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RE: Digitally Off Centre

in Reflections2 days ago

My older brothers had a set, and they had a distance of several meters if I remember correctly! They weren't good ones. :D

A precursor for sure, but it also was a bit different, because it required physical meetups first, and then it was largely about relationship building while apart too - getting up to real-world mischief together.


a distance of several meters

I would have been disappointed, my expectations were a mile or so! In those days, it was knock-knock, Dave's mum answers the door, is Dave in, no, damn, door shuts..., get the walkie out.., find Dave..., it would never have worked 😀

I would have been disappointed, my expectations were a mile or so!

It could also be they were screwed by the time I saw them. @galenkp can give insight. I remember they were bluish-green with orange buttons.

it would never have worked

Unless he was actually in and his mother didn't like you ;D

Unless he was actually in and his mother didn't like you ;D

Ha!.. she was a fiery Irish woman with bottle blond hair and a wicked temper, but having 3 boys made her that way. I kind of liked her.., their dad was a contemptuous cunt who spent every living moment in the pub. That was the way of life then.

Yep, blue-green body with orange buttons. The range wasn't far but we loved them and though they were the coolest things. Nothing like the GME XRS handhelds I use now...range of 5+ kilometres from a handset is decent. (They cost more though.)

Is it a safety thing now?

That's one reason yeah, loads of uses of course. It's incredible the range a UHF radio can get even without a repeater; I have handhelds and vehicle mounted.