even have all the festivities/celebrations over there. It pisses ।e off so much thinking about it.
Right? And he's only 17 so it won't be long until he's completely adjusted to that lifestyle and he will find comfort and joy in his life which, unlike many people, will be safe and stable.
Honestly it's one of the few situations where I actually feel like a vigilante getting rid of him would be a good thing.
There's nothing wrong with wanting that. We need a safe society for all.
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Great that you expressed your opinion.
Yet, I think capital punishment will always be wrong.
Some cases look clear cut with confessions and all, but the justice system can fail, and you can not bring someone back to life.
We always need to be skeptical and vigilant about government overreach, and my government is not one that I trust to take care of a cup of salt.
But even so, it's not that difficult to implement a fool proof system for the most robust, open shut cases with no room for abuse, especially in the modern day with our modern technology.
If one is caught in the act, on camera, live streaming it, caught with the weapon, openly admits it, says he is glad he did it, I think there's no reason that cannot justify a hanging...
But I do see the arguments all valid
Nothing wrong with the death penalty. People call it barbaric, but then you just need to look at the actions of an individual like this and realise that associating barbarians with this behaviour is an insult to barbarians.
That's a good point!
I really hate the talking point that a civilised society doesn't do it. Who told you that? Civilised societies don't arbitrarily do it, sure. We gotta be careful, that's all
No careful, only execute.
Its time to stop pretending that keeping some one locked up and costing the tax payer oodles of money, forever is good capitalism. That prison land could be better as a sanitarium, or a high-rise (in the case of many US states) literally anything else.
But then you have to contend with the "for profit" prisons, and argue that they aren't a good use of capitalism.
Capitalism should just be the most efficient way of delivering the least amount of stuff, though right?
There's not many in power with even a semblence of conviction you express here - well, at least in the UK. I can name about 3, but none of them have any real influence.
Even the most 'right wing' and 'revolutionary' party, 'Reform', which I suppose is meant to mimic Trump (in fact the leader is friends with Trump), and yet they still come across like wet rags on issues like this. Even if it's the opposite view to me, fine, but have some balls when you say it, geeze.