Well hello there every one around this extraordinary Earth recognising just how amazing nature really is!
I hope that you are all well where ever you are and whatever you are doing!
I was having a chat to one of my dearest best friends today, wishing her a HUGE and HAPPY Birthday @yurpia and we were talking about the #Joeys that she is caring for and she reminded me that the World Kangaroo Day photo competition is open and closing on the 15th, so the winners will be announced on #WorldKangarooDay which is the 24th of October. https://www.worldkangarooday.org/
And you can find out more here and even #VOTE for my #photos- which I have included in this post below, but in all honesty, there are that many freaking brilliant photos of these gorgeous little beings that I won't blame you if you vote for some others too!
So it's FREE to vote. FREE to share on all of your socials and FREE to love, care for and have respect for one of the worlds most unique animals, so please show your support for one of the most vilified and hated animals in #Australia by far too many Australians and for such petty reasons too.
So I took all of the photos below and some of the Joeys are being cared for by one friend Sara @yurpia and the other Joeys are being cared for by another friend- also called Sarah!
I had the easy job.
They are the true heroes because it is an extremely hard job to be a wildlife carer- especially when so many people want to kill the life that you're saving.
"But Mummy I'm scared."
"It's Ok baby, I will #love your furever and #protect you with my life"
Well some might say that it was me that invented the "#BlueSteele" and the "#Magnum' model looks for #Zoolander....
I'm so sorry but we're fully booked for dinner tonight.
Yes that's right. These are my #wildflowers
Thanks for dinner Mum, it was finger licking good!
OMG OMG OMG I'm soooo exited that I can finally enter my gorgeous paws into the #World #Kangaroo Day photo #competition!
Oh yes this is definitely my best side, but really, ALL sides are me are perfect, since I'm an #EasternGrey....
Looking out for dinner time door knockers
Yes. The only thing that you should be shooting us with- A #CAMERA!
True love is far more than #50ShadesOfGrey- Eastern Grey.
Hey! Who's back there!?!
Such a #Deer little face for a #Joey....How can #humans #hurt me?
Yes that's right!
I am the iconic Macropus giganteus, but you can call me the Great and wise Eastern Grey thanks.
ooh oooh yeah yeah yeahhh right there- that's it!
And for those of you who don't know what really goes on in the dark of night....an insight into the sickening cruelty that goes on here with these brainless barbarians murdering Australia's national icon with the consent of the hypocritical Australian government.
And how you can help https://animalsaustralia.org/our-work/wildlife/stop-kangaroo-slaughter-in-nsw/
Thank you so much for reading my post, I really hope that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments and thoughts.
And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, all media, material and writings, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here https://www.redbubble.com/people/CHOCOLATESCORPI/shop And here https://fineartamerica.com/art/chocolatescorpi, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊
The Ladies of Hive- your own crypto world girl gang full of fun and suprises, so click on the link to find out more about this brilliant community of caring, companionship and creative contests, such as this one...https://peakd.com/hive-124452/@ladiesofhive/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-155
@hiveaustralia, formerly @teamaustralia check us out now!
Please feel free to checkout my other work on
What beautiful photographs, you can't believe how docile they are, that they have allowed you to be so close to them. Excellent shots, you have taken very beautiful photographs, thank you very much for sharing all this information with us
Have a beautiful SundayHello dear friend @chocolatescorpi good morning Happy birthday to your friend @yurpia, I hope you have a great time
And buenos dias to you (Norches here now...lol...)
Muchas Gracias por feliciados por mi amiga @yurpia.
The only reason that I was able to get so close to these Joeys is because they are just that- Joeys- Babies just a few months old and only just over knee height and my 2 friends care for them to get them healthy enough and when old enough release them back into the bush and they have to be cared for by humans because they have become orphaned- from either their Mum's being hit by vehicles or shot by hunters.
These Amazing animals and completely unique to Australia- that have lived here for tens of thousands of years and are the Australian National Icon and the logo on every big Australian company like Qantas and used by tourism Australia to attract tourists from all over the world- are being hunted every single night by thousands of blood stained bogans around Australia for meat and for fun and it's so totally disgusting it makes me and many other sicks to the stomach (and with rage) and it's all condoned by the hypocritical Australian Govt.
Please make sure you check out all of the extraordinary photos with you familia so you can see just how amazing these animals are.
What a precious group of Joeys you have and I can see the love through your photos.
Thank you yes they are totally adorable but I can't take credit for them!
I should have said in my post- which I will do right now..is state that some of the Joeys are being cared for by 2 of my friends- and they both happened to be name Sarah!
I just took the photos. I had the easy job.
I love that someone is caring for them with such tenderness, and you got great images of them.
Yes thank you, I hope I did them justice.
And yes for every thousand that want to kill them, there are a small handful that want to save them and although they are not pets, they really are exactly the same as any other domesticated animal we call our pets.
I really hope that you get a chance to look at all of the photos and share them with your grandkids too so they can see just how amazing and loving Kangaroos are...
Thanks so much @qurator and @ackhoo I really appreciate the curation and the support!
Lt's hope that we can get the Kangaroos the much needed love and support that they need.
Wow this my first time seeing someone who has an experience a real kangaroo, you up close is it safe that way??