I hate getting my hopes up - especially early - but when I went to the gym today, it felt like it might have been slightly easier than it was a couple days ago. Or, I was able to push a little harder or something. The doctor said I might feel effects pretty quickly on my lungs, even in a couple days - but I rarely believe that.
... But perhaps....
I'm more of a functional exerciser these days - which is a reflection of the many physical dysfunctions I have. And mental. But essentially, I don't have a program and just do things that I feel like doing. This amounts to a decent stretch of my legs (though I need to spend more time on my core), and then some box leg lifts - without weight. I do a few different versions of this to get my legs and hips moving well together. A lot of guys who workout look to do muscle groups, without considering how those groups connect functionally. I am hoping to keep my body moving well in alignment, rather than having one group overpowering another.
In fact, I don't really do any particular muscle group at all. I don't focus on the chest or back, or even the legs. It is about getting a dynamic range of motion throughout. All muscle groups get exercised, but hopefully they will be in balance and alignment. There are those guys who do a lot of chest, stooped over like gorillas because they didn't do enough back work to keep their posture. And of course, there are many who forget that their legs carry them everywhere they go.
I think in general now, women in the gym are far better at finding the balance than the men, because they end up doing a larger range of motion, stretching more, and adding more cardio on top. Now that they have started embracing lifting weights too, they are getting better results faster than ever. My wife is just starting to again discover lifting weights - but it is a work in progress. She hates it, but she did it regularly before (many years ago) she had to admit it was the best she ever felt.
I think there are a few types of "feeling good" and exercise can bring one often, and work toward another of them. Going to the gym gives that feeling of progress and the sense of doing something good for oneself. And then, going regularly works toward feeling better physically and likely mentally and emotionally more regularly. As I was saying the other day, it is a keystone habit, and it puts positive impacts on other aspects of life, from mood regulation, to quality of sleep and digestion. It also affects other parts of our behaviours and likely improves our mental abilities, and physical dexterity.
What's not to like?
Is the couch that comfortably?
I get it though. Because one of the things after the stoke is that I have close to zero motivation to do anything at all. It takes a lot of unnecessary effort just to get up and do anything at all. So, I get it - as I am like an extreme case of a depressed person, or someone who is feeling really lethargic all of the time. I also run low on energy most of the time, no matter how much rest I get, because the brain work zaps so much of what I have available, leaving very little spare.
Tired is no excuse.
Sounds pretty judgemental. But, this is what I have to keep telling myself, otherwise I will never get anything done. Even moving from one exercise to another, takes far too much energy. And after a day of having to use my willpower to get through even simple tasks, there isn't much left at the end of the day. But, I keep saying to myself -
It is just a feeling.
These days, we often have the choice to not do something we should. In the past, if we didn't do what we needed to do, we couldn't survive. It is strange that we are constantly making choices that compromise our health, wellbeing and quality of experience - in favour of things that take it away. But sometimes I try to remind myself when tired, that if lion was chasing me, I would find a little more energy.
And I move.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
It is so wild that we start our exercise journeys for the fun of it, then it switches to cosmetic appeal , then to discipline, then to absolute necessity when it comes to health. Walking alone is a game changer for people our vintage as we avoid it for conservation of time and energy. Imagine being proud of walking an hour per day with the dog knowing that many people my age don’t do it.
Tired is what we get when we have worked hard, or haven’t worked enough and have lower levels of energy as a matter of habits.
Anyhow, it is a bit of a grind but will make all the difference in the world for us in terms of the important things like circulation, fat use, the healthy diet we need for an active lifestyle, and keeping our brains active so that we rest well.
We are older but immortal when we keep active!
Walking is great exercise, but I don't do it. It is my feet more than anything (sometimes the weather). I can stroll, but not put any more pace than that on before I get major pains.
Yep. For me since the stroke, every day feels like a heavy thinking day at work. Even the light days. It has been better since I haven't been working as much, but that is no solution.
