Hey there my Hive friends and followers!
Welcome to the 204th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
Important note: I have been hosting this challenge in the same format for almost 4 years but I recently decided to introduce some major changes to it so please read all the updates below. The essence of this challenge stays the same though so the intro part will be the same as it was before.
I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.
The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.
The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)
Originally, the prizes for the winners were just my full upvotes given to their entries but since, unfortunately, I lately had to power down significantly, my upvotes are not that big and motivating anymore so I decided to reward the winners of each round with additional 1.5 Hive each. So now, the winners get my full upvotes on their entries plus 1.5 Hive each. All of the other valid entries will be rewarded with some smaller (usually 50%) upvotes too so that all participants get rewarded for their engagement in this challenge.
In the past, I usually hosted this challenge on Thursday but because of the reasons described below, I cannot guarantee that anymore so now, I may roll out the new round on Thursday, Friday or even Saturday so if you guys don´t want to miss out on the fun here, please check out my blog regularly.
Also, in the past, I always tried to lead by example and thus open each new round with my own fresh natural photo taken during the previous 7 days. However, as you might now from my recent posts, me and my wife are now taking care of our newborn baby and it takes just so much time and energy that I simply don´t have the time to go out and take fresh natural photos anymore (btw late autumn and winter here in Central Europe are not favorable seasons for natural photography anyway) so instead, I will be using my old photos from cool natural places around the world that I have been to. Hopefully, in a few months, I will be able to go out to nature regularly again and take a nice fresh picture for each round just like I did it over the years but before that happens, I will show you some beautiful natural places that I got to see during our travels. It will also be a nice way for me to remember and relive those moments from the times when it was just me and my wife, traveling around the world - happy, young and free :)
I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:
Only one entry (photo) per person per round.
The photo must be yours and not older than 7 days.
Add a few lines about the photo (at least 50 words) including the date and location.
You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round. If you want to create a separate post as your entry, you can do that but please always remember to submit your entry in the form of a comment here under this post as well. I only check the entries submitted here as comments.
Prior to publishing the next round, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvotes on their entries and send them 1.5 Hive each as the prize. The winning entries will be featured in the next round of the challenge. I also give smaller upvotes on the other valid entries as I mentioned before.
So that´s it. Let me now open the new round of my photography challenge called Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)
Some of you might have noticed that I was MIA for the past couple of days. It was because me and my family were moving from Prague back to my hometown that is actually located on the other side of the country and moving with a 3 months old proved to be an incredibly challenging feat. We are already in the new apartment here in my hometown but still amid all the moving chaos so I will be very brief with my opener this time. It´s a picture taken in the famous Griffith Park in LA, California. You can see the city skyline far away in the background, just behind the Griffith Observatory but to comply with this challenge, of course, most of the picture features the amazing South Californian landscape :)
In the last round of this challenge, we had 5 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:
@onlavu with this entry from the Czech Republic:
As usual, last weekend I spend going through the Czech Mountains, Jeseniky. To be precise, it was sunny Sunday. I finished my hiking adventure at the Pecny Mountain (1330m), enjoying sunset towards th Sumperk direction. I could not wish for a better weather. However, believe or not, all of it could have been missed. I made it to the sunset just a couple of minutes before the sun actually went down. I was happy I made. It would not be my first time I have missed it. It's not always easy to do the mountain itinerary to fit to the minute.
@suteru with this entry from the Philippines:
A typical day here in Benguet, Philippines. Yesterday, on our way home from work the fog came out again. Its not that thick today, there are days that it's almost zero visibility. I love how the fog compliments the tall pine trees. Some of my friends who see this photo reminds them of Jurassic Park. there's a resemblance I guess. Again thanks for this contest, It's been a while seen I took photos of this place. Because of your contests I get to keep another in my treasure box.
@unmuted with this entry from Ukraine:
Hi. While I was tagging my post, I found your contest :) As I myself was able to learn recently - childcare is a care that brings happiness to a family! It's a pleasant hassle. I wish you to enjoy the formation of a new human being, and to put the best that you have in you. Good luck to young parents! It's late at night for me now, but we've been out every day with the camera capturing the stages of our baby girl's growth. Naturally, I have something to participate in your contest! This beauty is melting now, but when we went sledding on this hill earlier in the week, everything was covered in a thick crust of ice. We were even without electricity for about twenty-four hours because of power line failures. Our winters are starting to look more and more like yours. Taken in South of Ukraine on 23 January 2024 by Nikon Coolpix W300.
Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries and sent 1.5 Hive each, you can check that out in your wallets :)
I am looking forward to what you all will come up with in this round :) Have fun everyone and don´t forget to... Appreciate Beauty of Nature!
I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)
This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Oh, finally! I have an entry for this contest. These tiny flowers are snowdrops (Galanthus). I have a feeling that it is quite early for them to bloom, however, it hasn't snowed for over a month here in Prague, so they seized the chance. This shot was taken earlier today (February 4) in the Divoká Šárka park on the northwestern outskirts of Prague.
No to máš pravdu, na sněženky je ještě sakra brzo :) Schválně jsem se podíval do archivu, kdy jsem loni vyfotil první já a bylo to 26. února v Prokopáku. A to jsem na ně číhal fakt poctivě už od konce ledna... S takovou bude za pár dekád ta naše zemička stálezelená subtropická oblast. Což o to, mně by to rozhodně nevadilo, ale ta paseka v přírodě... :/
Tak alespoň tu T. nebude zima :))
To máš fajn. Mojí T. je zima všude, kde není přes den alespoň 30 a v noci alespoň 20 :D
This is a very nice picture. And the snowdrops (Galanthus) are not shy at all it seems. To come across this must have been awe-inspiring.
It's a bit scary, though. They shouldn't show up for at least a month.
Well, it´s always a nice encounter as they are really cute but seeing them this early is yet another proof of how fast and drastic the climate change has been :(
I love your initiative. I will look for a way to participate. And yes, everything that happens leads us to reflect on what we are doing, right or wrong.
Anyway, I like to think more positively, imagine that instead of thinking about cataclysms, all minds converge on love. That energy - for sure - has more impact on the order of things.
Cool, we will be looking forward to checking out your entry :)
The waning moon was seen in red color in Caracas (Venezuela), some days ago. The reason is the air pollution due to the forest fires that are happening in these days, in the region. This photo was taken January 29th.
This is a part of this post:
Wow, fascinating capture. But the cause of this rare phenomenon is really sad :( I hope the fires will be contained and put out soon.
The fire season is starting. Some years, the fires are very serious. It seems that this year will be serious, it is very dry and the temperatures are high for this time of the year.
This is a very nice picture. I have always enjoyed photographing the moon, but it has its complexity and a telephoto lens is required. Congrats.
I like to take photos of the moon at different latitudes and compare them, I have published about that in the blog.
Indeed it has its complexity. These photos were taken with the camera of a cell phone. With approximately of 40x zoom (10x optical and the rest digital).
Hello @phortun, I wish you all the best with your new house. Yesterday I went to the La Estación Park (La Victoria - Aragua, Venezuela), it was so quiet and there was almost no one when I arrived at 8:50 AM. There were a lot of macaws screaming and flying between the trees but they were so high and I don't have a zoom lens to photograph them 😕🤷🏻♀️.
Have a nice and wonderful week 🍀🌞By the way the photo from @onlavu is absolutely amazing 🤩, perfect 👌🏻
Hola amiga! Thanks for sharing this lovely entry with us, it´s really nice even without the macaws but hopefully, Hive will moon soon and you will be able to buy a new camera and zoom those magnificent birds for us next time hehe :)
Well, @onlavu is my old real life buddy, we know each other since we were little kids. I just wish he was more active here, his photos are top notch and have a lot of fans here. Too bad I always need to force him to post something here haha :) See @onlavu, you just got another fan of your mountain shots! :D
😃😃😃🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Oh, I hope so, let's put all our positive thoughts and amulets on that 🤞🏻🍀🧿📿🎋🧧💰🤭You're welcome @phortun 🤗
Wow, that's so nice your childhood friend is here in Hive, too 👍🏻 . Well, you know, sometime happens with many talented people, they are so good that they don't believe it and they use to need someone to force them to do things 😂🤷🏻♀️. Oh, thank you, I'll check his blog 😉
Have a happy long Carnival weekend 🥳💃🏻🕺🏻🎭
Funny how nobody needs to force him to go out for beer (we just had a pretty epic beer session together with him and other friends on Friday :D) but when it comes to posting on Hive, a lot of force is needed :D
Have a nice carnival weekend too!
😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 , well, maybe he should write posts about beer 🍻🤭🤭🤷🏻♀️
Thank you 🌻🎭🥳💃🏻
See @onlavu? Your audience expect beer posts too :D
Greetings friends, I hope you are enjoying this Sunday relaxed and in good spirits. Today I want to share my entry with this photograph that I took this Friday while I was walking in Caracas, Venezuela and it is about this large woody tree whose scientific name is Couroupita guianensis but it is commonly known as Taparón or cannonball for its characteristic fruits with that shape. , is a plant endemic to tropical areas and can measure up to 25 meters. The pollinators of this plant are bees and also bats.
Wow! I spent a couple of years in the tropics but as far as I remember, I never saw this tree. Very interesting. Looks like cannon balls indeed. Or bowling balls :D What does the fruit taste like?
Hello! Well, the fruit is not edible but since its surface is woody and very hard, it is used to make containers or bowls. Best regards.
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @phortun, you just got hugged. on behalf of @bulkathos.
Congratulations to all the winners...here is my entry.
This very relaxing river is at Barangay Bagtik, San Remigio, Cebu, Philippines. We took a hike and found this crystal-clear water that you can even see the reflections of the trees. This was taken last February 4, 2024 (Sunday).
Cool reflections, thank you! :)
Very relaxing view, we can take a deep breath while listening to the birds chirping around.
Very pleased to be among the winners!
Even though all the snow has already melted and turned into mud, but tomorrow I will still go looking for another portion of beauty for your contest.
Thank you for good contests and useful prizes! 😉
My pleasure mate, that was a great shot :) It has lately been quite warm here too but I´m sure winter won´t give up that easy... See you here later with a new entry!
you have 0.0 vote calls available today, your vote calls will reset at next snapshot. You can buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at app.dhedge.cc to increase your daily amount.
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP@unmuted passed you the virtual joint!
The winners must be really happy right now but the pictures are worth the win
Kudos to you for your consistency on this contest
Happy Sunday!
Thanks for your kind feedback and appreciation.
Sometimes we actually need to admire the beauty of nature
Yeah. Mother Nature´s healing power is undisputed.
Wuaooo todo un desafío mi amigo! Pero me alegra que finalmente estamos más cerca y así nuestras niñas se van a conocer pronto. Exitos en esta nueva etapa. Un abrazo fuerte!
Holaaaa Evaaaa! Sí, la mudanza fue muy desafiante (y de hecho todavía lo es), pero ya estamos aquí en Opava, mucho más cerca de ustedes, así que estoy seguro de que nuestras encantadoras hijas también se encontrarán pronto en la vida real :) ¿Cómo está su hermosa y pequeña familia? Y cómo está mejorando tu Polaco? :D
Solo puedo imaginar lo desafiante que es mi amigo. Por aquí estamos bien, Olivia ya sabe gritar jaja. Bueno, en marzo empiezo mi curso, así que pronto será mejor 💪🏻 me alegra que estemos más cerca y deseo que lo estén haciendo muy bien en su nuevo hogar.
Hace tiempo que no sé de ti y de tu bebé Olivia 🙂... es que me había perdido tu último post, pero ya estoy mirando cómo disfrutan del "buen clima" nevado. jjj... saludos, @evelynchacin.
Bueno ya no tan nevado jaja. Estamos bien amiga, un poco perdida porque la maternidad me toma 24/7 del tiempo jajaja. Espero que tú también estés bien. Saludos! 🤗
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 21/61) Liquid rewards.
Congratulations to the three winners, you(@phortun) have truly chosen some wonderful entries.
Thanks for your feedback mate, glad that you approve of my picks :)
You're welcome, there really were some great entries which I appreciate and of course the effort of those who participated in the contest.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Many many congratulations to the winners.
Thanks for checking out their entries :)
Most welcome dear.