
in Reflectionslast year

fuck off cunt face.jpg

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

- D. H. Lawrence -

I believe there is a lot to be gained by doing small things; it's many small things combined that become bigger things and actively doing small things well can mean a better, more satisfying and engaging life.

However...doing the right small things matters.

Infinitesimal: Extremely small

There's a difference between being a small person engaging in small, valueless, vindictive, selfish, anti-social and otherwise pointless things and in being someone who concatenates many small things towards the attainment of something positive and to be proud of. I do not believe there's value or a more engaged and passionate life, to be found through small, insignificant and negative things that seemingly bring empowerment, validation or a feeling of relevance, but really don't - that's simply living a life that is far below, and much less than, one is capable of.

I'm seeing it on Hive currently, negative behaviour the person may feel is empowering, valuable and even valid...but in reality is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, pointless, low-grade and behaviour that speaks poorly for the individual's character - just my opinion of course, however I believe many would agree with it. I can only assume the individual celebrates each of those small actions, and their own brilliance, but at what cost do those infinitesimal actions come to the individual?

It seems a person's mental health is somewhat precariously balanced these days, for many reasons, so playing with it in this way, goading it, seems unproductive and somewhat dangerous. Does the potential gain, if there is indeed any gain at all, worth the potential loss?

I believe it's the thoughts, attitudes and actions we take on a minute-by-minute basis that help us journey through life in better ways, provided they're the right ones, and impeding progress through engaging in small, meaningless and negative thoughts and actions delays, and possibly even prevents, a person from being their best version or living their best life. Do they feel so sorry for or disappointed in themselves, the person they are, and so blinded by their own situation that they feel they need to constantly bring others down also? Yes, probably. It's sad and pathetic.

I believe one of the best ways to improve one's feeling of self-worth is to increase someone else's, it's not a difficult concept; making others feel good, feels good. I also believe engaging in mindless negativity in a bid to increase one's feeling of value and relevance has the exact opposite effect.

Making the effort to create small moments of goodness in one's life, rather than creating and spreading infinitesimal and pathetic moments of negativity is going to work in a person's favour every single time...but that's just my opinion, and I wonder what yours is.

Feel free to comment on how you raise your feeling of self-esteem or self-worth by lifting someone else's, or just in general. Do you inject small moments of positivity into your life and that of others and feel the positive effect of it or do you prefer to cloak yourself in negativity, blame, ego and hubris? Feel free to comment either way, I always respond.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Any images in this post are my own.


It's pretty amazing just how petty people can be these days. They think they are taking some grand moral stance or something and in the end, they are just being so petty. I am probably the same way though. I had an email I need to respond to yesterday. It took me a good half hour to write three sentences. The first dozen attempts were rife with sarcasm and barbs. I still had to get one jab into my final email, but it was much tamer than my initial attempts. It made me feel better at the time, but it really doesn't last and in the end it probably just made me look like a jerk even though I had a good point and I was right. What kind of cost should we put on being right?

This is a good example and I think we've all written emails like that...which is why I never send them right away preferring to let them cool off and to have the time to rewrite. I think people that buy into this sort of behaviour, the little barbs of negativity with the thought of it actually improving their feeling of value, actually know they're irrelevant and probably hate themselves for it, and for knowing it's true.

Usually after the fact I definitely feel like I should have worded things differently. There are some people where I work that I am not willing to compromise with though. They deserve every little jab I give them because they are just that inept and somehow still have a job here.

Some people certainly do, I get it. I try to remind myself that they'll bring the sky down on their own heads but it's sometimes difficult not to be the harbinger of doom, just for the fun of it. Lol.

Believe it or not, I'm actually a lot better than I use to be. Scary to think!

Time and experience changes people I guess, for good or bad; I like to think it's the former for me. We're all just human though, and so quite flawed.

I love how carefully you analysed your thoughts, and I do agree with this;

I believe it's the thoughts, attitudes, and actions we take on a minute-by-minute basis that help us journey through life in better ways, provided they're the right ones.

That's why it is said that our actions matter in life. Whatever we do, however, we do it goes a long way in shaping our individual life. This is why we ought to be careful with our thoughts and how we decide to act it out.

Also, I agree with this;

I believe one of the best ways to improve one's feeling of self-worth is to increase someone else's.

The world will be a better place if people think this way. Improving someone's life affects yours too as it says a bigger much about who you truly are both inside and outside.

