I got a good one about a Scott when we were in North England last. It's a long one but funny.
En route to meet my wife at the train station.
Checking train time on my phone, crossing a street.
Scott's are obvious; heavier accent, more curse words, less etiquette, my kinda people. I know what he thought. He thinks I'm a douche bag who can't cross a street without staring at his phone. But when I speak, I got that American voice but not just that, I'm from LA so it's the American voice they hear on TV. Dude it always stops you guys in your tracks, catches people off guard every time like "ah shit, he's American, run!! They carry guns!!"
In his Scottish voice: "Watch wher'da fuck ya goin yea!"
Looks like like you're doing a good enough job for both of us.
He barely walks passed me and stops: "The fuck'ya say'da may??"
Oh now you you don't know fuckin English?!
It was so hard not to laugh!! He stared at me for a second, didn't say anything and walked away but I didn't get but a few steps and laughed my ass off.
Lol, aye. That sounds very Scottish. We are an abrasive bunch!!