Silent lessons

in Reflectionslast year

There is an interesting situation that I have experienced these days but I can't exactly define it. I don't know if this phenomenon is even categorized in psychology or sociology, but I think it has connections to both. Anyway, I will try to explain in my own words, so maybe someone here who reads and is a professional in one of these fields can define it.

This situation reminded me of a sociological phenomenon called collective behaviour. Once again, I just try to explain in my words so forgive my ignorance if I don't state something well here or don't use the right terminology. But let's see how can I explain it.

You probably noticed that there are cases when something happens and a group of people act in the same way, spontaneously, without being told or forced by laws on how to behave. Like a crowd, guided by intuition to do the same as others. Well, that is one of the forms of collective behaviour.

One of the examples is a group of fans in a sports stadium, cheering or singing loudly at the same time. Or doing the wave. Likewise, in demonstrations there is always a group of hooligans who will break the windows of cars and shop windows. What motivates them to do it? A sense of belonging to a group? An act of rebellion or a desire to show power?

I think that as another example we can consider the situation when someone on the street points his/her finger at something (it can be even an imaginary thing), and then everyone looks in that direction. It is actually funny, but that is how it works. Try it out once when you find yourself at a busy square or street.

Another one - you go to a party where everyone is dancing and have a good time. Would you be able to stand still and motionless or you will get the same vibe and start dancing too? At a concert, where everyone would sing a song aloud, accompanying the singer - I bet you would at least hum the tune if everyone around you is doing the same.


So, what happened to me is that I couldn't speak for the past two days. I was aphonic. Still, I had to go to work and it would be all fine if my work would not involve verbal communication. Especially with children. As a teacher, I have to guide them, explain the subject, request tasks. Additinally, I always chitchat with them a bit, ask about their day, or the weekend etc. We start the lesson (if a group lesson then there are 3 or 4 students) in a friendly way, then we work, play the piano, correct the mistakes, improve what has to be improved and do different activities that include music theory. Now imagine all of that without being able to talk. 😂

That day (Wednesday) I greeted my first lesson with a whisper and from that moment the students talked to me and among themselves in the same way. They spoke in whispers too, although I didn't ask them to speak like that. No one talked aloud. Complete silence, just whispers when they had to say something.

It made me feel good, as all we heard were just the piano pieces. I whispered my suggestions on what to improve, they whispered back and everyone stayed calm about the way the lesson was held. The next lesson went in a very similar way as well as all the lessons on the next day. I even told them that they could talk as always but after a few words spoken in a normal tone, they returned to silence or whispering.

Cool, I am not complaining about this. Moreover, I am thinking about speaking in this way even when I can already talk in a usual tone haha. Just kidding for this last sentence, but what does this situation show us?



Are my students just very well-behaved children who felt for me and spoke in the same way to show solidarity with me?

Was it just the common sense that made them behave (in this case speak) in the same way as me?

Was it an example of collective behaviour?


Maybe none of the aforementioned thoughts is right (or there is truth is all of them?), but I still see here a pattern. Usually, if one is nervous and speak loudly or scream the people around that person will probably get the same vibe and behave according to that energy. And the opposite - the interlocutor of a calm person who speaks softly will answer him/her in the same way. This is not the rule, however it happens often.

Have any of these or similar situations happened to you?



Hi!! Mipiano por aquí Benjamina 😆. Are you still aphonic? How long has it lasted? A lot of vocal rest so that it passes quickly.

Nice gesture from your students, I think they did it out of solidarity with you.

Pointing your finger in a crowd and having everyone look at the place is more human curiosity than anything else, in Cuba they would say it's "chisme" 🤣.

The thing still lasts in one form - with a cough, so I used a piece of paper and a pencil to communicate with my son and husband during the whole day yesterday to minimize the effort on the vocal cords.

They are enjoying this condition 🤣

Chisme - jaja, puede ser

They are enjoying this condition 🤣

Jajajaja, pero no podrán silenciarte, con papel y lápiz también se pone orden...ahí será como aquí en casa? 🤔 La que pone orden y es un "pelín" 😏 cascarrabias soy yo, los demás van a su aire 🌪️🌀😆.

Nos entendemos - completamente jajaja

Those children accepted your whisper and stood in solidarity with you. It's called assertive behavior. I'm sure a psychologist can explain it better. Take care of those vocal cords, take chamomile, ginger and drink lots of water. And above all rest. Have a nice evening.🤫🤐🥰

Children are honest and innocent, they solidarize by intuition with others.You also explained it well, thank you @mamani

Las cuerdas vocales volverán a la normalidad un día, y sí, jengibre, limón, miel, agua, frutas y otras cosas están aquí, pero lleva un poco de tiempo, especialmente porque hoy forcé mi voz y siento las consecuencias. Mañana ya estaré mejor, seguro! 😇 Gracias y mis saludos!!


Not really.... but is true that your behavior can influence in the people that are around you... so we must control the way we express everyday...

True. It is also the thing that we behave toward others in the way we would like them to behave with us, right? If we want kindness, for example - then we have to be kind first.

yes... giving love is the best!

Of the options you ticked I think they are the last two, but the last one if the children are very young as they have to imitate adults. If they are not so young, I think that common sense and solidarity are the ones that take precedence. What an interesting experience! Take good care of that throat.... tea with honey!😘

There were children between 7 and 18 in different lessons, and even the oldest whispered :D

Thanks, I am on it


So it has been solidarity on the part of the big ones, empathy and the small collective phenomenon. I hope you will recover very soon!🤗

It is imitated out of admiration, empathy, connection, and also in power dynamics imitation can be seen. I've realized that I'm a bit apathetic in stadiums when they do the wave, I don't participate. Hahaha...

(I whispered all of this)

That score... what music is it?


It's because you don't go to the stadiums to cheer but to work 😆
Imagine you doing a wave, where would the camera end up?

I should just keep silent tomorrow for the whole day. 🤐

The score? It is a part from The Blue Danube Waltz by Johann Strauss. 🎶

Well, yeah, haha... it must be that. 😅

How nice! 🎶 I like it.

Ponte bien ya.

Se intentará ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

😁 te gustó, ¿eh?

ರ⁠_⁠ರ esto serían los ojos? 😂

¿Y el de dormir? 😂

I think it is an example of collective behavior and I’m sure your kids must have noticed that you have not been talking well and that is why they listened and responded to your whisper
There are so many things that we don’t need to be taught but we imbibe them

They were also behaving so well, kids definitely feel when they have to cooperate.

Hey friend
Maybe your students must have thought that it was the way you wanted to relate with them, it's funny how some students could be

They knew I was bad with my throat, but it was anyway cute on their part to talk in the same way :)

Since the students have known you for a while knowing fully well that you are not faking ur voice. That's why they decided to play along with you in solidarity to ur new voice, secondly the students may not fault your new method of teaching but I am sure the school authorities will. Any way get well soon and take Some African bitter Kula it will help you regain your voice