Follow a Sheep

in Reflections9 months ago

Are you a leader or a follower?

It is weird that it seems like a loaded question these days, as if there is an expectation that we are meant to all be leaders, influencers, self-driven... but the fact is, that most of us are not, we are followers, sheep, looking to belong to a flock for protection, so we don't get singled out and slaughtered by the wolves.


So which was it?

But, perhaps the question is unfair, as it sets up a false dichotomy, as if it is a binary choice and there is only one or the other. That isn't the case, because whether we follow or lead is likely highly contextual. In some cases we might be confident in forging ahead and leading the way, and in others, we will happily defer to those who we think can lead us better, or who we are taught to believe can lead us better.

In a world of influencers, what influence do you carry?

This is an attention economy in so many ways, and there is a kind of attention is valuable to have, and what is just attention-seeking without a payoff. Yet, it seems that many people are taking the attention at any cost method. For example, on average about 5 people have died each year from shark attacks in the last decade, but in the same period, over 300 people have died taking selfies. This doesn't mean that selfies themselves are dangerous, but rather, that people are willing to do some pretty stupid things to get a picture of themselves for social media attention.

Man Mauled to Death in Lion Enclosure While Taking Selfie in IndiaMan Killed by Walrus He Was Taking Selfie WithGirl taking selfie falls from Ferris wheel in Bankura, dies
Man Taking Selfie With Two Elephants Trampled to DeathMan Tries to Take Selfie With Snake, Gets Bitten and DiesMan Seen Dancing on Top of an 18-Wheeler Dies When It Passes Under Freeway Overpass in Houston
Selfie Attempt Leaves Nine Dead in Boat AccidentWoman falls to her death from Turkish cliff while posing for a photo to celebrate end of lockdown measuresMan dies in selfie with hippo attempt

Most people fell from cliffs and waterfalls.

"If all your friends were jumping off cliffs, would you?"

Sounds like behavior of followers, not influencers, doesn't it? And I think that this is what might be confusing a lot of people, because they tend to think that being a leader is being someone who is an early adopter, but that isn't the case. Sure, that can influence people, but it isn't really leading anyone - it is following the suggestion of marketing, society, trends, or whatever else is out there.

Leadership comes with responsibility, but influencing doesn't. And the thing is that a lot of people aren't interested in taking responsibility, because that means that there are consequences for actions. I wonder how keen social media influencers would be to recommend products, if they were held personally responsible for them not working?

Stand behind the shill?

Of course, leading and following in the workplace is a bit different, but while many people dream about becoming an entrepreneur and being their own boss, the reality is quite different. Entrepreneurship doesn't provide freedom from rules, it just means that one has to apply the rules to themselves and act accordingly, because there is no one else to take the blame.


Not free.

For most of us in the workplace though, following tends to be the path we choose, because it means that we are able to get some of the benefits from trading our skills, but not having to take on all the responsibility of the decision-making process, or the consequences of our actions. Yes, we get paid less, and probably taken advantage of, but it is a bit like living in an apartment block, there might be noisy neighbors, but someone else does the maintenance.

But as said above, we are probably all leaders and all followers at times, so it might be worthwhile reflecting in which areas we are willing to lead, and which we would rather defer. This way, we might be more capable to identify and take hold of opportunities to lead, but also acknowledge when it would be better to find someone who knows more. That way, we can also possibly build up a collection of trusted advisors in our circle who we can turn to when we need a little guidance.

All I know is...

Follow me at your own risk.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


That reminds me of a story I heard as a teenager, where I knew someone (male) who liked pink t-shirts. When somebody asked him what would happen if people think he is gay, because of the pink colour, he said: I know who I am. What others think about me is irrelevant.

When your know who you are, what other do around you and think about you doesn't matter anymore.

Ha! It was just this week I was asked if "they make those in men's?" because I was wearing a hot pink shirt to work.

There is an irony though - even if I did care about what others thought of me - would I care what other men thought of me? Are these men dressing to impress other men? ;D

It really depends on the situation. If I am confident I can handle whatever it is with my skills and knowledge, then I don't have a problem being a leader. I think the real problem is most leaders need good communication skills and that is something I lack so I usually probably am a follower.

I think there are also the situations where communication skills don't matter that much - leadership does. Some emergency situations where people need someone to direct them, because they are unable to do so themselves for instance. It is rare for that in the workplace though :)

Yeah, okay, I get what you are saying. I think a lot of that is situational as well. There are times when I don't know how to move forward in an unexpected event and others where I might be able to think quickly.

And the thing is that a lot of people aren't interested in taking responsibility

I used to tell people that complained about the leadership in my last job that; "I've seen the bosses job, and I don't want it."

What irks me is the people that will sit around and complain about the leadership, but then will not step up to try and lead themselves. Many forget you do not have to be in a position of authority to be a leader in an organization and look to the boss for that leadership. Often times they just need to look within.

