My wife and I went to the movie last night and saw Anywhere, Everywhere, All at Once, and it absolutely lived up to the Oscar hype! Where, the critically acclaimed movies tend to suck. And while the acting was "fine" in terms of what it was, I don't think any of it was worthy of three best actor categories, let alone "Best Picture, Best Director, Editing and Best Original Screenplay.
Editing Maybe.
But, best original screenplay??
It was like ChatGPT wrote it on the prompt of
"Make a two-hour Rick and Morty Episode, but much crappier."
Now, it really wasn't "that bad" (my wife hated it with a passion), but it felt more like a less clever, less funny, and far too long Rick and Morty episode, that was trying far too hard for laughs and falling flat - and the complexity of Inception, without the ability to make it coherent.
Am I being too harsh?
It is okay. No one cares what I think about movies anyway. I likely have very bad taste.
We went out to celebrate my birthday from the other week, as we had a babysitter for the evening and a chance for the classic "Dinner and a Movie", eating at a place that we have been to once before. It was decent food, but a little weird when we were "shown" to our table, as the waiter didn't show, just pointed to the table and said "over there". I know, it doesn't sound like a big deal and wasn't a "night ruiner" for us, but it stood out as strange, considering the place itself was relatively nice.
We don't get out that much, but what we have noticed that when we do, the level of service has changed a lot from where it used to be, which I put down to changes in the labor markets, as well as the culture of people who are in these positions. The young don't seem to care about the job they are getting paid to do, and at some point, I think this habit will come back to haunt them in later life.
Our habits directly impact on our results and when we don't have a good work ethic, no matter what job we do, we aren't going to do it well. Some people think that having an "interim" job means they don't have to do it well, but it is generally in these early positions that we build the habits for the jobs we actually care about having. Many people I have known have ended up not getting the jobs they want, because they haven't built the type of skills necessary to open up those kinds of opportunities - like commitment and consistency.
Perhaps it is these kinds of people who like the movies like Anywhere, Everywhere, All at once, where there is a multiverse of possibilities and versions of themselves. Somewhere, their life doesn't suck. So, they can fantasize about a version of themselves saving existence, if only in their head. Do it enough, and they might even start believing that it is possible, if only they had been given the opportunity for a different life - if only they weren't victims of this reality.
But, Multiverse or not, as far as we are concerned at this time, we only have the reality we experience, so comparing it to that of others or fantasizing about better versions of ourselves, doesn't get us anywhere. When it comes to self improvement, no one can do the work for us and no one is more invested in our outcome, than us. We have the most skin in the game for our own experience and no matter what someone wants for us, it is ultimately up to our actions - no one can lift the weights for us to improve our strength, stretch to make us more flexible, or eat better for us. No one can give us their skills.
We can learn from others.
But of course, learning from others is more than just obtaining the knowledge of what to do, we still need to be the ones who apply it to our actions and build them into our routines. If we have a sense of where we want to be in life at some point down the track, it is up to us to investigate what is required to get there, take steps and seek out the support we might need to assist us, to help us accomplish our goals. There might be a version of us in the multiverse that already has done it, but how helpful is that to our own experience?
I wonder though, in a type of simulation theory, where there is a multiverse of every conceivable version of us, would knowing that mean that we would be more capable to do what it takes? After all, if one version of us was able, don't all versions of us have "what it takes" inside to do similar?
Perhaps, perhaps not. Most likely, it will just be another nail in the coffin, as we compare ourselves to someone else, and then make up excuses as to why we can't do it, even if the evidence suggests otherwise, as another version had done what we couldn't. Even with proof to the contrary, we would find a way to make victims of ourselves.
Critically acclaimed.
We have the "critical" down pat.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
I guess with endless possibilities also comes the chance of endless permutations. That being said, I think it would be a balancing act to find the perfect version. While you might get certain aspects you were hoping for, you would likely lose others. For example. I'd have loved to make some different financial moves earlier in my life. If I had done that though, would I have ever met my wife? Not something I would be willing to sacrifice.
