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RE: Know Your Audience

in Reflections • yesterday

But, just imagine a world of honest AI content generation, where the "influencer" doesn't get to brand themselves, but it is all done by an AI that tracks the content creators daily life and then builds according to reality


Apart from that, there are people who just can't get it together in spite of connections and money being ploughed into them/the product. Meghan Markle has to be at the pinnacle of relentlessly getting it so wrong.

I sympathise with your wife - we had so many CVs from people with no relevant experience at all.


Meghan Markle has to be at the pinnacle of relentlessly getting it so wrong.

She should fire her team. Just think, she could have had a life of doing good, charity work, and being famous - but instead she wanted to monetize royalty (even further than it is) to be famous as a social influencer at all the silly things she keeps trying. Talk about royal entitlement!

I sympathise with your wife - we had so many CVs from people with no relevant experience at all.

AI should be used to bin them directly.