Come on, fear, this is the door for you to leave

in Reflections6 months ago (edited)


Stop and think about how many things frighten you in your day-to-day life. Things that aren't even happening. We usually project most of our fears into the future, and they have to do with loss, scarcity, and the shift from a ‘comfortable’ state we possess to great discomfort. As we fill ourselves with this feeling we also draw these realities in our minds, in such detail, that it seems as if we are already living them.

There is also the case of someone who is ill or suffering from some stressful or negative situation in their environment and is not able to think about this with a great resolution, i.e. a positive resolution. It is just more objective or normal for them to think that their condition can get worse because it is so difficult to feel good and think positively if you are in pain, isn't it? This also happens if there is something in your environment that affects you. Most people don't think about that situation with love, or draw in their mind an ideal scenario in which everything is solved in a great way, bringing happiness and benefit for all. No. They prefer to think of ways to get even, of how to respond if the situation escalates and to be prepared for the worst. And it's as if they are already living those realities. Because they draw them in so much detail in their mind...

Then the fear doesn't go away, the bad thing happens, and life takes that turn that we don't want deep down, but that we are unwittingly creating there in our thinking.

I know that what I am saying is very difficult to accept. Because it would be like accepting that we are to blame for everything bad and good that happens to us. Well, yes, it is like that. I'm sorry to give you this news, but it's completely true. I've been realising for some time that it's like that. Very simple. However, at the same time, it is very complex to change our way of being and thinking. It would be like being born again. We would have to get rid of many preconceived ideas. And of many fears that have become so familiar in our lives that we can no longer conceive of our reason for being and existing without them.

No, don't feel guilty. Just understand that this knowledge has come now and we must be patient and loving with ourselves. The idea is not that we are here to suffer or to punish ourselves. It is quite the opposite. We came into this world to be happy, to love and to give, to grow and to inspire.

I am thinking in particular of some simple examples, for example, when you eat something thinking it will be bad for you... you will probably feel sick to your stomach afterwards. It's because you have united thought with emotion. These two together are a powerful weapon. There are more sophisticated ways of explaining this, but I'll try to keep it simple.

You hear that there is a new virus making a lot of people sick and you read in the networks in detail all the symptoms. The first thing you do is forward it to help spread fear. Of course, you think you are doing good. It is necessary to keep people informed. But I ask you to stop here and be honest with yourself, how often do you send your contacts a message of spiritual value, a message to encourage them to read, to learn new things or just to be in touch with nature?

I'm telling you that many of those people who receive your message are going to act just like you when you see someone sneezing or coughing, with watery eyes. You will believe that you have caught that virus. You'll believe it with so much emotion, that you'll visualise yourself getting sick, what a calamity, for God's sake, you see yourself coughing and it hasn't even been 5 minutes. It's a reality that you're creating without realising it in your mind. Maybe you don't even get sick with the virus, because maybe that person just had allergies, but you're going to get a cold for sure. I am talking about suggestions here.

I am not a guru by any means. I am on the path of learning. When I talk about these things many people think I am crazy. But I am not the one who invented this.

Please read: The Placebo Is You, by Joe Dispenza. On YouTube, you can find summaries of this book.

This is just to give you an example of what the mind is capable of. Many other authors deal with these topics.

I was encouraged to write this after recently when we were waiting for the bus to return home from our holiday in Varadero, I heard my father say that he was afraid of travelling by road in bad weather on one of those buses. He doesn't want me to talk to him about anything related to my beliefs, but I asked him to please change those negative statements to positive ones, such as: ‘I really enjoy coming home, I feel happy and I am full of energy after a wonderful holiday’. This was not fiction, it was reality, so why think about an accident or a fatality during the homecoming?

I think most people put more emphasis on negativity than positivity. They constantly have internal conversations over which they have no control. They don't know how to control their thoughts. Just try it. Every time a negative thought comes, say that you don't accept it, and replace it with its positive counterpart.

I heard this recently and I thought it was a very good illustration of what I am trying to say from the beginning. If your child calls you in the early morning and tells you that he are afraid, you will tell him that he doesn't need to be afraid, that everything is OK, that you are there for him, you will give him your hand to hold... or you will read him something to take away that fearful thought. So... are we in agreement? Well, that's what you should do with yourself. Calm down, breathe, meditate, start your day with positive affirmations, and go to bed the same way. Surround yourself with positive people, and open the door for that fear to go away. And visualise with emotion, and love, in great detail what you want to achieve. Stop in your tracks at a visualisation of something negative. Don't accept it.

When I say, ‘I let go of my thoughts’, I am simply doing that, letting go of all fear, all doubt, all guilt and instead creating the reality I want for myself. This takes only a few minutes out of my day, and then I go about living, remember it's like riding a bike, I have to keep going forward so I don't lose my balance.

Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.


There is one thing I do not share about the publication that I am not going to comment on (and it has nothing to do with the virus, I only know one virus and it is called WHO). It has so much light, so much energy that I'm left with that cover photo, it's wonderful and that message so wise: we have to love ourselves more, be in the positive, flee from self-sabotage. I'm not going to write anything else, it robs me of the time I need to recreate myself with that photo.

Abrazo @nanixxx

Tomo nota del libro.

I would like to know what you disagree with. I know that this way of thinking has many detractors. But my evidence is daily, and I feel the need to share this reality.