And, I believe giving people a hand and being there to even listen helps us to be better.

What we do certainly matters, and what we do when no one is looking is the most important because it's behind the scenes, when we think no one is looking, where the worst behaviours can occur because they're hidden from scrutiny.

That's true. It is good to be true to ourselves whether we are in or out.

Hello Galen, we take life as if what we are allowed to feel is like that and already, in reality, we are black holes, we take a type of energy, and we still don't know what it will become, but we still give it words that end up being habits that we think with the body and self-love and self-care today is different from what we will do tomorrow.

We live as we are, not to discover who we are...🤜🤛

We live as we are, not to discover who we are

Hmm, interesting. I agree to some degree, the present person we are is all we can be in that very moment, but I believe life to be a journey of discovery and that includes discovering who we are ourselves. Through those discoveries we can adapt, grow and develop into a better version. What do you think.

We must also take care of our own Judgments, which are those that lower our vital energy, our belief system, and our philosophy of life.

It is a change of perception in our internal journey, Galen.

You are you, I am me. I have to contribute to my potential life; you have to contribute to your potential life. I have to discover my own self; you have to discover your own self.

Thank you for answering my comment, have a nice night in that latitude.

Life is discovery, or so I believe, of self and surroundings, life itself.

Have a nice day.

Thinking about the things I've accomplished and gained through the years help me raise my feeling of self-esteem or self-worth. For others, if I know them well enough, then I do the same for them. I can list the good things I think they've done, and it usually does the job.

I think it's admirable to be lifting one's friends up, helping them be the best they can be and the benefits flow on to oneself as you have described.

I'm seeing it on Hive currently, negative behaviour the person may feel is empowering, valuable and even valid...but in reality is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of things, pointless, low-grade and behaviour that speaks poorly for the individual's character

This happens outside of Hive as well. I feel like it's kind of a balance in life Good/Evil, Positive/Negative. Not everyone has good behavior even though that would be ideal. But should we just accept this as the norm?

I think we shouldn't accept it but I have no idea how would we change it. We humans are very mysterious creatures and sometimes it's logic, sometimes it's instinct and sometimes its like wtf they doing wtf they thinking.

You're right though it's great to make someones day; we feel good about it but there are messed up people out there that feel good about ruining peoples day. It's unfortunate that their brain is wired that way but what can we do. Speaking of which I could be wrong but I remember reading about genes that have psychopath traits or something so it could be in the genetics that people are just messed up. I could be wrong here though.

I also find it amazing how those that struggled a lot in life early or started out handicapped are the ones that I think do more for making other peoples day better because of the experience they had. They are more appreciative and understanding than the average people I feel. Maybe we should all start our lives suffering so we can appreciate more.

Anyways sorry if the grammar is bad here . It's almost 3am and maybe what I'm saying makes no sense but I think you'll get the point. Gonna sleep now~

Of course it happens outside of Hive, it happens everywhere humans exist.

I don't know if genetics are involved, if they are made that way although it's possible. I think a lot of it is learned behaviour supported by what people see around them. Sometimes it's simple jealousy, the tall poppy syndrome, you know, pulling down those who have risen rather than working towards lifting oneself up. It's harder to do the latter, and easier to simply drag others down.

I think a lot of it is learned behaviour supported by what people see around them

If this is the case, then if people stopped pulling people down or just doing "bad" things, bad in the instance of something criminal, then we would have the perfect world? But as you mentioned with jealousy and all the other negative emotions, I feel it would be impossible unless this whole world took a happy pill or something.

I guess the only thing we can really do is be the ones that are positive and help. By doing this we just hope that others follow and learn this behavior over the behavior of bringing people down.

Perfect doesn't exist, but I think we'd have a better one for sure.

I guess the only thing we can really do is be the ones that are positive and help. By doing this we just hope that others follow and learn this behaviour over the behaviour of bringing people down.

My point exactly. It starts with you...and me...and everyone else as an individual person.

My point exactly. It starts with you...and me...and everyone else as an individual person.

Unfortunately, we can only control ourselves and in a way influence others but in the end it's up to them to follow the good behavior. And also to those that have children or will have children, hopefully they can teach them accordingly to be humble, help others and be someone that helps make a positive impact in this world~

Humility is a very valuable personality trait and I agree, hopefully people are out there teaching it to their kids.