Where the concept really falls down for me, is that it would have to be built to have every atom in every perceivable position too, as well as every other component even smaller. It would create such a "multi" that it would be impossible to navigate. But hey, people can dream ;)
Oh - but you might have also met a better version of your wife!
Not sure that is possible 😃
I share your argument Mr. Taraz, the relationship goes beyond oneself, and receiving life with good energy is what the ritual of the divine birth means every day in this existence, and maybe why not? In the communion, we make with our network of souls.
Perhaps people just don't have the energy anymore to bother even trying to live a good life.
It is possible Mr Taraz
It is extremely true that our habits have a direct impact on our results. Our moral qualities influence our work but today ethics is very lacking. I don't know about other areas but we have a lot of lack of ethics here. Many do not want to take on part-time responsibilities or any work.
When people think of morality, they rarely look at themselves and their own habits and expectations of the world.
Oh good. I'll pass on it then. Seems to me that most critically acclaimed stuff these days is crap, as if a deliberate attempt to degrade our critical thinking/assessing skills is underway. Will it degrade the thinking skills of all of our multiverse versions? lol I have no idea what the multiverse even is, but I thought I'd try swimming with the big fish today.
Perhaps - but I guess there will always be a smart version too :)
Cliff notes: Multiverse are essentially parallel universes created from every decision position, one goes left, the other goes right. I don't believe there is any way it works this way, as it would need a different position for every molecule, not just decision criteria.
So nothing new there. Infinite and beautiful. We can go any direction we choose, at any time. Pretty cool really. Let's all take that walk on the road less traveled and see where we go.
Nothing new. Which is why I don't think it is such an original concept! :D
Guau i saw a child gives a huge to Indiana Jones around 30 years after, AND for this reason i know about this movie, AND for the tiger AND the dragón movie that was one of muy favorites that was acting by this lady AND Chow you fat or something like this, well i hope to see the movie.
Have a great sunday, by the way i received a gif that make me very very happy
Here i share with you.
It was nice but this gift kill my Brain i did not went to bed those night.
Yeah - that kid. I liked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon too :)
The movie wasn't "that bad" for me, but it is definitely not high on my lists to see again.
Nice pull on the GF Astral!
Yes great movie i seen around 4 times i love the scenography, ok i will try to see I'm the future this movie i love the paralel universes,
Yeah the GF Astral was a great gift for me i conserves it for long Time AND Lili Is too great.
Best regard.
Getting out is the point but also being able to enjoy the experience as what is the point otherwise. I tend to avoid the award winning stuff as it usually sucks. I was asked to help host a Premiere last week in Johannesburg "Creed 3" and avoided it as having to dress up is not something I consider as a good night out anymore.
That might have been fun hosting though! You could have been slapped by Will Smith or something! ;D
What was funny was when the others asked me why I turned it down and then realised they were going and had to dress up. They all tried to bale but was already too late lol. I don't have suits lying around anymore and definitely no tux. Looking forward to going to the UK to get an entire new wardrobe as it is needed urgently as I have virtually nothing left to wear.
Have you got a trip planned?
Yes my mom is not well so I am working on the passport which expired and going when I can. Brother is delaying me right now as the house is on the market and doesn't want me around right now and told him I would stay in a hotel. I do need clothes urgently as even my jeans gave up months ago. I don't by the local crap here anymore and have a few brands I stick to now due to the comfort and quality.
Thanks for sharing your perspective in this post! I agree that the pandemic has led to a change in the way we work and live, which has created confusion and a sense of chaos. However, I also think it's important to see the current situation as an opportunity to rethink and reevaluate our priorities and values. Perhaps it is time to consider new ways of working and living that will allow us to better adapt to the challenges of today's world. Let's keep an open mind and move forward!
This is important for sure. Not just our values, but the way we value things in general. I think that the responsibility and ownership of blockchain and crypto, will lead us to a better system of evaluating our world.
