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RE: A World of Too

in Reflections2 years ago

By some standards, I was an awful parent. I didn't care about grades, only that they did what they could, but they all excelled in grades anyway. I didn't push sports (I hated being a sports mom), but they all enjoyed playing something. I didn't push music, and they all loved music despite. My house was hardly ever what anyone would call clean, and the two still living keep their houses much cleaner than I do. I didn't limit how much candy they could eat, and none of them developed a sugar tooth.

If you want your kids to be themselves, do not push yourself on them. Let them see you love what you do, and they will learn to love what they do.

Can a person be too skilled? Only if they hate doing what they do well.

Learn how to sing man. It feels really good, and is excellent exercise.