I'm seeing it on Hive currently, negative behaviour the person may feel is empowering, valuable and even valid...but in reality is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, pointless, low-grade and behaviour that speaks poorly for the individual's character
This happens outside of Hive as well. I feel like it's kind of a balance in life Good/Evil, Positive/Negative. Not everyone has good behavior even though that would be ideal. But should we just accept this as the norm?
I think we shouldn't accept it but I have no idea how would we change it. We humans are very mysterious creatures and sometimes it's logic, sometimes it's instinct and sometimes its like wtf they doing wtf they thinking.
You're right though it's great to make someones day; we feel good about it but there are messed up people out there that feel good about ruining peoples day. It's unfortunate that their brain is wired that way but what can we do. Speaking of which I could be wrong but I remember reading about genes that have psychopath traits or something so it could be in the genetics that people are just messed up. I could be wrong here though.
I also find it amazing how those that struggled a lot in life early or started out handicapped are the ones that I think do more for making other peoples day better because of the experience they had. They are more appreciative and understanding than the average people I feel. Maybe we should all start our lives suffering so we can appreciate more.
Anyways sorry if the grammar is bad here . It's almost 3am and maybe what I'm saying makes no sense but I think you'll get the point. Gonna sleep now~
Of course it happens outside of Hive, it happens everywhere humans exist.
I don't know if genetics are involved, if they are made that way although it's possible. I think a lot of it is learned behaviour supported by what people see around them. Sometimes it's simple jealousy, the tall poppy syndrome, you know, pulling down those who have risen rather than working towards lifting oneself up. It's harder to do the latter, and easier to simply drag others down.
If this is the case, then if people stopped pulling people down or just doing "bad" things, bad in the instance of something criminal, then we would have the perfect world? But as you mentioned with jealousy and all the other negative emotions, I feel it would be impossible unless this whole world took a happy pill or something.
I guess the only thing we can really do is be the ones that are positive and help. By doing this we just hope that others follow and learn this behavior over the behavior of bringing people down.
Perfect doesn't exist, but I think we'd have a better one for sure.
My point exactly. It starts with you...and me...and everyone else as an individual person.
Unfortunately, we can only control ourselves and in a way influence others but in the end it's up to them to follow the good behavior. And also to those that have children or will have children, hopefully they can teach them accordingly to be humble, help others and be someone that helps make a positive impact in this world~
Humility is a very valuable personality trait and I agree, hopefully people are out there teaching it to their kids.
Exactly . I hope so as well!