I read what you write, Mrs. @joanstewart my soul wrinkles because in your country, as in the world, children and young people are left without identity in their space of family and social everyday life, precisely because there is no education for citizenship where in practice all human beings are the same.
This is different from ideologizing education.
This is a statement that is corroborated by observing the official system of social education, which, being unable to train citizens for the “xxi century”, destroyed in "mansalva" all the rational sense of Social Education for life...for example, what is happening in my country is the new social aesthetics of segregation.
Receive a big hug of hope with all my respect
We live but once, passing through we need to respect all for who they are.
I still dream of seeing people able to unite for the good of all, at the moment it feels polar opposite is occurring.
Amen so be it Mrs.@joanstewart it is the look from the inner wisdom that looks over and through all the outer appearance and allows us to find who we really are.❤️