Sunday, 11/28/21 — Osage Point Park, OK — The incessant doggish din


The dogs woke me up at 3:30am and I couldn't get back to sleep. They'd barked all day yesterday while I was wandering around the overgrown ruins of Osage Point Park diligently picking up what felt like the equivalent of a small waste management company's daily haul, and I was getting close to my snapping point. If not for the hounds this old abandoned campground would be the perfect place for a guy like me to crash for a couple weeks. Great cell service, decent sized city nearby for supplies, and gorgeous views of the Arkansas River (which incidentally has its headwaters in my Colorado stomping grounds). But alas, the incessant doggish din was pushing my brain quite near its breaking place so I figured I should probably pack up my stuff and leave the state before I completely lost my mind and walked over and set that entire fuckin trailer park on fire.

At least I had water here though. On Friday I'd gone running on the roads through Sandy Sanders WMA on an impossible mission to locate something suitable for bathing in. Where Ethan would have succeeded sometime in the third act I of course failed miserably, so I'd driven back up 30 and west on old Route 66 through Texola and back up to I-40 to see if that camera I'd passed on Thursday would flash again (it did), then it was on to Elk City and Major Bean to drink coffee that wasn't instant and do an internet or two.

I'd arrived at Osage Point well past dark escorted down an old dirt section of road by a couple of skunks. That night the park was appealing in its deserted state of disarray, unlit and happily uninhabited, but this morning it no longer was.

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The inspired, inerrant, & authoritative journals of @brandt. Wanderings & thoughts documented on a 3-week delay. PRIVATE. DO NOT READ.


It wasn't until the infra guys in my work named some servers after American States and one of them was Arkansas that I realised it was pronounced Arkansaw. Fascinating eh!!

That's "Ar" with an R, not Awkansaw with an Aw.

You'd be surprised how many people in Florida don't realize Flo Rida is Florida.


See. Every day is a learning day. It's nice to know that Americans talk weird. Everyone always says it about us 😃

I got a good one about a Scott when we were in North England last. It's a long one but funny.

En route to meet my wife at the train station.

Checking train time on my phone, crossing a street.

Scott's are obvious; heavier accent, more curse words, less etiquette, my kinda people. I know what he thought. He thinks I'm a douche bag who can't cross a street without staring at his phone. But when I speak, I got that American voice but not just that, I'm from LA so it's the American voice they hear on TV. Dude it always stops you guys in your tracks, catches people off guard every time like "ah shit, he's American, run!! They carry guns!!"

In his Scottish voice: "Watch wher'da fuck ya goin yea!"

Looks like like you're doing a good enough job for both of us.

He barely walks passed me and stops: "The fuck'ya say'da may??"

Oh now you you don't know fuckin English?!

It was so hard not to laugh!! He stared at me for a second, didn't say anything and walked away but I didn't get but a few steps and laughed my ass off.

Lol, aye. That sounds very Scottish. We are an abrasive bunch!!

Did you know it's pronounced differently in different parts of the US? Where I live it's pronounced Arkansaw like you observed, but farther east like in Kansas for example, they will vehemently defend the pronunciation ArKANSAS.

In Canada, it's "EHCANASAW"

Yikes man. How is anyone supposed to know how to live when it all gets soooo complicated!!


I don't think it's possible, we should all just give up and blame it on !ARKANSAS


Said the carpenter


Said Noah

I know you don't think I noticed how well you matched your cover image to your profile pic but I did.

That was an accident.

You're a tad obsessed with cover images matching profile pics of late.

I'm not they are.

Okay, you're a tad obsessed with commenting on it. Now I'm obsessed. Thanks for passing it on. Before you reply, I know you'll say something to the effect of "You're welcome".

Triplets? Turquoise heart? Who are you @anotherbrandt? Another from another mother?

Love the photo. The dogs, oh the dogs. Water is life.

I read Osage Point and thought of these


No one is going to pay that sign any credence whatsoever.

Who are you @anotherbrandt?

My name is Legion, for we are many.


True blue Legion. Quadruplets or are there more? If there are more, I'm already dying. Why am I now thinking in rainbow colours?

I don't think there are any more, but only because Hive usernames are limited to 16 characters. The next step obviously would have been @whynotanotherbrandt.

I didn't know that there such character limitations and for you being such a character that doesn't even add up numerically. You could go with @clonebrandt, @clonebrandt2, and just keep on going.

True, but I wanted them to all build on top of each other and have slightly different personalities. Clones would all be the same and I'd probably lose control of them at some point.

That sounds like an @brandt pile. You're right, clones would never work and they degrade fast. Toss those clones but not in a salad.


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