Am I too harsh?
Because I "expect" a lot from people. When I say expect, I don't actually expect a lot from them in terms of thinking they will do it, or punishing them for not doing it, but when I judge them through my lens, I assume that they will meet various standards - even though I don't think my standards are all that high. If someone is getting paid to do a job, I expect them to be adequate at the job. If people make mistakes, I expect they will take responsibility and correct where they can. If people are not getting the results they want, I expect they will adjust their behaviors.
I don't ask this of them of course, I just assume that people are going to act in their own best interests and adjust accordingly. However, I also know that people are not overly rational in terms of what is in their own best interests, so at a practical level, they act based on their defaults and desires, even if it leads them to a worse than best interest result.
There are many example of this, but In general it seems to center around people overestimating the benefit of minimizing their work. It also is often around what people feel they are entitled to, regardless of whether their actions and results are worth the entitlement.
Like it or not, we all judge others on what we see of them and we can never be privy to the complete background and story, But we are also recipients of being judged by others. So, because of this I expect a lot from myself also and probably, more than I expect from others, at least at a practical level. There are many reasons that I can't live up to what I expect from myself, but I still have to try, right?
What I think is interesting these days is that people expect concessions to be made for them at the individual level, even on things that are not transparent, and that they would be unwilling to concede for another. It is like everyone believes that they are such a precious and important little snowflake, that they have to be considered as an individual, even when group decisions are being made.
But I want an Oompa Loompa now, Daddy!
But it does seem like there are growing divisions in groups, where the majority are expecting to be taken care of by others, and a minority are taking responsibility for their own outcomes. I see it in several workplaces I associate with too, where there are people who expect their job to come with multiple perks, even they themselves aren't fulfilling the needs of their job. Or, new employees fresh out of school, expecting high salaries and people leader positions, despite their inexperience or lack of practical understanding and skill.
I feel that part of the process automation that AI will bring, will include many new ways to track and evaluate the real-world impacts that employees are making on an organization. And perhaps, it is also going to uncover a lot of their social lives too and provide a confidence score to an employee, perhaps dictating brackets of perks. Do you think the average employee would want AI used in that way?
I am guessing not.
But, this is the thing with tools that make our lives easier - they can also make our lives harder and for knowledge workers, it can make their day resemble that of a line worker in manufacturing, where each piece of information they create or interact with goes into a value stream calculation and affect remuneration. Do people really want to be compared to the person next to them doing the same job, where there is transparency on what each is doing?
I am guessing not.
But, this is also part of the result of the constant demands on employers, as they will bring in mechanisms to be able to evaluate and justify positions and remunerations. What would be interesting to see is if we had perfect insight into each person, what is the value added between the people who complain the least, and those who complain the most about their working conditions.
What would you expect the correlation to be?
Maybe it comes down to whether a person has an internal or an external frame of reference. Are they comparing themselves against the outcomes of others, or are they comparing themselves to their expectations they place on themselves? Perhaps this speaks to whether the person sees themselves as an active agent in their outcomes, or a passive victim of their circumstances. It would also be interesting to see what kinds of activities each group makes when they meet negative conditions - do they adapt, actively try and change the conditions, or complain.
And Complaining isn't the problem really, as for many people, it is the first stage of their activation process. But, just complaining means that the solution for change (if there will be one applied) is also out of their hands - which is again this expectation that they should be looked after, that they are special enough to not have to help themselves.
At the end of the day though, whether I am too harsh in my judgements or not, I generally give people the benefit of the doubt and let them go about their lives. When it comes to something like this writing about it though, this has no target in mind, no judgement of an individual. Yet, what is interesting is that often, people will see themselves in the words and feel judged. This is very interesting, because what they are actually doing, is judging themselves.
We are made to judge. We are also made to move.
What do you expect from yourself?
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Mr. Taraz I have felt questioned many times since the complaint and the judgment. I have learned to lower the indomitable power of self-demand, when I achieve it I release myself and take off a lot of pressure.
Why? because I celebrate the attempts, which are always much better than paralysis, without having to wait for others to do it.
I stay alert, watching my thoughts so as not to drown them in anguish and helplessness. Nothing easy this "my process" to move forward.One day at a time.
Many people can't reflect on their thoughts, because they are consumed by their feelings. I am glad you can.
Thank you Mr. Taraz, every day is a new path and it arises from my reality and from living it in my own flesh.
At least when I can't control a thought, I tell myself "nothing bad touches me" which is the same as raising the frequency by waking up.
We cannot spend our lives waiting for what we want from others. No my friend, it is better to sit down and enjoy a good cup of coffee with them to get into context and from there clarify the situation.
We judge others because we don't stand in front of a mirror and analyse ourselves. We simply expect from others what we are not capable of giving.
My answer is NO, of course, there are automated processes, but the human being is not, hence the particularity of knowing how to use the skills of each person in a certain process and not to impose one, which he/she does not master.
I no longer expect anything from myself, I live life in the tranquillity of the surrounding environment, I adjust easily to the environment, I am an observer from the bench and I act when required. I enjoy a good coffee with friends and share with the whole work team, I know them both at work and at home, any inconvenience is aired as if we were a family. That has been my role within the Trebas Institute, and in over 10 years we haven't had a problem that hasn't been overcome.
I disagree. We judge each others because we are built with an innate system that evaluates the surroundings and predicts outcomes.
And again, I disagree. I expect people to do the job they are paid to do for instance. Because I do the job I am paid to do.
Act on what? How do you know when something is required?
