What beautiful photographs, you can't believe how docile they are, that they have allowed you to be so close to them. Excellent shots, you have taken very beautiful photographs, thank you very much for sharing all this information with us
Have a beautiful SundayHello dear friend @chocolatescorpi good morning
Happy birthday to your friend @yurpia, I hope you have a great time
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And buenos dias to you (Norches here now...lol...)
Muchas Gracias por feliciados por mi amiga @yurpia.
The only reason that I was able to get so close to these Joeys is because they are just that- Joeys- Babies just a few months old and only just over knee height and my 2 friends care for them to get them healthy enough and when old enough release them back into the bush and they have to be cared for by humans because they have become orphaned- from either their Mum's being hit by vehicles or shot by hunters.
These Amazing animals and completely unique to Australia- that have lived here for tens of thousands of years and are the Australian National Icon and the logo on every big Australian company like Qantas and used by tourism Australia to attract tourists from all over the world- are being hunted every single night by thousands of blood stained bogans around Australia for meat and for fun and it's so totally disgusting it makes me and many other sicks to the stomach (and with rage) and it's all condoned by the hypocritical Australian Govt.
Please make sure you check out all of the extraordinary photos with you familia so you can see just how amazing these animals are.