They say the best revenge is to live one's best life,
I adhere to your sentence, and that sentence is exactly what my mother, who is very gentle at heart, often repeats.
How I have been taught by my mother since childhood that before I go to sleep and before she says good night, my mother invites me to remember the day that I have lived. For some of the painful things that I experienced that day, he asked me to forgive those who hurt me by praying for goodness, so that person would get goodness and change into a better person. Forgiveness is an open heart, a very sound sleep, and waking up the next day full of kindness.
I embrace all that is good and let go of all that hurts before I go to sleep.
I have let a lot go, so rather than hold onto emotional bags, I can hold a lot of HIVE instead.
You answered very well for those who were hurt by your sentence above.
That is an interesting meditation to do before bed. Reflect on the day, be grateful for what was good, learn from what was not.