That innate condition to which he refers has simply been left dormant in the generations that preceded us, the human being by nature is not predictive unless he has experimented on an event and noted the results -scientific method-, and from there argue possible hypotheses that could be valid or not.
… I am an observer from the bench and I act when required… My field of work is numerical analysis.
Good day tarazkp
I try to judge you always in a positive way.😀 I always think how do you bring those good thoughts everyday nonstop!
There are two types of judgement though. Some people intentionally try to judge others and it becomes their only jobs to do. While there are other people who do not care about judging people and for them the judgment become a basic instinct processed by autometic mechanism inside.
I wish I could say drugs! But unfortunately, nothing so fun ;)
For sure - maybe more. Some people judge to make themselves feel better. I don't care much about how I feel :)
"Never judge a book by its cover", they say, but all my life I've seen people judge every damn book by its cover. Then it's about reading and experiencing that book, getting to know the person, and then judging them some more.
Yet, is that a bad thing? Analyzing someone's behavior and then criticizing it, maybe even sharing your thoughts and point of view with them?
We judge, regardless of whether we criticize or voice our judgement. I don't judge many people openly, because they have their life to lead and my judgement might be bad. However, when their behavior affects mine, I have to judge in order to adjust for their behavior - good or bad.
I don't think criticism is bad, but many people don't know how to give valuable criticism.
And those who can't take criticism, and if you "give it to them" anyway, then that's a one-way ticket to their so-called "haters" list. 😂
Consistency and progress. I hope to continue making content daily and that my english will get better now as I speak it more.
I was listening to a podcast with Ed Sheeran today and what he mentioned was even though he wasn't great with his music, he knew he could outwork everyone. So, he looked to what the person he admired the most was doing, and then doubled the workload.
I think this is part of the reason that many of the people I work with think I am a jerk. I just expect you to do your job and unfortunately, a lot of them don't or they don't do it competently. Some of them are really easy too. It doesn't take too much to be able to master the skill. They just choose not to for whatever reason.
"I also wonder a lot of times why many people don't have the drive for (self)-optimization. Maybe it is laziness, or perhaps they lack passion for what they do? I honestly don't know. I have, once or twice, asked someone with that behavior. The only answer I get is that they themselves don't know. Since it is a very personal topic, it might only be the diplomatic answer to a somewhat offensive question, no matter how nicely you formulate it.
I definitely agree that is is probably difficult to locate the source of the issue. I would imagine most people get offended if you call them out on it. Whether your intentions are good or bad.
I am not sure either - but I think that short-term gain at long-term cost factors into it.
I would also agree that many people don't seem to engage in much self-reflection. In our culture, it is generally considered disrespectful to provide honest feedback to another person, so you rarely receive honest negative feedback. Even when you do receive honest criticism, many people perceive it as an insult and react defensively, missing the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. So, how can the majority learn to engage in self-reflection? I believe it would be highly beneficial if every child were taught to reflect on themselves as part of a dedicated school subject. This could create a safe environment for tackling this challenging task without causing more harm than good.
Maybe - but I think it starts with the parents. If people want what is best for their children, how come they aren't taking responsibility for learning and teaching this at home?
Yeah. We have developed a culture where victims are celebrated, not the heroes who overcome adversity. And, we have also created a culture that will cancel those who criticize the positions of those who only want to be victims. It is obviously going to lead to an unhealthy feedback loop.
I know some people at work getting paid to do job is not sufficent for the job, also they don't even try to correct their mistakes and improve themselves unless you tell them.
And when you tell them, they get hurt. :D
Also, they try to prove that you are wrong :)
I understand and love 99% of the people around me. I don't demand much from people. We are just people. And we are all different.
Unless you need them for something.
Interesting isn't it? I lived like lone wolf in thick and thin days, getting very less support. I just nod my head imagining those who cry in front of govt for financial support, do activism, and do communism and socialism expecting others to take care of them. I mean I hustled solo and suffered but never expected and these people expect world to take care of them. Ha, god save us all.
God, government, mummy... all the same reliance, isn't it? People need to grow up and do what they have to do, and learn to do it well.
The first thing I have to say is that your looks tell a lot about you and that is why you see people judge others by their looks and at the same time, we should not judge a book by it's cover
We never can tell what is in the book
Can never tell what is under the cover, but most of the time, the judgement could be suitable.
Well, first impression matters, right? That is why we sometimes tend to even judge people on the first meet. This is not just about impression but about characters too. It is okay to judge but the judgement should be done in a positive way.
I am a very pessimistic person. I do my best, but I usually expect the worst outcome. I also see others in a similar way, and I barely expect anything from them. This is why when somethings turns out bad, I don't get too stressed over it, but when it does go well, it is a pleasant surprise.
In work, I've seen a lot of employees just do the bare minimum. Some even try to work as little as possible if they can. I think just having deliverables or targets is the best way to motivate employees. If they don't finish their deliverables on time, or they are below the target, then they are underperforming. If they finish it, then they just did their work. If they did more than was expected, then those are the ones I can look to promote. Most will just do the bare minimum and finish within the target. This makes it easy to look at the employee's performance, and identify the performers.
Aside from the disjointed types I think most people are kind of egocentric in their expectations of others (I act like this therefore expect everyone else to default to this too even though logically you know they won’t, though some people seem genuinely confused and disoriented by this 🤣).
That usage of AI sounds both predictable and like that social credit score thing “everyone” loves to deride but fails to notice when the possibility is creeping into their own lives because firmly ensconced in the delusion that somehow it could never happen here.