I totally agree, the first work experiences are those that form and contribute to consolidating habits in us that we will carry with us for life.
Work culture, as far as I'm concerned, is fundamental.
Whether it's a temporary job, for a single day or a permanent one, the commitment I put in and that you have to put in is the best.
This is the only way I know of working and doing things in general.
I used to train at MCDonald's many, many years ago, and would note how different people would work. Generally, the ones who had the work ethic at 16, had it at 30 too. The people who didn't....
And you know what's sobering, that this is a pattern that pretty much always repeats itself, the reverse is rarely the case.
Yes. Maybe everyone thinks they are above average and can beat the odds :)
Yeah, but going against the odds is never a great idea heh heh!
I think youngs work at fast foods or restaurants for a while for pocket money, it is a very changeable sector as regards workforce. Also, I think it shouldn't be a carreer way for a young.
Was just saying, I used to work at fast food when young - still had a work ethic. It isn't about it making it a career, but it is about building the mindset that makes a valuable career.
I have no idea when was the last time I went to the cinema. I think it was in my childhood. Lord of the Rings or perhaps a harry potter...
if everyone is a superhero no one is special.
Why haven't you been?
The fantasy of those who believe in equity of result - no matter how bad the result.
I guess I just don't have a desire to go.
While I always thought it entertaining and stimulating to think about alternate realities and the simulation theories. To me, it was simply a distraction from reality and a though-provoking break.
Now, it has simply turned to annoying as I have found friends trying so hard to escape reality that they vehemently argue that I am in denial. They point to all the evidence like conspiracy theorists of the highest authority and it changes from funny to sad.
Perhaps I am just in denial. Maybe I simply refuse to deny myself any power over this instance of reality but time better spent there than opting to be powerless in the only reality we will ever know.
Still, I loved this movie. Not for the acting really as much as the surprising plot turns and silly adventure and humorous awkward injected stereotypes.
Date night is always a good thing too so it sounds like a good night.
Aye, here's the rub! People make themselves victims so that they can pretend they have no agency over their lives. I wonder what happens if they meet real victims.
Perhaps I spend too much time around these things to be surprised by the plot! :D
They should be more regular for us.
When wannabe victims find real victims (as far as what I have seen) they virtue signal them and try and make them feel bad for not empathizing with the fake victims. 'Oh but what about us redheads? We are a minority too!" The stupidest thing I have seen in a while.
So easy to get swept up in the financial and parenting responsibilities which take up so much time and fulfill our duties. Still, it is a discipline thing like those other responsibilities and something we should put almost equal attention on.
lol!! yeah - I have seen this too :)
I totally agree with you the way you do your job and everything you do is based on and demonstrates your values, beliefs and ideals and I think a lot of people don't realize that. They do things a little carelessly or maybe it's on purpose that they do it that way.
People want opportunity, but forget that it is earned, not granted.
I'll go first. Who would disagree). At least not with everything.
I agree, the film is hardly worthy of an Oscar nomination, but I didn't compare it to others.
The main point is to look at it from a different angle. Only I wasn't watching this movie and thinking from the perspective that in another life I might have this or that. But from the point of view that I wouldn't have been able to do something if I hadn't made some decisions... Well, at least Hive.
Regarding jobs, low-trained cadres and those with little experience may not even think about the rightness of their actions. And if he works 2-3 jobs, he has no chance or time to think about it... I've been in about that kind of place. The system needs cheap or substitutable labor, they get it. If they're happy with the drop in quality, ok, so we get what we get. You don't see that very clearly. But it's very tangible with us. Money solves a lot of things in the end...
That's just an alternative point of view. Not everything is so smooth in my words. And not everything is exactly 100% true. But some percentage of it is. I like to ask the right questions of people sometimes. And the answers are sometimes very interesting...
It is the "sliding doors" problem, the counterfactual. We can never go back and change the past, but we can make different decisions now.
Yep - I get the marketplace of the jobs, but I don't get the people doing the jobs. It is like wanting to have a career as a sports star, but not practicing the skills or strategies.
