📷 Ak Sai Canyons

in Picture A Day7 months ago

At first glance, this foto may seem like a simple mountain landscape: brown earth below, mountains in the background above and beyond, well, and also the sky and clouds... But if you look closely at the bottom of the photo: what unusual earth! As if the material was crumpled into a heap, into small folds, making a patterned fabric out of it — with a million hills with sharp ridges. These are Ak Sai canyons, Kyrgyzstan. They have another, rather unusual name — but more about that another time :)

It's better to watch the photo in high resolution.

Camera: DJI Mavic 3 Pro
Exposure time: 1/15 sec
Aperture: F 2.8
Sensitivity: ISO 110
Focal length: 19.35 mm
35 mm equivalent: 70 mm

You can also see my photos in my blog LJ and in my profile on RTraveler. You also can read a short interview with me here.


Ух, аж дух захватывает от фото! Даже представить не могу каково быть там и наслаждаться этим горным воздухом и такими чудесным пейзажами😊

Дааа, горы повсюду не перестают меня радовать :)