Exactly . I hope so as well!

This is an interesting subject because, I am not used to speak out loud about the goodness of others and now I wonder why. Perhaps because I grew in a culture were I heard much white noise from people using the "say good things" so they can have something in return. We call that sock sucker in this part of the world haha. Still, I have find myself trying to find the best in people even when that is darkened by some of their actions. I tend to be more like "Well, no one's perfect" and turn the page.

Reading this reminded me to practice that more often and deal with the fear of being perceived as a sock sucker. Thank you for that. Also, do you have any advice about it?

I believe, when handing out praise, it must be genuine otherwise it's not really praise at all. It's the same with thanking someone, it must be done genuinely. In this way it can be beneficial to both parties, rather than something being done with an agenda.

I agree with that powerfully. But it is confusing when giving honest praise to someone you know can benefit from. You feel an inch of guilty gratification, no matter how honest it is. How do you deal with that? or have you ever felt it? Feels kind of dirty haha but I guess it is how it is. The human experience.

You mean feeling good about giving the praise? That's exactly what's meant to happen. It's uplifting, but rather than being one-sided, it has the dual benefit of of uplifting someone else first!

I've never praised someone genuinely and had them reply with, you're an asshole, fuck off! They've mostly said thank you, smiled or indicated in other ways they were grateful to have had their efforts acknowledged. They feel good, and I feel good having made them feel good. It's a simple concept and it's not at all a problem to feel good about having done it. The praise must be genuine though.

You are right. I have met people who have never received an honest compliment and always value when I give one, because they know I don't have time for bullshit. I am always glad to uplift and see that smile. I'll practice that more often!

Is their small minded petty shit going on here? Where's the popcorn? Haha tbh I haven't seen drama here in ages but I pay no mind these days. You are right, there's better and bigger things to send energy towards. I guess people feel small and thus scratch for teeny bits of power where they can scavenge it. Like the guy at Aldi the other day, if you caught that post. Sigh.

Nah, no drama that I'm aware of, I stay away from that shit because I don't fucken care about the bullshit...Just people being people, not very nice ones either, but then, some have such a low and disgusting opinion of themselves and have no way to turn that around they, instead, seek to tear others down. It doesn't work that way though, and the damage they do themselves compounds. Have at it I say.

I do feel a bit sorry for them. They must feel pretty shitty about themselves and their lives...

Yeah, it's sad and pathetic...but something they accelerate through their actions...and with the power to turn it around and start to find some light well within their power too. Choices. They make bad ones and make others feel bad along the way.

I read you and said to myself, he's absolutely right.

A lot of people are negative, both in small and big things, they complain about everything, they see everything black and to top it all off, they load that negativity on others... they only gain bad things.

I stay as far away as possible from those people. They don't have good energy and that's not what I want for my life.

Sometimes I meet colleagues who are not well for whatever reason, I listen to them and look for the positive side, the power of words and thoughts is very strong and people don't realise it.

How hard it is to say?... everything will be fine, or to focus on what a person does well to raise their self-esteem.

How do I raise mine? Many many years ago it was very low, but I learned to know and love myself, I love myself a lot and I try to spread that to others, we are all important. The right words at the right time, a thank you, an apology, asking for things please. Delicacy and empathy in my dealings.

Each person is a world, and there are many different worlds.
Each one of us is a drop in the ocean, different people but human beings at the end. Many waste their time on negativities.

Facundo Cabral said: Evil seems to be the majority because it makes a lot of noise, but good is the majority, only it is silent.

I like that quote at the end a lot, it's so true.

People like I mention here are so blinded by their self-loathing and the desire to pull others down and make them feel as insignificant and worthless as themselves that they fail to see they're making their own situation worse. It's sad, but I find those people usually get what's coming to them and sink so low that finding themselves and lifting themselves up becomes a total impossibility.

What happens is that evil attracts evil, life is a whirlwind.

This author also says, if people knew how good it is to do good, they would do it even for sport.

Cause and effect, then they complain when things go wrong for them... they caused it.

Yep, cause and effect indeed.

Yep, cause and effect indeed.

But... people don't take responsibility, it's easier to blame others. That's how bad the world is going.

