All very good points. It should be second nature to practice every one of the items on your list. It sounds easy, but shortcomings inevitably appear. Luckily, the core of my family is close by and tight knit.
We used to have large family reunions every year, one for each side of the family. These gatherings were treasured for the opportunity to all be in one place at the same time. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and second cousins would all come together bringing food, fun and tales of things that were going on in their own family nucleus.
It was the old ones that kept the tradition alive but now that they are gone it is not the same. Families are stretched out and so immersed in their own lives that the connection just isn't there.
Times change but the family should be your rock, even if your rock is fractured into a hundred pebbles
It sounds like you folks knew how to stay connected which is nice. Those big family reunions always seemed to me like a lot of fun but I never had one I'm sorry to say.
The family unit seems to be breaking down somewhat, splintering, and I don think that's a good thing at all.
Not a good thing for sure. Current times should lead people to cling tighter to their families, but society seems bent on chiseling them into smaller and smaller pieces. Each person has to take responsibility to practice those things on your list.
You make a good point and yeah, why do they fracture when they should be tighter? Maybe it's the greener on the other side of the hill syndrome? Not valuing what's right there in preference for "something better" elsewhere? Nuts!
In their never ending search for 'something better' they'll never find anything but loneliness. I feel sad for people always on the run, looking for belonging, for the next shiny thing. Truth is, they're probably not running to find something new, but running away from their own shortcomings. Maybe...I don't know..I'm no psychologist😂
I agree and I'm not a psychologist either.