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RE: Grow The Line

in Reflectionslast year

As long as you're both enjoying yourselves and it doesn't feel stressful (something you have to get from the air). I remember reading a book or article (can't remember which) ages ago in which the author was hanging out with some family who took the education thing a bit too far and I remember one of the sentences along the lines of "every moment had its little lesson" and theen describing how streessful the atmosphere felt wasn't that conducive to the kids learning much of anything (and from memory they were homeschooled so even less ideal).

And far more common, are parents who think hiding all the crazy shit they got up to as teens from their children, is going to "protect" their children from doing the same.

I always think it makes much more sense to tell them about all the nonsense you got up to as a teenager so they can understand why you don't want them doing the same stupid nonsense and also so it then suddenly is not such an amazing cool thing that's going to make them seem amazing and cool because it's been done to death before XD

I can sympathise with where you're coming from with having some memento/keepsake from the parents now that they're no longer there, however it simply may not have occurred to them at the time, especially if there were a lot of other things that were on their mind. And if they're not the type that like writing it wouldn't have occurred to them at all :< And it's pretty cool; that you're doinmg the thing that you would have liked to get in case she wants it later.


"every moment had its little lesson"

This is what I am trying to avoid. It is hard though for me, as I am a trainer at heart!

Perhaps it is because I have so little from my childhood, nothing physical that "connects" me to the past. My mother and father could both write, and it likely did occur to them, but they also likely took the "maybe later" approach. My dad thought he would outlive us all anyway :)