I think we're failing our kids in all kinds of ways. As a teacher - albeit one who's retired from full time classroom teaching and is now a glorified babysitter - I obviously have access to firsthand accounts and anecdotes about the 'kids of today' and the 'covid kids' coming up. Certainly here in Australia, the 'covid kids' are a real worry, especially as schools are really, really struggling to fill positions and teachers are overworked and thus they fall further behind in literacy and numeracy as well as social education.
Schools have a responsibility to teach interpersonal relationships explicitly as part of the curriculum, but I'm afraid it's not always done very well. Smallsteps is lucky to have a Dad like you to do this, but many don't. It's like everyone is dropping the ball and ignoring the fact that community and connection is even more important than a university entrance score (here in Australia), especially with mental health issues the way they are at teh moment and will continue to be in the foreseeable future.
Very good article @tarazkp.