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RE: Positive and negative

in Reflections2 years ago

Yes you are right! A lot of people are afraid to write and afraid to ask questions. It's actually not that hard to get into blogging on hive but they need to be able to have the willingness to try and learn.

I'm actually going to be doing a lesson on blogging for gamers that play Splinterlands. Going to teach them to blog here on hive hopefully they see the potential. I've already gotten a few to start like @zactian and @jadedaniel


Ok, that sounds interesting. I don't read Splinterlands posts, I'm not at all interested, but it could help them get started right?

Yes I hope that it will be the start from there.

well I will be teaching them like the basics and explaining the upvoting downvoting HBD etc. Basically everything they would need to know to understand how it works. I will also probably provide links for markdowns etc to them to be successful.

Will push them to start with an introduction post. then maybe after that they will write splinterlands stuff but hopefully they will branch out to other communities from there once they are comfortable? This is actually kind of how I started but my intro post was horrible because nobody guided me when I first started.

Whether they want to follow thru or not is up to them but I won't force them too. If they don't have the heart to do it, there's no point in me trying to teach or push them towards writing on hive as there needs to be a little bit of passion for writing. I just hope they can genuinely write and enjoy sharing their story and thoughts, writing quality content and engaging with the community.

It's actually amazing the networking that can be done and all the people you can get to know and make friends with. They can also build a side income hopefully to reinvest a portion into Hive power or splinterlands wahtever they choose to. Most of them are from like PH so the amount they can earn on hive could probably raise a child from what ive been told.

The more people we can onboard I think it will be better for the future of hive as long as they are contributing to the community.

That's great, the basics and the lay of the land so to speak.

There's wasn't much guidance when I started either, although I had my brother to ask if I needed.

I don't mind people earning here, as long as they're doing nothing wrong and also adding value to the community on some way; Those who take, approach it like their personal bank, and don't do anything to promote a sustainable future...well, they get my downvote.

exactly the lay of the land! Does that mean you found out about this platform from your brother?

I don't mind people earning here, as long as they're doing nothing wrong and also adding value to the community on some way; Those who take, approach it like their personal bank, and don't do anything to promote a sustainable future...well, they get my downvote

I get what you mean. From what I heard there were a lot of people that were blogging before during bullrun but after that high times a lot left since it wasn't worth it as much.

If they do anything wrong it won't be from my teaching though! I also hope that they will be bring value to the community and help contribute to growing hive until it becomes mainstream better than facebook, instagram, twitter etc even though I already think it's better but we need the masses to agree hehe

Does that mean you found out about this platform from your brother?

He tried for six months to get me here and I kept saying no...then I said yes, and the rest is history. That was June 13th 2017, my first day...and here I am still enjoying it.

Ya for sure can see that you enjoy it or you wouldn't be here anymore!

wish I could've started that time. I think was still studying and enjoying my uni life. I also did spend a fair amount of time on videos games. I could've been spending some of that time writing here but I guess better late than never.

It seems so long ago now, when I look at the actual date, but it doesn't feel that long. I enjoy it and that's what matters. If I turned it into a job then I think I'd enjoy it less.

thanks shawn for pushing me to start blogging. ill really try to write something up if its my free time. have a pleasant day!