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RE: The Gift of Death

in Reflections10 months ago

Happy birthday Taraz. You've certainly been through quite a lot in your 45 years!

no matter what we do, it will eventually be forgotten by those who know us.

I have to disagree. I'll never forget those close to me who have died. Life may have moved on without them, but they are still very much part of me, and there are days or occasions when I think I wish they are here right now to share this moment. If you were to die, I'm sure you will always have a place in Smallsteps heart.


Ah, but what I mean is, that they are going to die too, and in the not too distant future, there will be no one who remembers who we were, no matter what we did. A few people might last a few thousand years, but even that is a blink of an eye in history. At the end of the day, we only have the time while we breathe, so we should use it.