In mind at least ;D
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A gym I used to really love to go to before I moved away was actually a rock climbing gym with a very decent gym floor attached. Those were my favourite treadmills of all time because I'd just be on them watching everyone rock climb and boulder. I think the reasons you mentioned, on average, young boys and girls and women tended to be better rock climbers than men. I think it was the functional fitness and flexibility.. but also I noticed dudes would try and muscle through with biceps while women used their legs more. It was absolutely fascinating to watch while I'd get my cardio in.
At my current gym there are a couple of dudes with absolutely massive shoulders and pecs... and just no leg muscles whatsoever. I'd be absolutely tiny compared to them but I legitimately think I could beat either or both of them in a fight... as long as I kept out of bicep curling reach.
That must be pretty cool. You rock climb still?
I think so too. It seems to come naturally for women to think about using more of their body - makes them far better dancers also.
Or outrun them!
I think in general, the women who have started at the gum in the last decade or so have improved a lot and created effective workouts for themselves. Many men, are still working out as if it is 1983.
Hahahaha, dudes are still chasing Arnie's gains.
I haven't been rock climbing for a couple of years... I'm sure I still know some of the climbing techniques but it would take a while to recondition my hands and fingers again. I'd love to make it a regular thing again but I think I'd have to move... there aren't any places close to me at the moment.
It's good you're finding more time to exercise. I hope it makes you fitter and helps to combat your lethargy and lack of energy. Have you considered using special dieting to improve your energy levels? It usually goes hand in hand with exercise for certain groups of people.
Yeah - I "try" to watch my diet and I am doing okay with it - but I can do a lot better. I have a very sweet tooth...
Won't it be better if you consulted a nutritionist/dietary expert to help set you up with diets that can help with your energy problems?
As I age I feel the tiredness creep in. I am not a napper and have a semi rigid sleep schedule but often feel tired in the early afternoon. I think I'm going to use your method of ramping up my activity by using the 'lion chasing me' thoughts lol. I'll either move more (and faster) or have a heart attack lol.
I love a good nap - but it can't be too late, or for too long. It helps that I can generally fall asleep within 5 minutes - so I can set an alarm for 20 and get 15 :)
Either way, problem solved ;D
Hooray for problem solving 😂
I find it much easier to exercise, and do it longer if I am enjoying whatever the activity is, or if the activity has an actual purpose other than just getting exercise. Have you thought about maybe trying things that interest you or your wife or daughter? Doing them as a family could also be more motivating.
We do some things together like that. Smallsteps got a new bike so that gets people out and about - at least once the snows melt for good. My wife often does classes, but I think she will do more gym work now - which I have been looking forward to for a bout a decade.
If I can get my lungs in better condition, I will up the game a bit though!
What do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy walks, and working with the dogs, especially on training and play. But doing yardwork and stuff is good too, especially for lifting. I just can't see doing exercise in a gym just for the sake of exercise 😂
Today I saw an interesting video. I had no idea that so many people believe that they could beat a lion in a fight. in an anime I have seen a man boxing against the bear. But it was an anime and he was a pro boxer. So I wonder what makes those people believe that they could beat a lion. I would not like my chances against a german shepherd or a similar size dog. A wolf would definitely destroy me. Also it is interesting that not everyone believes that they could beat a rat.
Hubris. I don't think they understand the power in them. And overestimate their own.
Maybe they gross some people out too much :D
I can say that many men go to gym for getting a girl friend, but I can't prove, at least here so 😄
To pick up girls, or to get into shape to attract girls? :D
Picking up a girl before getting into shape :)
Your reflections on functional and balanced exercise are truly thought-provoking. The focus on dynamic range of motion and maintaining alignment rather than isolating muscle groups is a refreshing perspective. It’s inspiring to see your determination to stay active, even while facing challenges. Your insights highlight the importance of movement for both physical and mental well-being.
I often find that I feel better the days that I work out in the morning than the days when I don't. Sometimes it's really nice to just sleep in and not get up, but eventually through the day I end up regretting it . I still work out more days than some people I know, but you always just feel a little guilty. I don't really focus on specific things either. I just want to be healthier over all.
Oh yes hooom