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RE: My Fantasy Pet

in Picture A Day3 months ago

Oh gosh, look at that coat! He's beyond adorable <3 And I agree, a tiny guy (?) like that seems feasible even on a boat.

What if I hadn't noticed it?
What if there were no barriers?
What if I'd touched it?
What if it had made a sound?
What if I never spoke to it?
What if it were a colt?
What if it were a mare?

I really, really like this train of thought here. Beautiful post. It seems these one-photo posts suit you! <3


Hmm, I'm curious if it's a guy! Even though it's cute and stylish, I found myself writing 'his' in some lines.

Like that seems feasible even on a boat.

I've always wished I had a pony to take for walks, and the towpath would be ideal, I think!😁

I really, really like this train of thought here. Beautiful post. It seems these one-photo posts suit you! <3

Thank you 😍😊🤗