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RE: Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 204

in WE ARE MOVINGlast year

Oh, finally! I have an entry for this contest. These tiny flowers are snowdrops (Galanthus). I have a feeling that it is quite early for them to bloom, however, it hasn't snowed for over a month here in Prague, so they seized the chance. This shot was taken earlier today (February 4) in the Divoká Šárka park on the northwestern outskirts of Prague.


No to máš pravdu, na sněženky je ještě sakra brzo :) Schválně jsem se podíval do archivu, kdy jsem loni vyfotil první já a bylo to 26. února v Prokopáku. A to jsem na ně číhal fakt poctivě už od konce ledna... S takovou bude za pár dekád ta naše zemička stálezelená subtropická oblast. Což o to, mně by to rozhodně nevadilo, ale ta paseka v přírodě... :/

Tak alespoň tu T. nebude zima :))

To máš fajn. Mojí T. je zima všude, kde není přes den alespoň 30 a v noci alespoň 20 :D

This is a very nice picture. And the snowdrops (Galanthus) are not shy at all it seems. To come across this must have been awe-inspiring.

It's a bit scary, though. They shouldn't show up for at least a month.

Well, it´s always a nice encounter as they are really cute but seeing them this early is yet another proof of how fast and drastic the climate change has been :(

I love your initiative. I will look for a way to participate. And yes, everything that happens leads us to reflect on what we are doing, right or wrong.

Anyway, I like to think more positively, imagine that instead of thinking about cataclysms, all minds converge on love. That energy - for sure - has more impact on the order of things.

Cool, we will be looking forward to checking out your entry :)