Mr. Taraz I have felt questioned many times since the complaint and the judgment. I have learned to lower the indomitable power of self-demand, when I achieve it I release myself and take off a lot of pressure.
Why? because I celebrate the attempts, which are always much better than paralysis, without having to wait for others to do it.
I stay alert, watching my thoughts so as not to drown them in anguish and helplessness. Nothing easy this "my process" to move forward.One day at a time.
Many people can't reflect on their thoughts, because they are consumed by their feelings. I am glad you can.
Thank you Mr. Taraz, every day is a new path and it arises from my reality and from living it in my own flesh.
At least when I can't control a thought, I tell myself "nothing bad touches me" which is the same as raising the frequency by waking up.