Too much paperwork...

What irks me is the people that will sit around and complain about the leadership, but then will not step up to try and lead themselves.

If they aren't willing to lead, they have to commit themselves to follow.

Often times they just need to look within.

I wrote a post several years ago (can't find it) called "the microwave conundrum" about how people in an office couldn't learn to use a new microwave in the lunch room, and wanted instructions on the intranet - the same people would have bought it for home and used it, without ever reading the book. Offices are filled with toddlers, because they aren't willing to think for themselves on even the slightest challenge.

I think almost everyone is a follower. Even presidents follow the law and their backers. CEOs still need to follow what the markets and customers want. I think the persons that don't need to follow anything or anyone are dictators and tyrants.

I don't see what's wrong with following. The human civilization has survived because people were smart enough to follow smart people. Those leaders listened and followed from those before them.

I think the persons that don't need to follow anything or anyone are dictators and tyrants.


There is nothing wrong with following at all. There is also times we might need to lead, so we should learn how to do so. Parenting is a good example that comes with many instances for leadership needs.

As I read, I remembered a pathetic case:

"Let's get it over with. Let's end this agony".

After hearing these words from the mouth of American evangelical pastor Jim Jones, 918 people committed suicide on 18 November 1978 in a remote part of Guyana in north-western South America.

The “largest mass suicide in history”, as the media covering the tragedy that year called it.

Many followers are weak-minded, manageable, controllable, manipulable. Any adjective is an understatement for such retrograde behaviour.

Certainly, we are “leaders” for certain activities and for certain groups of people, and “followers” in other circumstances. *We live in a world of oscillations…

I suspect that in general, people who think a religion is going to save them are pretty sheeplike. As a result, the religions are usually led by wolves.

Are you a leader or a follower
Question that many prefer not to answer and remain in their world of being strong and charismatic when they are nothing more than sheep following the herd led by a delusional idiot.
I'm not looking at you Mr. funny mustachioed Austrian nationalist.
What I find saddest is that they ignore their own values and principles as a human being just for the sake of
"not to be out of the society"
Those kind of people are simply disgusting and repulsive to me 🤢.

Every thing lives on a spectrum and can be taken to extremes. I feel that because we have reduced the public discourse to polarized, binary positions - we are more prone to extremism, because those who are attracted to a particular topic, don't have the nuance of many topics in their mind. They are single-minded and looking to destroy their enemy, not looking to improve the situation for all.

It's true that societal expectations often push us towards leadership and influence, but not everyone fits that mold. Roles as leaders or followers can be fluid and situational. In an attention-driven world, the type of influence we wield matters—whether it's meaningful impact or mere attention-seeking. The contrast between shark attacks and selfie-related deaths illustrates how attention can sometimes come with unforeseen risks.

Not everyone is able or wants to lead a group - but there are times when I think we all need to lead someone, even if it is in an acute situation like an accident. Being able to take charge when the situation calls for it, is a skill we should all develop to some degree. I have seen people breakdown and fail, when the people around them needed them to stand up.

I think everyone chooses their own path in life. In a way we are all followers of something in particular, most of the things already exist, life is full of role models, independent life, nomad, fame, anonymity, etc.

But, in turn, each person chooses what he wants, we have that power.

The difference between being a leader and a follower lies in what you want to do, if you have the will to do what you really want, or if you want to follow the rest just because you are going to please others.

Role models are so important in life - it is sad that we have reduced it to believing they have to look like us in order to inspire us.

You touched on a very powerful topic good friend. In my opinion, sometimes it's about knowing when to step up and when to rely on others who can guide us better. Not everyone is to be leader because leadership has qualities if a person doesn't possess it, they should just follow someone who does, period

Sometimes, whether skilled or not, leadership is a must. Best learn how to manage oneself in those situations - just in case.

I believe you've got a deep point there brother, leadership is a must, to some degrees we're all leaders of our own lives

I haven't been a follower for many years. I guess I'm a leader in a team of one.

We are all a minority of one.

No one will ever say they are followers even though they may be one😁😁. Well, this depends on what circumstances I’m in. I can be a follower to learn more because it would not make sense to be a leader or lead people based on what you don’t know or what you’re not really good at

Circumstances should always dictate - including when leadership is required, and no one else is willing.

For me I consider myself a follower in matters I don't know much about, I do as others who are more knowledgeable in that aspect do. But I take up the role of one who leads in apsects I know more than others. Even though I would like to describe myself as an ultra non-conformist. I rarely do as others do. Challenging established norms and cultures is second nature to me.

It is also interesting to consider where we think we know more, and where we Actually know more than others :D

Everyone wants to be a leader including myself but at times you need to be a follower to be able to lead as well. Alot of people dont even have the leader qualities in them but still think they can lead others which isn't suppose to be. I defo enjoyed reading you sir. Thanks for sharing.