
You are gonna feel bad when the truth finally gets through to you, iyam.

Until then, free sounds good.
Can we have that?

there is no such thing as free...this explains a

While it is true that lunch is never free, somebody has to gather it and prepare it, a thing's true costs can't be known in a paradigm that rules by force.
Such paradigms are only believed to be free by it's most perfectly enslaved.

a thing's true costs can't be known in a paradigm that rules by force.

Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnd that's where free markets and the price discovery mechanism, kicks in.

Or, communism,....

Want to retire to a jet set life, at 50?
Good luck doing that playing crapitalism.

Communism requires bureaucracy. (anything past a tribal structure size, that is).

The very creation the the bureaucracies needed to implement communism at scale are THE VERY RAESONS why they will always fail.

Bureaucracy is the cause of the problems - of inefficiencies, of corruption, and nepotism.
Bureaucracy is the very germ of state, and forced control.

If you do no understand this fundamental law,(and fundamental flaw to communism), then I can only surmise, thats it's because you do not wish to acknowledge this reality.
(Maybe due to a fear of the destruction of your own created reality, perhaps? I dunno)

Stop being angry at injustices and blaming it on the wrong thing.(which you see as free market capitalism. It's the answer, and not the villain).

Bureaucracy is the villain. (and by extension , any attempted implementation of communism)

Your version, the version taught to you intentionally by authority, of communism is not communism.
It is misdirection to keep you from finding your freedom.

You know the state has lied to you.
You know creating a bureaucracy is creating a state.
The opposite of communism.
Communism is people cooperating without a state.
When do you put down the koolaid and back away from the misinformation?
I've linked you the data many times.
I've shown you the door, but you go right back to the koolaid given to you by people you claim to know have lied to you about everything else, except this.