They probably don't want to do it. I agree, this is a problem. If only because they take the places of other people who want to.
You know, I think we're just getting old). In fact, 1,000 years ago, old people also complained about the stupidity of the young. It's probably an eternal conversation...
Fathers and children.
@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
The first time I saw this movie... I thought of it differently. As much as I did not understand anything.
The only thing I took out of it was that it doesn't matter what path we choose we would still do well if we put our energy and grind at it.
I did not see it from the perspective of wishing for a different life, hoping one would have turned more classy or glamorous if they had separate lives.
But yes, my generation tends to think that they would have been better off if they had this or that. When all they need to do is take charge of the things they can control and leave the rest.
Taking charge of life seems to be less in vogue than a few decades ago. Now, it is about attempting to take what one wants from others, even if it isn't earned or deserved.
Grind at something cared about, and there can't be a loss.
I do agree with you on seeing how some people care less about the job they do. Understandably, you don't like the work but one's attitude toward that job will determine how you will act when the job you want arrives.
I do believe we learn from each other but learning without action is just a waste of time. Our actions toward what has been learned matter. It is an improvement.
Most people don't like eating vegetables either, but that doesn't mean they should skip them :)
Hmm... That's a wise saying. Thanks for the reply.
I totally agree with you alot of people don't want to know the outcome of the current job giving to them all they care about is the money been seen when the job is done... Here alot of youth don't want to work and they want to earn large which push them to commit bad things even when there life is at risk
@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Nice. I have no memory of my last time going to the cinema to watch a movie. Anyway, it's nice and it's much more immersive and dedicated if compared to simple movies watched at home.
I think I will give it a shot again in the next future!
The scary thing is those young people only have to be marginally better than his or her peers, they can be superstars without the absolute greatness. That is when all the people that held up to high standards retired.
This really resonates.
I was in a local shop yesterday, I had a few things to pick up, some bits and pieces for dinner. I brought them to the counter and the guy serving me continued his conversation with his friend behind the counter. He never made eye contact, never said hello, no thanks, no goodbye, nothing.
Now, possibly he was a student, just working it as a part-time job, but I couldn't believe his ignorance and lack of professionalism. I said thanks and walked out, but found it very strange, and didn't think of it again until I read this and it ties in to your narrative.
I worked loads of part time jobs in hotels and bars throughout my secondary school and University life and I was always social, respectful and friendly to every customer.
This rings so true to me tonight as I struggle with my own present experience. I own my recovery, my rehab, my diet, my exercise program. It is is on no other to ensure I take my meds or ride the exercise bike when I should.
Most likely, if I am being honest, I would look at other versions of myself and just make excuses. It is just like looking at the past version of myself now.
You thoroughly enjoyed the movie I see XD
that description was hilarious
If it's any consolation, I have terrible taste too.
that's probably not any consolation
Places and whether or not you consider it "just" an interim job can make such a difference I think. Junior coaches (most of them volunteer) at our gym work just as hard as the senior ones partly because this is a job that they enjoy and want to do, and also because they have students that are relying on them to help them learn stuff.
Meanwhile hospitality is definitely seen by some as an "interim" job that they are only doing as a stepping stone onto bigger, better things and they can't be bothered "wasting" any more than the bare minimum about of effort on it (a fact which currently offends youngest greatly as that's the industry he's looking to get into).
Kids having trouble looking that far ahead to see where effort or lack thereof might get them or make them miss out in the future is somewhat developmentally appropriate (it should at least be developing and honing with increasing experience if they don't already at least somewhat have an idea), I don't know what to do with adults with that mindset.
Yay! 🤗
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Thanks for saving me a few hours of my life. I was keen to see what peak cinema was in 2022 / 2023 , and if this is it; well then I'll go back to feeling nostalgic about Arrival and the recent Dune film as contemporary masterpieces. (That could be improved, but... are pretty good, in the SF genre.)
So much better than that formulaic Marvel kitsch.