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RE: Whale Watching

in Reflections2 years ago

All in all, a decent night was had and I would like to do these things a bit more often than we do.

Spending time with your partner is the most beautiful thing that should take place regularly, but not too routinely; sometimes it needs to be done suddenly as a surprise. Many people believe that it will relieve some of the daily tension at work and kill the boredom of being isolated within the walls of the house with all the daily routines.
The shots in action on the pool table look like a pro, Sir!

We had a "date night", as Smallsteps went and spent the evening with her grandparents for the first time in a few months.

Smallsteps was with her grandparents; it was a new surprise for her.
How do you prepare a new adaptation for Smallsteps at the start of her new school?


sometimes it needs to be done suddenly as a surprise

It is hard to do anything with a surprise with a young child and limited babysitter options.

How do you prepare a new adaptation for Smallsteps at the start of her new school?

We talk a lot about these things and practice what we can before hand, so that she gets a sense of familiarity.