Morning Moon 朝の月 [English and Japanese]

in WE ARE MOVINGlast year (edited)


Morning Moon

When I woke up around 5:00 am this morning, I saw the shining moon in the sky. We just had a full moon day the other day. Today's moon looked still pretty round. When I went outside with my dog, the bright moon was shining on the west side. A few hours later, finally, the sun rose from the east. Then, the moon disappeared.

I love the moon more than the sun. Of course, I like both of them and both are so important to us. However, the moonlight gives me a therapeutic energy a lot. After having a morning moonlight shower, I felt like I was reset.

After the nice moonlight moment, I noticed that there was still a nice small fire in the wood stove. I tried to make a fire again using the small fire. Yes! I did it. I had a warm morning time before my day. I joined the online talking circle as a supporter this morning. It was nice to have moonlight therapy before the session.

I love bathing in the moonlight very much. Before midnight, I usually go out and see the moon if it's clear. I naturally say to it, "Long time no see!" because I feel so. Sometimes I place my turquoise under the moonlight. After a few minutes, I feel very refreshed and calm. I've heard that you can get melatonin from the moonlight. I feel very heavy and have difficult moments around the full moon, but I also get nice energy as well.

Japanese 日本語







Thank you for reading!



Today when I read first in Japaneseas I usually do when I read( 浴びる) I realised that you were physically bathing in that cold 😂 but soon I understood the correct meaning.
I have one more question what is melatonin.

“浴びる”could mean cold or hot showers, sunlight, laser beams, attracting attention, moonlight, gunshots, dust, receiving a standing ovation, and more!

Melatonin (メラトニン) helps with the timing of your circadian rhythms and with sleep, so it's good to bask in moonlight (月の光を浴びる)!



Greetings, interesting, I really liked this publication. It seems strange to me how clear it is at this time in your town, at that time in my region it is very dark, even with a full moon there is not as much clarity as in your images. Greetings

It's interesting to see the same moon everywhere in the world. We are all connected even though we have different time zones and weather!