

true-true is, as it may be the case that Ryze and I have a gentleman's wager (0.001) about who is correct.@felixxx, maybe you could help me and my friend Ryze here figure something out. I think that perhaps you downvoted Cyn's post because of a simple misunderstanding. Perhaps, something got lost in translation from English to die Deutsche Sprache. Whereas Ryze, on the other hand, he's showing me a screenshot that seems to indicate that you only half-ass read what you vote. Anyways, I'd be curious to know what the

Can you help me out instead? Please stop @ ing me.

1.. I stumbled on the OP because I was following ryze.
After he wrote his stupid post and after reblogging above disaster, I unfollowed him. I do not look for posts to flag, but sometimes they get shoved in my face.

Op can write whatever they feel like, and I won't even see it.

2.. What context? I read until the passage I quoted above and then stopped there. There is no context. It does not say the girls bullied her. It just says because she was the only latina, she became distrustful of blode girls.

Let me guess: the rest of the post is about how being fat and lesbian also made her feel like she was being bullied. Probably by white people, mostly.

3.. I am German. My English is not perfect, but I can read it pretty well. Nothing got lost in translation here.
However, you being so overly friendly to me is a form of culture I will never understand. The less you agree with me, the more you talk to me like I was an infant? What is that supposed to do, other than aggravate me?

As for ryze: He copied the most helpful comment himself. Go to his blog, check my comment, check his post, realize I am right. I never read his post, still know the content.

Did you learn this behaviour on reddit? It does not work here. Do not bring their champion victims over here.

"Did you learn this behaviour on reddit? It does not work here. Do not bring their champion victims over here."

Let me get this straight. You call Cyn a "champion victim" because of a story that you admit you did not read, and then you downvoted her post because you want her to recognize who the real champion victim is? Well, I'll be damned. I guess I lost the bet. Thanks for clearing that up. As the reigning "champion victim," perhaps you should consider going back to Reddit, Sonnenschein.

P.S. If you could've pulled your head out of your cunt long enough to realize that she wasn't doing the "victim thing" like you were, that she was sharing her life experience, then perhaps you would have felt less threatened by her post. Anywho, see you at the next Victim Olympics, champ. Oh, and break a leg!

Where did I say I was a victim? I just dislike hateful posts disguised in positivity.
Left a comment and a downvote.
A disagreement on posting rewards; Wind yourself up over it as much as you like.

Congratz on the German btw. Suprise you did not include Autobahn, Rammstein and Hitler.

You're like an NPC in shades, man. Either that or an NLP-based chatbot. I'd humor you with some further banter, but honestly, there's no there there. You're incapable of grasping context, so it's rather pointless. "Reward disagreement," what a joke. FFS, you've been milking HIVE with a few pictures and a couple of lines of mindless text for your last dozen or so posts, and you dare to give people shit who are putting forth an effort and pouring their heart into their writing?

The funny part about it is: If HIVE never catches on, it'll be because of people like you, and people like me get to sit back and watch people like you go fuck yourself out of your stake's highest potential market value. Way to go. Here's a little exercise. Close your eyes and imagine the sound of one hand slapping you across the face repeatedly. Embrace that feeling. Eat the pain. Now open your eyes and realize that hand is your own. People like you are your own worst enemy. Good luck with that, I don't have any more time for you.

@thoughts-in-time I didn't read his comments because, after his first comment, I muted him. But I just wanted to say thank you. For speaking up and saying something to this person. It made me feel heard, cared for, and touched my heart. Both you and @barge were so amazing for saying something to him. It's admirable and kind. Thank you for your words and for reading my post and GETTING it. That all means so much to me. I really appreciate you.


Your welcome Cyn, that was superb writing btw! I resonated and sympathized with your story. Guys get bullied too, but girls can sometimes be meaner how they go about it. For guys, it's either a rite of passage or something that you never overcome. Not super proud of this, but multiple times I've overcome bullying with violence. It's probably not something that would fly today, but back in the day, you could get in fights without the police getting involved. Today, they'll put cuffs on a five-year-old because everything has gotten so upside down. Anyhow. Good on you for embracing and turning up your inner weird. There are too many people living inauthentic lives and putting on airs because society makes them afraid to explore, for lack of a better word, their "weirdness." Weirdness and uniqueness aren't distinct cousins, and modern society likes to program cookie-cutter people into doing the cookie-cutter things. As they say, variety is the spice of life! Keep on being true to yourself! ~ ❤️🙏 ~