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RE: Facing the Fear Within Me; My Date to WW3

in Reflections • 5 months ago

This is quite moving...
I've been wondering where you've been, sorry about the dark times and I'm glad, happy and a bit worried about your current destination.😂😂

Regardless I am overjoyed to hear from you once again.
I am proud that you moved past the depressive episode (even if by chance you're not completely over it.) for moving is all that matters.

In matters of life, depression, love, feelings and relationships, many people tend to fuss over how they start or finish and the preparations of getting ready.
The first step is important yes, it sometimes could define the end point, but the most important step is the next step.
The next step is indeed what makes the future. No matter how you start, how you continue defines how you'll end.

Seems you're next step is in Amman, make it a wonderful one, and if it doesn't go as planned, just take another step, if something brings you down make that next step again.

I'll be here, waiting for updates, stories posts and hopefully lots more pictures of all the steps you're willing to share✨


Heya Seki!

I've been wondering where you've been

It seems I have a habit of disappearing for several weeks then coming back; this time I am hoping I can make myself consistently post, I miss writing here a lot!

Thank you for the well wishes, both for my journey here in the middle east and for my mental health!

a bit worried about your current destination.

Just wait till I go to Syria 🤣

No matter how you start, how you continue defines how you'll end.

This is very well said, love it!