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RE: Under the Hood

in Reflections4 months ago

That hoodie is pretty cool XD

I need to find something that will do something similar as middle child wants a leavers jacket

That spending time with kids thing is one of the reasons we made the decision to take the massive income cut (at least initially, it was me staying home with the kids and while sibling dearest and I did start up a reasonably successful business it took a while to get going) and one of the reasons we decided to homeschool.

Maybe as you said some parents think that all they have to do is get them to adulthood, but I feel like some people just have them either to tick a box or because they can't grok the idea of contraception.

Yay for finding shoes!


or because they can't grok the idea of contraception.

:D :D

I need to find something that will do something similar as middle child wants a leavers jacket

I am not sure what this is.

The leaver's jacket? It's a special variation of the normal school jumper/jacket/shirt that the "leavers"/graduates (so either year 6 in primary school or year 12 in high school) can get. I'm trying to find somewhere that will allow a one-off printing as everywhere I've found so far are geared towards schools or corporate so their minimum order is usually 20 and all the places where I can get one-offs have got pretty bland designs (for understandable reasons).