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RE: Bound together...then not

in Reflectionslast year

This is a reflection of what happened some months ago. Sometimes you don't know your close friend that is sincere until your state of living change. Some draw closer to you because of benefit they derived from been close to you like material thing should there be a change to this, they draw from you. Now, they sighted your consistency in what you do now paying and setting you back to where you were before and they believe they can get more thing from you, they try to come back.

I am.not been wicked to turn my back at them, I am affected negatively when they withdraw, leaving me to my faith, and do you know what, I faced it myself, fight for it, and I'm out completely. Get friend closer to me right now, is never a thought though I have friends but not close friend. Experience is the best teacher.... My wife right now is my close friend... My decision make sense?


I'm sorry, I actually can't make much sense of your comment.

Possibly because I am not too open in my comment.

In short, I lost close friend to death and emotionally did not get myself for months.

On a second note, I've lost friend to change of location and the condition within that area deprived me on reaching out to them.

On a last note which I was talking about in my previous comment is, those that are close to me and thought they are friend, but until I got to know there intention I didn't know there plot, this affected me when I separated myself from them... However, I am a jolly good fellow but their coming back to me can never be as a friend.

Sorry for my first comment not too clear.

Loss is difficult to deal with and each of us approaches it differently, we're all different people. I think, no matter the situation or person, that we need to look to the future and see that life goes on. That doesn't mean we have to forget those whole we have lost, but life has to progress.

Thanks for clarifying.

You are very valid, I concur with your submission, one needs to move on! Thanks for your response.