La maravillosa fruta de la guanabana (Esp)Eng)


Siempre hemos oído de nuestros padres, abuelos, profesionales de la salud y ahora más reciente, de parte de la ciencia, que la fruta de la guanabana contiene propiedades regenerativa y curativas que ayudan a nuestro organismo a reponerse de muchas enfermedades.


Fruta de la guanabana

Lo más extraordinario que hemos oído acerca de esta maravillosa fruta es su efectividad para combatir algún tipo de cáncer.

Alguna cosas que se dicen respecto a esta fruta y su planta, no es nuevo para muchos, ya que nuestros ancestros le daban un sinfín de usos.

Por ejemplo, la infusión de algunas hojas del cogoyo (brotes nuevos de las hojas) de la planta de la guanabana (árbol guanabano) eran muy utilizado como tratamiento contra nervios alterados, insomnio o algún transtorno del sueño.

Cuando alguien tenía algún síntoma de depresión o estaba pasando por una aflicción por la perdida de un ser querido, nuestras abuelas siempre recurrían a las poderosas propiedades de esta planta, la cual usaban frotando algunas hojas de tal forma que estas desprendieran el aroma, al cual se le atribuía un efecto tranquilizador y sedante.


Cogoyo de guanabana

Por supuesto, estamos hablando de las propiedades que nuestros abuelos le atribuía a esta planta, sin embargo, algunos de estos detalles no son confirmados por la ciencia.

Lo que si es cierto es que en la lucha de algunos tipos de cánceres ha demostrado ser un buen reconstituyente de las células y tejidos del organismo, lo que ayuda al paciente a adquirir la posibilidad de tener una recuperación progresiva.

Por otra parte, hay otros usos de los sub-productos de esta fruta. Por ejemplo, las semillas de la guanabana han sido objeto de estudio y lo más reciente que se ha sometido a algunas pruebas exitosas es que si las recolectamos, las secamos al sol y luego las convertimos en harina, se utiliza como un buen repelente y exterminador de cucarachas y chiripas en sus casas.


Semillas de guanabana secas, listas para moler

Los invito a que hagan la prueba, ya que no representa ningún peligro para nuestra salud y es muy económico.

Seguramente seguiremos descubriendo muchas otras utilidades de esta planta y su fruta fascinante, y no solo de esta, sino de muchas otras más.

Hasta el próximo descubrimiento

*Nota: "A la hora de recurrir a la medicina natural, es recomendable consultar a los especialistas. No subestime el poder químico de las plantas"



We have always heard from our parents, grandparents, health professionals and now more recently, from science, that the guanabana fruit contains regenerative and healing properties that help our body recover from many diseases.

Soursop fruit


The most extraordinary thing we have heard about this wonderful fruit is its effectiveness in fighting some type of cancer.

Some things that are said about this fruit and its plant, is not new to many, since our ancestors gave it a myriad of uses.

For example, the infusion of some leaves of the cogoyo (new shoots of the leaves) of the guanabana plant (guanabano tree) were widely used as a treatment against altered nerves, insomnia or any sleep disorder.

When someone had some symptoms of depression or was going through an affliction due to the loss of a loved one, our grandmothers always resorted to the powerful properties of this plant, which they used by rubbing some leaves in such a way that they gave off the aroma, which was attributed a calming and sedative effect.

Soursop sprouts


Of course, we are talking about the properties that our grandparents attributed to this plant, however, some of these details are not confirmed by science.

What is certain is that in the fight against some types of cancers it has proven to be a good reconstituent of the cells and tissues of the organism, which helps the patient to acquire the possibility of having a progressive recovery.

On the other hand, there are other uses for the by-products of this fruit. For example, the seeds of the guanabana have been the subject of study and the most recent that has undergone some successful tests is that if we collect them, dry them in the sun and then turn them into flour, it is used as a good repellent and exterminator of cockroaches and chiripas in their homes.

Dried soursop seeds, ready to grind

I invite you to give it a try, since it does not represent any danger to our health and is very economical.

Surely we will continue to discover many other utilities of this plant and its fascinating fruit, and not only of this, but of many others.

Until the next discovery

Note: "When resorting to natural medicine, it is advisable to consult specialists. Do not underestimate the chemical power of plants".




This is the first time I've seen such a fruit, I even had to google it). Now we have to try to find it in our area...

Yes, it is very interesting to meet this wonder of nature. Actually, an experience we had with a cousin who was sick with cancer and the oncologist doctors suggested to the family to give her soursop juice to help her. Unfortunately her disease was very advanced, and she died. But in itself, the fruit is very beneficial. We are fortunate to have it with us. Greetings and thanks for reading

Greetings. I'm always happy to read about something new and unusual))


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Me gusto mucho esta información, también me encanta la guanabana :D

We have that fruit here in the Philippines and we call them Guyabano.

Greetings @mhel glad you liked the information. That means that my country and your country have something in common. Thank you for taking the time to read me. Many greetings to you from Venezuela.