Hm. I thought this post of his was an attempt to quell the drama, not to escalate it. I worry that we will lose a very good content creator in this brou-ha-ha. It would not be the first such loss.
I wrote out the above response to you a few minutes ago, but got scared it would bring bad vibes my way and deleted it. Now I have returned with my response because I object to my feeling that I have to be careful not to offend you, or other whales, whom I have previously offended by arguing on this very subject - self-upvoting and ensuing downvotes. I already craft my posts so that I don't overly displease anyone; I speak carefully so that I don't bring that downvoting weapon down on my own head. Is this what we want here? Tricky subject! One that folks get quite caught up in, and does bear some calm looking into, which is what I feel tobetada is trying to do.
Not so sure as of yet. I don't think the first post of these was necessary - and I think this one is less so.
Interesting that you and I disagree on the tone we each heard him use. I thought it sounded like a genuine and fair attempt to discuss manners on the Hive blockchain. Having brought some related wrath down on my own head for trying to discuss that same thing, I am very sensitive to the vengefulness of the comments he received, and can 100% understand his wanting to clear the air.
The first one was extremely important - how else are we going to talk about the "values" we have here? I find it most curious that trying to have an open discussion about an apparently sensitive topic is so ill conceived by many. I was always of the opinion that shining light onto the dark spots is generally a rewarding experience. At least I learned a lot.
As I said in my other comment - this conversation is very very old.... It is not a dark spot you are shining a light on, and if you were paying any attention since you joined in 2017, you would know that.