If I told you I was always a positive person, I would be lying. I tend to be negative at times, but it is almost always self-sabotage and not directed at others.
You are so right in commenting that doing or saying, or helping, other people brings us so much more to ourselves. In my previous job in a company, (now I am freelance yei!) unfortunately some people used to apply that saying that "they would rather be one-eyed to see someone else blind", a false Pyrrhic victory that somehow made them feel good?! I don't know, crazy things about human beings.
The truth is that I notice that there are people who find it very easy to "throw dirt" on others, they almost do it like breathing, it is part of their way of being.
I have felt the warmth in my chest, which brings to do something good for someone else and I think it is a beautiful feeling, although the other person does not always reciprocate, sometimes not even with a "thank you", but that is the magic of giving without expecting anything in return. To be left with the satisfaction that you did something well done and then hope that something happens like in the movie "Pay It Forward" which I hope you have seen. 😄

It can feel easier to apply negativity, to push one's own feeling of self-loathing, insignificance or poor self-worth onto others and think it's making one feel more powerful or doesn't though, and when that initial rush of empowerment fades that individual is stuck within that miserable, hateful and despicable place they call themselves.

It's best to seek other solutions I think.

How I enjoyed this post, Galenkp. No one who victimizes everything or complains, or does wrong to others all the time is in their right mind. But there are people who live their whole lives like that, in complaining, wrapped up in pity, or bullying others and they don't know how to do it any other way. How they get things that way, it's the easy way.
You don't really kick and out come 20 people who do small and constant things for others without thinking about themselves. If anything one, per kick or you can run out of luck.
I think about a lot of things when I read your post. And I shut up. I stare at the fragility of the flower, of that photo... ay G...

Yep, I mean I don't have any problem with someone taking a stand, but I think many do it needlessly and in ways that affect them in negative ways, although they may feel they are gaining from it. Sad and pathetic really, that some people persist with some things that simply provide zero value for them, and only make others look upon them with disdain.

Oh yeah, you're the first to comment on the photo. I took it a few days ago, along with some others.

Good thing, 😂 knucklehead (me) said something unique so far.

Knucklehead's do that from time to time.

making the effort to create small moments of goodness in one's life

Well, who is going to do that? Do you really think in today's society where people don't even find time for their own self, they will create good moments for others?

If I look at myself, I don't show any concern towards anyone unless that person is closely related to me. I don't think so this can be possible in this world right now to care about others self worth. (This all was my opinion)

Ok, fair enough, it's sad you think that way, but your opinion is yours.

I believe one of the best ways to improve one's feeling of self-worth is to increase someone else's....

This is one of the steps to having a great day, making someone else happy. It calms your nerves.

For me, I stir up joy from within. The Bible says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" so I activate that joy on the inside. Another thing I do is I start praising God and that blesses me because as I sing of God's greatness, I know that His greatness is for my benefit so that strengthens me.

What a thoughtful article you wrote. I'm glad I stopped by this. 😇😇

It feels nicer to make someone's day than ruin it...but many people do the latter. I think the things is that they probably feel worse for it though, alone, their little insignificant actions...Pathetic cretins.

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To create small moments of goodness in one's life, are your words. I'm thinking of the lavender straw you have as a picture.
My son-in-law picked all the lavender shoots and sewed by hand 6 small pillows, everyone in the family got something under the pillow. It's very good, as many would say, what the hell, it's just pillows with lavender. It's certainly not bullshit. I really like the big things in the little things!

Then you talk about quality, and I have a lot to say about that. I'm super new to HIVE, I think a lot of rubbish is posted.
It's really hard to find good "art" but what do I know? everything in society is getting worse and worse. I feel that I want to show what I stand for, which not many people do.
This is probably a bit scattered, my ADHD doesn't make it any better!
PS galen(kp) in Swedish means crazy, idiot mindless, etc.
I think it's funny!

PS galen(kp) in Swedish means crazy, idiot mindless, etc. I think it's funny!

Interesting, I guess that means you're indirectly calling me a mindless idiot? That's one way to go.

Absolutely not dear friend!

You write about real, meaningful things. I noticed from the beginning that you are serious, do you see the irony in it all!

@galenkp, can I ask you something? I need an advice about posting something...

Sure, go ahead.

I have a post on karma planned and quite developed. But not one that deals extensively on that subject, but on a particular case; of someone I know and that deeply distresses me... And that now, karma, apparently, seems to have reached him. In which category would you recommend me to publish this post? @galenkp

Maybe the rant, complain talk, community.

Thank you so much, @galenkp!!!