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RE: Was it Easier?

I find it much easier to exercise, and do it longer if I am enjoying whatever the activity is, or if the activity has an actual purpose other than just getting exercise. Have you thought about maybe trying things that interest you or your wife or daughter? Doing them as a family could also be more motivating.


We do some things together like that. Smallsteps got a new bike so that gets people out and about - at least once the snows melt for good. My wife often does classes, but I think she will do more gym work now - which I have been looking forward to for a bout a decade.

If I can get my lungs in better condition, I will up the game a bit though!

What do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy walks, and working with the dogs, especially on training and play. But doing yardwork and stuff is good too, especially for lifting. I just can't see doing exercise in a gym just for the sake of exercise 😂