You sound like a parrot... but I would be offending one here. Even a parrot has more intelligence and can come up with a better joke, you wacko (not to mention emotional intelligence and kindness, once again).
Nonetheless, you sound like Gollum instead, but even he was a hobbit once (and, paradoxically even Sauron was not evil once, just so you know). So dorky... so dorky indeedy, Dorky-G and Needy-G, to partly quote you if you will, although I dislike that, just as much as I dislike your hypocrisy here (and your lust for puny Earthly weapons, you coward and slime)...
I told you before and I am going to do it again (although each and every time it seems this cannot be well understood): your downvotes here on my comments mean virtually nothing to me, but they mean very much to you (that's what you partly live for here), revealing as such your true sadistic nature, time and again (and I am sort of getting bored by that). No wonder...
#stayneedy #staydoorky #stayindeedy
However, for my time being here until I'll part permanently in the near future, I'd still like to toy around with you as well, because some of your comments make me laugh hard, all the more that you sound like Gollum himself. It's definitely not professional comedy what you do, but hey, I'd like laughing hard about how truly pathetic and what a weakling you are, hiding behind your plastic Earthly weapons in the most primitive and cowardly manner possible (given the fact that you don't essentially have anything better to share or even do, not that you would know either).