Hi!! Mipiano por aquí Benjamina 😆. Are you still aphonic? How long has it lasted? A lot of vocal rest so that it passes quickly.
Nice gesture from your students, I think they did it out of solidarity with you.
Pointing your finger in a crowd and having everyone look at the place is more human curiosity than anything else, in Cuba they would say it's "chisme" 🤣.
The thing still lasts in one form - with a cough, so I used a piece of paper and a pencil to communicate with my son and husband during the whole day yesterday to minimize the effort on the vocal cords.
They are enjoying this condition 🤣
Chisme - jaja, puede ser
Jajajaja, pero no podrán silenciarte, con papel y lápiz también se pone orden...ahí será como aquí en casa? 🤔 La que pone orden y es un "pelín" 😏 cascarrabias soy yo, los demás van a su aire 🌪️🌀😆.
Nos entendemos - completamente jajaja