En español: otro día, estoy mirando la foto... de, verdad, te sorprendería saber lo de acuerdo que estoy en lo que dices.... excepto en una cosa... quizás mañana... te comento algo. Por ahora, me has dejado una sonrisa en la cara.


I'm still here, that photograph is beautiful (me repito mucho? 😁)

Disfruta de una gran tarde @nanixxx

I really enjoy these connections, you know, but it's my reality. I'm not surprised at all.

(no repites, solo puntualizas, señalas jajaja... )

Mi tarde, tu noche.

You get it. Nice write up. We do create our lives.✨

Biological, neurological, and quantum patterns that repeat over and over to keep us trapped... 😄 (Time to put an end to that)

True that

but, luckily, we are not our parents
and patterns can be broken
and neuro-pathways can be rebuilt.

Which doesn't mean it is easy.

I like a good challenge though.
Always willing to level up. I like to call becoming a better version of our parents 'evolution' ;<)

It was a truly pleasure to read you, good writing👏👏👏. Greetings

I'm so happy, superjavi!

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @dimascastillo90 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

@nanixxx, you are most welcome!

Here is !ALIVE token gift for you

I think it's great to think this way but we also have to be patient with those who don't see it, each has their own time and even this might not be the ultimate knowledge that unlocks the true potential of life

Yes, I agree. And you can't imagine how patient I am, you can't imagine, really.

Typical things impatient people say lol

LOL... You caught me!

Buenisimo esto...

El Joe Dispenza me salvó varias veces ya en esta vida. Le agradezco mucho, y a Osho, y a Krishnamurti en especial.

Al yoga le debo el entrenamiento de poder lidiar con el mundo y sus males, jugar con mis emociones y Manejar el flujo de pensamientos. Es muy lindo cuando descubres al testigo detras de ese locutor mental con el que nos identificamos. Entonces los colores son mas vibrantes, nadie te cae mal y sientes compasion por todo y todos. Es real. Somos los responsables de nuestra existencia y es un poder intransferible.

🍻 Salud hermana !!!!!🙏


los colores son mas vibrantes, nadie te cae mal y sientes compasión por todo y todos.

Así es hermana, estamos en el camino de evolucionar. Yo hace tiempo que dejé de verme como una víctima de algo o alguien, y cuando por casualidad este pensamiento llega, me digo: ¿qué?, vamos, gira que te veo fija. 😂

No me autoflagelo, solo pienso en cómo corregir lo que sea que haya estado haciendo mal. Porque yo soy la única responsable de todo lo que sucede en mi vida.


This is real... I don't know if the word is guilt but if we are responsible for what happens to us, with our thoughts we attract whatever it is and I have proven it! I totally agree. The thing is that those fears and thoughts come from mental programming and pre-established beliefs, first we have to detect them to eliminate them and start from 0.

Virus... viruses... I don't believe in viruses... but that is another subject.

I love listening to Joe Dispenza.

Here it is late... but I'll listen to it!! see you tomorrow!

We are all gurus, we just have to learn to listen to ourselves 😀

Positive thinking really is the key to banishing a lot of the things that bug you in life

This listening to oneself is the hard part. Not all of us manage to do it. It is said that people can have about 60,000 thoughts a day. How many of them will be positive? How many of them will be focused on the here and now? How many of them will be anchored to the past? How many of them will be connected to a state of worry about the future?

I like to learn from those who know and put their teachings into practice and have evidence. I've been writing them down, you know?

Yeah, writing them down is good. It's almost like we have been conditioned from a young age to think negatively about ourselves and it's tough one to crack

Gran mensaje aquí 🙌 Simplemente gracias por mantener tu frecuencia alta 🪄 Con el tiempo he aprendido que a esas personas no se les hace caso, al final ellos solo te dejan la mala noticia y siguen muy campantes con sus vidas, mientras que tú te quedas preocupado. Mi mamá y mis amigos saben que conmigo ni malas noticias, ni chismes jjj aquí se habla de cosas bonitas y que nos impulsen a creer 👌🌻🩹🚀


Sé que tú vibras así.

Well done! you are rigth! lets make a better life just been positive !

👏 (I think it's the best)

Hello nani. When you go to a Hotel you think many things, right? At least it happened to me recently.
It's exactly what you say, people think it's something magical or esoteric, and it's more physical than they think.
Let me tell you something:
Because of my life experiences, my childhood and (my character, I think) I'm the typical person who always thinks the bad things first, in terms of people, their interests, etc. It has taken me a long time in my life to understand that I was only attracting situations that put me at a disadvantage, just because of the fear of being deceived, being rejected, etc. Today, that I have worked hard, but hard and I have to keep doing it because every minute I catch myself in the jump thinking something negative, I know the benefits that a simple change of mentality can bring you. Wayne Dyer said: “You are one thought away from changing your life”.
That phrase changed my life.

I understand what you are saying because I know how hard it is to work on oneself on a daily basis. But step by step changing my thoughts, banishing everything that anchors me to a past or to those loops we tend to fall into, it feels good, and all very bright and achievable.

Thank you for leaving your experience here, it adds so much value to my words.

It wasn't the hotel, it was the proximity of the sea. I would very much like to live near the sea, the river and the mountain. 😉

Just like me.😉